Anthropology / Archaeology Essays

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Organizational Culture, National Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] For instance in America these national traits would be things like hard work, profits/wealth, productivity, and other comparable values. American negotiators would have to be certain to educate themselves towards the goals and values of the other party and strategize beforehand as to how to best compromise and foreseeably reach a middle ground.

Thus, the skills and attributes that one… read more

Essay 2 pages (626 words) Sources: 3

Sociology of Globalization in the Developing World Essay Paper Icon

Sociology of Globalization in the Developing World

As the world has penetrated into the epoch of twenty first century, the entire human race has witnessed transformations in various aspects of human life whether it is scientific, technological, social, political or economical. Amongst the innumerable revolutions, the phenomenon of globalization is amongst the few to mention, which includes a variety of… read more

Essay 10 pages (3220 words) Sources: 10 Style: Harvard

Person's Identity May Develop Differently Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Thus, while the characteristics of extroversion may be present to varying degrees in members of all societies, the extent to which that characteristic is prized will not be the same. Someone who is very extroverted and dislikes doing what everyone else is doing in Japan may find him or herself highly criticized. As a student, he or she may feel… read more

Essay 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 0

Colleague's Postings Response to First Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Response to Fourth Post

Culture influences the way a personality reflects itself upon the universal traits. Is it ideal to conclude that culture acts as a hindrance to the true identity of the impact the universal traits have on individual personalities. An individual trait is likely to come out in the way they present in a society themselves in their… read more

Essay 2 pages (629 words) Sources: 0

Therapist Doctor's Point-Of-View Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The U.S. is known to be welcoming to immigrants from various parts of the world. In that regard, it is important to note that several community resources and programs have been put in place to assist immigrants like the lady presented in the scenario. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is one of the bodies that could help in… read more

Essay 2 pages (621 words) Sources: 0

Culture Might Influence the Perception Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The need to affirm relationships before, during, and after a negotiation is just as important as anything expressed explicitly in dialogue. This emphasis on community values also reflects a more polychromic notion of time, in which more than one thing is being affirmed during a single incident -- agreeing to do something is not simply a good business decision, but… read more

Essay 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 0

Theoretical, Methodological, and Ethical Issues Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The sample would not completely represent any particular population because of this. While universities contain a large percentage of younger persons, older individuals are returning to universities at higher rates. This is important because older persons would have experienced the components of their culture longer than younger persons. This contains two possibilities. The first is that they are better adapted… read more

Essay 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 0

Melting Pot Metaphor in Regards to Richard Rodriguez Hunger of Memory Essay Paper Icon

Melting Pot Metaphor in Richard Rodriguez's Hunger Of Memory

The Melting Pot Metaphor: Rodriguez's Hunger of Memory

There are still so many racial issues which drive the status of social groups around the nation. The United States is still very racially divided. Yet, many of us within the nation still cling to an outdated idea that all immigrants and ethnic… read more

Essay 3 pages (932 words) Sources: 1+

Multiculturalism Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Within a multicultural society, one would feel a sense of nationalism, importance of language and its use, a sense of universal religion, and an overall feeling of being part of the global society. This is the feeling the young Sudanese man had when he was on his way home to the motherland. Having spent some time in the United Kingdom,… read more

Research Paper 6 pages (1921 words) Sources: 1+

Narrative Analysis on "Confessions Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] For example narrative "detours" shift the action to August 1989 (in Cambridge), September 1985 (New Haven), July 1990 (Boston), October 1990 (Sulton), March 1995 (Sutton), and September 1971 (Honolulu). These shifts are particularly important because location is inextricably linked with culture, so that the absence of a stable location reflects the way in which the narrator does not have a… read more

Essay 5 pages (1533 words) Sources: 0

Cross Cultural Psychology Cultural Theories Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] "An 'integrative' approach to cross-cultural psychology emphasizes human activity, a process of the individual's goal-directed interaction with the environment. Human motivation, emotion, thought, and reactions cannot be separated from human activity" (Chapter 1 summary, n.d). Like the eco-cultural mode, integrated theories also stress the environmentally, contextually-bound nature of human behavior. However, integrative psychology focuses more upon their material effects and… read more

Essay 2 pages (689 words) Sources: 2

Commodities a Commodity Is Simply Thesis Paper Icon

[. . . .] " However, commodities come and go and cannot fully describe the day-to-day struggles, the more intrinsic needs and values, and the higher values of the people within a culture. Moreover, commodities are limited as signs of a culture by their affordability. Marx referred to this "mystification" of commodities as being actual entities as opposed to mere goods and services. The… read more

Thesis 3 pages (744 words) Sources: 3

Policy Makers With Information Dissertation Paper Icon

[. . . .] It also stated that it was not improbable that small penetration levels could not already have noticeable effects. Another limitation was the relationship between penetration level and the speed distribution was not known. In experiments conducted in Swedish towns, the experiments were all conducted with voluntary systems with no other types considered. From evaluating the entire paper, there is an… read more

Dissertation 5 pages (1420 words) Sources: 3

Communication Theory Essay Paper Icon


Individualism is defined as "a cultural value that places emphasis on the individual over the group." In contrast, collectivism is defined as "a cultural value that places emphasis on the group over the individual." The two exist at opposite ends of a continuum, and many cultures lie in between. Countries from opposite ends can have very different concepts of… read more

Essay 2 pages (559 words) Sources: 1

Europeans Settling the Great Plains Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] , 2009).

Because settlers generally lived around people that came from the same culture, working with others was not an issue. Eventually, though, people from other countries and areas started moving in and the culture of the area began to change and mix (Faragher, et al., 2009). Ultimately, the settlers were not successful at keeping their culture preserved and intact… read more

Essay 2 pages (704 words) Sources: 1

Social Science Social Change Situations Keep Discussion Chapter Paper Icon

Social Science

Social Change

Situations keep on evolving, making different aspects of culture to change as well. The human social life has been faced with immense development, and still on the verge of change to accommodate posterity needs. The ancient generations evidently presented human beings as a pre-literate and conservative population. In addition, the existence in the ancient society mainly… read more

Discussion Chapter 4 pages (1086 words) Sources: 4

Regional Identity Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] In the future, this influences various segments of society and the way they react to a variety of situations. (Fetterley 31)

Yet, it is also utilizing cultural imperialism to highlight how male dominated society is the most important feature for everyone to embrace. In both songs, there is an emphasis on this segment vs. others. When this happens, cultural imperialism… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (2325 words) Sources: 3

Expatriate Training Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] If an expatriate is not able to speak the foreign language, they might not be able to communicate with the locals and this would make their life quite lonesome. Receiving training on the local language and practicing before relocating will assist the expatriate to be more comfortable speaking the language and communicate fluently. This will also remove any language barriers… read more

Research Paper 11 pages (3243 words) Sources: 4

Cultural Sensitivity Decreasing One's Own Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Anyone can be insensitive about things, even if that is not their intention or they really do not mean to be anything other than kind and open minded. If a person thinks that he or she is being insensitive, correcting that problem is relatively easy with some work and dedication. It is important to apologize to people to whom one… read more

Essay 2 pages (764 words) Sources: 2

Nutrition Counseling Essay Paper Icon

Delores, J. "Factors influencing food choices, dietary intake, and nutrition-related

attitudes among African-Americans: Application of a culturally sensitive model."

Ethnicity & Health, Vol. 9, No. 4 (2004): 349-367.

Purpose, Design, and Theoretical Approach

The primary purpose of the study detailed in the reviewed article was to identify the specific ways that culture and community affect the nutritional habits and choices… read more

Essay 2 pages (518 words) Sources: 2

Postmodernism Is a Philosophy Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Modernism held that "reason and science provide accurate, objective, reliable foundation of 'knowledge,'" while postmodernists see science as merely one discipline amongst many (Drake 2012). Postmodernists believe that science is also a product of culture, just like any other epistemological system. Scientific claims have been influenced by racism, cultural biases (such as claims about the intellectual inferiority of women), political… read more

Essay 2 pages (674 words) Sources: 1+

Geertz and Common Sense Reaction Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] In a Navaho tribe, instead of prompting horror or disgust, intersexuality might evoke wonder and awe. In Navaho common sense, intersexuals are considered blessed (p. 83). By contrast, in an East African Pokot tribe, intersexed people are regarded as useless due to their inability to reproduce and extend the all-important family line. They are frequently killed or ousted. The lives… read more

Reaction Paper 2 pages (666 words) Sources: 1

Sickle Cell What Detracted Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This ultimately helped the entire team become successful in the activity as they became more familiar with one another. Likewise, in the personal space activity, participants were allowed to come closer during the second trial. This indicated an increased comfort level amount the respective members of the team. I believe this concept has far reaching implications in regards to cultural… read more

Essay 2 pages (597 words) Sources: 0

Navigating Cultural Differences Between East and West Essay Paper Icon

Navigating Cultural Differences Between East and West

In recent years, the phenomenon known as "culture shock" has become increasingly recognized by the academic community as well as the general public as a result of innovations in telecommunications and transportation. Despite this growing recognition, though, the fact remains that many people still experience culture shock when they first step foot in… read more

Essay 2 pages (616 words) Sources: 0

Does Globalization Help or Hurt the Worlds Poor? Essay Paper Icon

Globalization Help or Hurt the World's Poor?

Even with the fact that the process of globalization has had a beneficial effect on many countries; it has also generated much controversy regarding the effect that it has had on the world's poor. The fact that a great deal of underprivileged individuals fail to take advantage of the resources coming along with… read more

Essay 2 pages (594 words) Sources: 2

Conflict in the Workplace Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Secondly, this study examines the hypothesis on the basis of evaluating cultural fit in the context of organizational culture and its formation. The research does not examine the hypothesis in the context of the need for diversity inclusion in the working environment due to increased globalization. The different communication messages and styles of various cultures have not been explored in… read more

Essay 5 pages (1531 words) Sources: 3 Style: Harvard

Globalization -A Effects Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The rift between the west and the Islamic is due to lack of proper communication. The Muslims are not in support of the globalization since they find it to be more westernized, so they are finding their own way of globalizing themselves. For instance, they allow the use of internet among their followers to connect together to those people who… read more

Research Paper 15 pages (4099 words) Sources: 8

Culture and Subculture (P Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] 82)

Barriers to multicultural communication include anxiety; assuming similarity instead of difference, ethnocentrism, prejudice, and stereotyping. Anxiety is a natural and understandable barrier, but one that can impede successful communications. While it is not good to assume only differences, assuming similarity projects unreasonable and unrealistic values and norms on others and therefore impedes communication. Ethnocentrism is a cluster of phenomena… read more

Essay 3 pages (905 words) Sources: 0

Communication Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The power distance factor in Sweden can be readily compared to more hierarchical societies, such as India, in which the haves and the have-nots are separated by wide and usually insurmountable chasms. Even the United States has a higher power distance factor than does Sweden, as many Americans are fundamentally opposed to social institutions and structures that generate equality such… read more

Essay 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 2

Communication in "Un Summit Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This is especially true in the areas of environmental and social justice. As Mander (n.d.) points out, "corporate leaders, their allies in government, and a newly powerful centralized global trade bureaucracy" are imposing a paradigm of liberalized trade on the rest of the world. If such leaders were promoting the common good, then their efforts would not be so harshly… read more

Essay 2 pages (610 words) Sources: 2

End Game of Globalization "Nothing Book Report Paper Icon

[. . . .] The systemic eradication and assimilation of world cultures is an objective of American imperialism as demonstrated over the course of, according to Smith, approximately half of the country's history/existence. Therefore, those who consume American cultures without consideration, sustain the continuation of affects that globalization has upon the world in ways of which many people are peripherally aware.

The impacts of… read more

Book Report 7 pages (2052 words) Sources: 1

Emic vs. Etic Essay Paper Icon


Emic vs. Etic

Emic and Etic terminologies were coined by Kenneth Pike in 1954. Pike was a linguistic anthropologist, and he derived the terms from "phonemic" and "phonetic." The terminologies suggest there are two views that can be used when conducting cultural research of a society, these views are the inside view or the… read more

Essay 3 pages (832 words) Sources: 0

Material Culture Commodities Are Good to Think Essay Paper Icon

culture - commodities are "good to think with"

The Proposition that commodities are "good to think with" was stated by Levi-Strauss in his theoretical models in an attempt crack the code of culture and to explain the meaning of the existence of objects. Levi-Strauss explained that the existence of the material objects is not just to serve straight forward utilitarian… read more

Essay 2 pages (887 words) Sources: 6

Discrete-Event Simulation (DES) Literature Review Research Proposal Paper Icon

[. . . .] Through this, organization, performance and profitability is likely to be achieved and maintained. In addition, the objectives of the organization are likely to be achieved, and employees are allowed to work in accordance to their capabilities and qualifications.

Work cited

Abu-Taieh, Evon M.O. Handbook of Research on Discrete Event Simulation Environments: Technologies and Applications. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2012.… read more

Research Proposal 5 pages (1742 words) Sources: 10

Globalization Consequences Essay Paper Icon


There is no set definition for the word globalization, but the concept can be understood in general terms of reflect a trend towards the removal of barriers to the flows of goods, information, capital, people and ideas, such that these flows transcend the paradigm of the nation-state (Higgott & Reich, 1998). As a general, largely unguided force, globalization is… read more

Essay 5 pages (1509 words) Sources: 7

Culture Memory Studies This Week's Readings Essay Paper Icon


Memory Studies

This week's readings discussed the idea of memory and its connection to culture and identity. Memories are versions of ones past that are depicted as words and images (Connerton, 2003). It is how and why a person remembers things that make the study of memories very interesting. According to Coser (1992), Halbwachs believed that there is a… read more

Essay 1 pages (392 words) Sources: 1+

Cross-National Management: Questions Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] A second challenge is that high levels of employee attrition are likely, given the frustrations back-of-the-house staff may feel at what they see as their unjustly subordinate status. They may feel that it is they who really keep the hotel running, versus the showier positions of the front-of-house staff. Their benefits are likely not as generous as those of the… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1067 words) Sources: 1+

Socio-Cultural Perspective "The Sociocultural Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] We also learn sets of principals from social interactions, such as what is right and wrong. Social interactions play a big part in how we see the world around us. They play a very big part of what we learn as right and wrong, what is valuable, what we believe, morals, and what is important to us. But, the social… read more

Essay 3 pages (958 words) Sources: 3

International Distribution Channels Strategic Alliances Article Review Paper Icon

[. . . .] The cooperation of collation partners to common goals that transcend their specific geographic and even cultural limitations is based on how dependent international distribution partners are on each other for information and knowledge. The study shows that it isn't necessary the most measurable and quantifiable factors of performance that matter in international distribution channel agreements, it's how dependent those in… read more

Article Review 2 pages (859 words) Sources: 1+

Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis Argues Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The words that different cultures use to express different thoughts are actually determined by the culture itself. One culture will view the meaning of a word one way, while another culture will view a different meaning for the same word. Or, the meaning will be the same for both cultures, but the word itself will be different in each culture.… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (893 words) Sources: 3

Moral Dilemma Anyone Who Know Anything Essay Paper Icon

Moral Dilemma

Anyone who know anything about the Star Trek Universe knows about the Prime Directive which bans any Federation personnel from interfering in the internal affairs of non-spacefaring civilizations. In other words, the Federation is not allowed to influence the cultural development of primitive worlds. When a Federation starship visits one of these planets, the Prime Directive can lead… read more

Essay 2 pages (709 words) Sources: 0

Improvements in Communication Technology Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] America was the first society to glorify the middle class and to demonstrate that the life-style of the middle class might be available to everyone. Through watching American movies and television, listening to American music, wearing American clothes, and playing with new American gadgets individuals began to acquire a feeling of freedom and prosperity. These images were transported to Americans… read more

Essay 2 pages (661 words) Sources: 2

Race and Ethnicity Multiculturalism Grade Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This is also depicted from the attitude adopted by the PM of Italy; Berlusconi, who is against the policies or the idea of integrating the immigrants. For this reason, immigration continues to remain a challenge for several states and continents including the European Union which has further added the burden of challenges when integrating its own member states come in… read more

Essay 6 pages (1901 words) Sources: 11 Style: Harvard

Evangelism in the Early Church Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Other ways Jesus approached evangelism include his being willing to point out sin when He saw it, and helped others to recognize the power that sin had over them. He would not allow his audience to ignore the fact of sin, and sought their full submission to the Word of God.

How did the disciples approach evangelism?

The way the… read more

Essay 2 pages (656 words) Sources: 2

Common Mistakes in Correctional Group Leading Defining Culture in Context Article Review Paper Icon

Correctional Group Leading

In "Common mistakes in correctional group leading," Jacobs and Spadaro discuss some of the challenges in leading a group in the correctional facility setting and how to avoid the common mistakes one finds in those settings. The purpose of this chapter is to help the practitioner avoid some of the mistakes that frequently occur when leading the… read more

Article Review 2 pages (642 words) Sources: 1

Ethnographic Study of a Culture Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] It was seen that skateboarders have a similar attitude towards life. They appeared rebellious and in a happy, comfortable manner chose to speak against authority or simply adopted a non-conformist attitude. Females who adopted this sport also held a non-conformist attitude and instead of being openly rebellious chose a harmonious way to stamp their individuality.

While the article should be… read more

Essay 2 pages (476 words) Sources: 1

Gung Ho Negotiation Conflict Resolution Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] S. However, the Americans have no idea how to relate to the Japanese executives. When Hunt Stevenson, played by Michael Keaton, travels over to Japan to speak to the board of directors, he makes loud and boisterous small talk and inappropriate sexual jokes, clumsily tries to create a connection between himself and the executives in a personal fashion, and asks… read more

Essay 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 2

Airs, Waters, Places a Close Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] So it is with regard to them (Adams).

This would certainly militate against the idea that the Greeks were racists because the ultimate basis for cultural determinism is that it is an iron hard rule made not by man, but by the heavens themselves via the equinox and constellations. It was the decree of the gods, so to speak. It… read more

Essay 2 pages (673 words) Sources: 2

IBM Culture IBM -- Maintaining Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The key to that is to build a sustainable culture." (George, 2012)

Culture can often be thought of as either a top down or bottom up process; sometimes these two forces work against each other until some kind of equilibrium is reached. IBM's success is undoubtedly due to the fact that the organization was able to blend these two perspectives… read more

Essay 2 pages (646 words) Sources: 2 Style: Harvard

Globalization of American Culture Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Indeed, because of the predominance of American television, there is hardly a person on earth who does not know much more about the United States and its citizens than those in the United States know about the rest of the world.

Tandon (2004) makes the point that even countries with strong economies, such as the Britain and Germany,

are less… read more

Essay 3 pages (1031 words) Sources: 4

Globalization Changes the World's Cultures Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] S., has provided living arrangements, and the worker only makes the equivalent of $500 per anum, one has to ask what that worker can purchase for $500 and if it is well beyond the normal wage a person might receive in that country. When the morality comes into play is with identical jobs being done, and the American worker receiving… read more

Essay 2 pages (714 words) Sources: 3

Consumer Culture Theory & Post Article Review Paper Icon

[. . . .] The authors begin by explaining a little about what the postmodernist perspective and theory are. They also describe a brief history of the ways postmodernism has been used in various fields of study over the past century, approximately. Then, the authors begin their discussion of postmodernism's role in understanding and performing consumer research. The authors spend quite a bit of… read more

Article Review 2 pages (620 words) Sources: 1+

Organizational Structure Critically Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The scenario is indeed brief and certainly not exhaustive of the causal factors that may be involved, but it does nonetheless transcend subjectivism and evince the indispensability of analytical dualism. 'Organizational culture' is thus not merely about increasing productivity or designing company logos! Cultural items do not remain at the gates of all organizations. Again, it is only in virtue… read more

Essay 9 pages (3030 words) Sources: 12

Consumption, Society and Culture Cultural Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] When you observe the behaviour of a social club of consumers, you will find them obsessed with searching appeasement and joys in materialistic things that are attractive. Their irritation and alienation from social circle further pushes them to consumption (Foucault, 1984).

If you look at the TV commercials and advertisement, you will find the hidden message that if you want… read more

Essay 12 pages (4177 words) Sources: 3

Communication Between Different Cultures Essay Paper Icon


Communication between Different Cultures

Everyone communicates with others all the time and no matter how well one thinks they understand other people, communication is hard. Culture is frequently at the root of communication issues. People's culture influences how they approach problems, and how they contribute in groups and in communities. When people partake in groups they are frequently surprised… read more

Essay 5 pages (1677 words) Sources: 5

Clinician's Mirror: Cultural Self-Assessment in Chapter Article Review Paper Icon

Clinician's Mirror: Cultural Self-assessment

In Chapter 3, the author talks about the importance of cultural self-assessments and how these self-assessments can make clinicians more aware. The purpose of this chapter is twofold. First, it hopes to introduce future clinicians to the idea that their cultural backgrounds are going to influence their decisions as clinicians, so that they need to be… read more

Article Review 2 pages (645 words) Sources: 1+

Culture & Negotiations Globalization Research Paper Paper Icon

Culture & Negotiations

Globalization has brought many benefits and potential growth opportunities for companies around the world. Companies may now expand their reach to sell their products to countries on the other side of the planet, but there are some issues that have to be approached and resolved prior to doing business overseas: the negotiations between company "A" in the… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (734 words) Sources: 2

Consequences of Cultural Conflicts Book Report Paper Icon

[. . . .] This is especially true when the cultural and racial differences are dramatic. Economic exploitation is not uncommon and in the United States many consider the undocumented worker problem a specious argument because the U.S. benefits considerably from a cheap labor source.

Historically, the cultural norms that developed in Europe and America became distinct from the rest of the world. These… read more

Book Report 4 pages (1160 words) Sources: 1

Intercultural Communication the Cultural Dimensions and Barriers in Miami Term Paper Paper Icon


Mr. Chow,

Firstly, we are pleased you have decided to become a part of our exciting and growing workforce. In an effort to acclimate you to your new work environment, the following report is being prepared to offer the information deemed necessary to assist you with the transition and adaptation to your new work environment. In order to ensure… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1612 words) Sources: 6 Style: Harvard

Cultural Dimensions and Barriers in Warsaw Essay Paper Icon

Warsaw: Cultural Dimensions and Barriers

An understanding of intercultural communication is becoming more and more important in the modern changing world. Online communication, the Internet and phenomena such as globalization have made awareness of other cultures extremely important, especially in the business setting.

The different culture that is under discussion is Poland. Poland has a largely urban population, with approximately… read more

Essay 6 pages (1933 words) Sources: 15 Style: Harvard

Rolling Reaction Paper Paper Icon

Rolling Rs

Linmark's Rolling the R's: Reinventing Language and Personality

The realm of post-colonial literature often focuses on the immigrant experience, and the juxtaposition of increased national freedom and globalization on one hand with the challenges of cultural divisions and prejudices on the other. It is rarer to find a novel that accurately and fully explores other implications of the… read more

Reaction Paper 3 pages (874 words) Sources: 0

Cultural Schemata Theory: Together Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Based on the cultural schema theory, a specific behavior can be sub-divided into various schemas that form a hierarchy. For instance, people's behavior in a given situation in a culture can be categorized into cultural schemas like context, procedure, strategy, and role. The hierarchy consists of general schemas at the top that organize more specific schemas, which can accomplish increasingly… read more

Essay 5 pages (1631 words) Sources: 8

Culture and Globalization Revised Human Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Some of the ethical concerns include the moral implications of staying objective in using the information gained to affect a culture.

The anthropologists has a moral obligation to protect the cultures they have been trusted to study. Gaining the trust and building a rapport of the people within the culture takes a great deal of time. For the military to… read more

Essay 4 pages (1851 words) Sources: 3

Modern Chinese History Essay Paper Icon

Chinese History

The Cultural Revolution experienced by the Chinese state during the era of Mao Zedong was an important moment in the history of the state especially from the point-of-view of the changes this era sought in the Chinese society.

The Cultural Revolution however was a crucial step in the way in which the state transformed along the communist lines… read more

Essay 2 pages (660 words) Sources: 2

Cultural Briefing Document Zurich Switzerland Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Conclusion

This cultural brief on Swiss social and business etiquette provides the basics for understanding the native culture of our Zurich Employee. United States and Swiss cultures are similar in many way, except for a few customes. The most important points to remember about Swizz culture are:

• it is a formal culture where politeness and etiquette are highly prized… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1885 words) Sources: 6 Style: Harvard

Jameson Defined Geography Components Global Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Once this takes place, it means that any kind of possible stereotypes will have been addressed. This is the point that the operating environment will improve because these issues have been taken into account. (Lorimer, 2007, pp. 89 -- 100)

A third approach is to look at the way a particular society will view the roles of gender as a… read more

Essay 5 pages (1494 words) Sources: 15

Socratic Dialogue Francois: One Thing Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] But consider for a moment we are not speaking French. Rob, parles-tu francais?

Rob: Un petit peu seulement.

Francois: That is nothing you have done yourself, but it is a form of oppression that we, in a bilingual country, cannot converse in one of the official languages. And Marie -- she cannot even speak her own language, because of what… read more

Essay 8 pages (2193 words) Sources: 6

Value of Hawaii Hawai'i Is an Island Essay Paper Icon

Value of Hawaii

Hawai'i is an island that has somewhat controversially and unusually entered its status as American state some 50 years ago. Indeed, many of the current economic and social problems currently experienced by the state have been ascribed to its difficult relationship with the United States and the circumstances surrounding its integration as a state of the country.… read more

Essay 4 pages (1374 words) Sources: 1

Duality in Fanon Essay Paper Icon

National Culture:

Fanon and the difficulty of creating a new "National Culture"

Fanon's 1959 essay "On National Culture" discusses the process of intellectual liberation, and was written when scores of Latin America, African, and Asiatic republics were finally breaking free of European domination. The issues Fanon discusses remain relevant to our contemporary reality. One of the justifications for colonialism, historically,… read more

Essay 3 pages (1075 words) Sources: 1

Added Both Light and Heat Essay Paper Icon

added both light and heat to the experience of the first field-coding experience. I find myself both attracted to the idea and process of coding and yet also doubtful about its efficacy. Or, rather, doubtful about its objectivity. It seems to me clear that two different people coding the same event, or even one person coding the same event at… read more

Essay 2 pages (614 words) Sources: 0

Identity in America Essay Paper Icon

Identity in America

Child of the Americas - analysis

Aurora Levins Morales' poem "Child of the Americas" puts across feelings related to multicultural heritage and to the pride that one should take on as a result of being multicultural. Although one might initially consider that the writer feels ashamed with her background, it is gradually revealed that she is particularly… read more

Essay 3 pages (863 words) Sources: 0

Radio Project Radio Art Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] As such, I could also apply this to myself and my own culture. We all have different lives and different professions, as well as different cultural, historical, and family backgrounds. This makes us very diverse in relation to each other. This is not something we are always acutely aware of, especially within the culture we grew up in and spent… read more

Essay 2 pages (703 words) Sources: 0

Culture Is a Relative Concept Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Q2. 'It's not fair.' Because fairness is such a powerful concept, it is tempting to view the idea of fairness as something that is cross-cultural. However, the Japanese and American concepts of fairness are almost completely distinct. In Japan, fairness is based upon outcomes, or how equitably the community is treated as a whole. In America, our concept of fairness… read more

Essay 2 pages (628 words) Sources: 1 Style: APA

Interaction Between Culture and Individual Psychology Essay Paper Icon

interaction between culture and individual psychology using Angela K.Y. Leung and Dov Cohen's article "Within- and between-culture variation: Individual differences and the cultural logics of honor, face, and dignity cultures" as a springboard for deeper analysis of the degree to which culture can impact personal psychology and vice versa. Rather than seeing one as causing the other, Leung and Cohen… read more

Essay 5 pages (1701 words) Sources: 6

Work Family Interface in Culturally Distinct Societies Is it Organizational Issue Capstone Project Paper Icon

Cultural Dimension Theory

One of the key changes of the late 20th century, certainly enhanced in the early 21st, is that of the economic, political, and cultural movements that broadly speaking, move the various countries of the world closer together. This idea, called globalism, refers to a number of theories that see the complexities of modern life such that events… read more

Capstone Project 5 pages (1514 words) Sources: 4

Columbian Exchange Every Culture Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Diversity of culture should always be valued as an asset b the help of which people can compete with other nations in a unique way. Individuals belonging from different races and backgrounds can contribute towards the productivity of the country b working collectively as team. However some problems might come in the way but they should be handled with efficiently.… read more

Essay 4 pages (1535 words) Sources: 6

Cultural Diversity Concepts the Dimensions Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This is diversity without inclusion. In the workplace (especially) inclusion means that individuals from different cultural backgrounds overcome any natural (or learned) tendencies to exclude one another and actually treat one another the same as they might but for the differences in culture. Another way of characterizing it might be that diversity corresponds merely to accepting others whereas inclusion corresponds… read more

Essay 2 pages (532 words) Sources: 0

Social Theory and Globalization Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] In their approach to the topic of globalization, social theorists have explained it through the political, economic, and cultural aspects (Evans, 2011). This is because it's a process of improved density and occurrence of global social interactions in local and national levels (Walby, 2003). Under political globalization, social theorists have explained the significant reformation of political institutions while direct global… read more

Essay 6 pages (1951 words) Sources: 12 Style: Harvard

Rapid Innovations in Technology Thesis Paper Icon

[. . . .] For example, Hurrell and Woods emphasize that, "Within weak states globalization and widening inequality are eroding the capacity of governments to deal with an increasing set of social, economic, and political conflicts" (1999: 2). At the regional level, the inequalities being generated by globalization are creating instability and the further marginalization of the already impoverished (Blank 2007). At the global… read more

Thesis 44 pages (13153 words) Sources: 50 Style: Harvard

Bill Ivey's Art, Inc Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Ivey proposes that, through the removal of "the profit motive and the compromises that limit risk," artists will be freed to explore their creative impulses, thereby "giving us art that isn't homogenized by the forces that plague our commercial arts industry" (Ivey 208). America can restore its sense of artistic identity only by allowing art and culture to flourish without… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (778 words) Sources: 1

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