Journal on "American Government Course"

Journal 6 pages (1740 words) Sources: 0

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American Government Course

American Government


Form a more perfect union: At birth, the forefathers thought of a united America one that was devoid of separation along any lines but a perfectly united USA. The preamble of the constitution with the phrase "to form a more perfect union" aimed ad coalescing the states that were hitherto ruled by the Confederation Articles into one that had a government over everyone and every state equally. The constitution came in to describe the powers of the chief executive unlike the Articles of Confederation that did not and in this way help further the spirit of union of the U.S.A.

The phrase seeks to unite Americans more morally, socially, economically and in relation to justice as well. It is focused on strengthening the relationships that existed between the people of America. One of the provisions in the constitution that ensures the perfect union is further realized is the fourteenth amendment that ensured equal protection rights to all the American citizens. This equal protection is ensured by the government providing security to all the citizens through its agencies like the police departments in every state and the investigative departments, as well as ensuring non-discriminatory policies at work places. An employer is liable to legal action incase found guilty of breaking this constitutional provision.

The second provision that ensure the U.S.A. remains a perfect union is the fourth amendment that gives individuals protection from illegal search and seizure except when Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has sufficient suspicio
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n then one can be searched upon entering the U.S.A. The exception in this provision is of interest here since it gives the citizens the assurance that no one will come from outside and interfere with their unity as American. This we can see practical examples with the detailed searches that at times end up exposing potential danger to America especially after the 9/11 incidence.

Establish justice: The framers of the constitution were certain that in order to have an organized society, devoid of social malpractices, equality and anarchy then justice had to prevail. The establishment of justice and the systems that implement it would see retention of liberties of the American people, sustenance of tranquility and barricade of criminal activities.

One of the provisions that ensure justice is established is the administration of justice act. This ensures that in the day-to-day transaction of their duties, the civil servants do not get intimidated and constantly fear for possible prosecution. The civil servant will see that justice is done for him and the civilian as well.

The second provision is the eighth amendment which is part of the Bill of Rights. It forbids the federal government from handing down unreasonable fines, disproportionate fines and inhumane and unusual punishments. This is seen in the daily running of court cases where the judges try to match the fine with the crime committed hence ensuring justice to the culprits.

Insure domestic tranquility: This was one of the highest considerations that the framers had in mind while drafting the constitution. Apart form protecting America there was need to ensure that there is absolute peace internally, order among the citizens and smooth running of domestic engagement of the American people.

In insuring domestic tranquility, we can borrow again from the fourth amendment that gives the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) powers to search anyone entering the U.S.A. upon admissible suspicion. This ensures that the Americans are at peace within their own country and tranquility prevails at all times.

The constitution also insures tranquility by ensuring a just and lawful society, by protecting the country against would be invaders, promotes the welfare of each and every American. This the constitution achieves by allowing for the passing of bills that complement the constitution like the Anti-Terrorism Bill.

Provide for the common defense: The framers of the constitution knew that the more united the Americans will be the better they would front a defense that is formidable against any nation that would dare invade USA in the future and hence the defense had to be a common one. In doing so, the constitution through the government should ensure that the Americans are safe from external interference like the acts of terror or external army invasions. This protection must be stronger than just a mere army or police department in every state.

The government has always ensured that the U.S.A. stays on top of the security situation by passing bills that would ensure this. Once again the Anti-Terrorism Bill comes in handy. The other ways are to ensure that the constitution provides for the Americans who go out there to defend and serve the interest of the country.

Promote the general welfare: In ensuring that the Americans se the benefits of being free and having an autonomous constitution, the framers wanted to ensure that every American's welfare was catered for by the government.

The power for citizens to participate in making decisions that will affect their welfare is provided for in the twenty sixth amendment. This is the amendment that forbids the federal government and the states from denying any citizen of age 18 or greater to vote on account of their age. In this way they can participate in shaping the welfare of the U.S.A. And consequently their own.

The promotion of general welfare is also stipulated in the Taxing and Spending clause which regulates the way in which the taxation is done and the taxes utilized by the Congress. It stipulates that the congress has been given the power to collect tax and it should use this power for the general welfare only and cannot tax citizens for any other purpose they please. These ensure that the citizens and their property are not only protected but they benefit from the state through the social amenities and infrastructure.

Secure the blessings of liberty: Liberty is one fundamental entitlement that the Americans can enjoy from the constitution since it was the sole reason for freedom declaration. The framers of the constitution knew that it would be an exercise in futility not to engrave the ultimate entitlement of liberty to each American.

The fourteenth amendment that deals with Rights Guaranteed Privileges and Immunities of Citizenship, Due Process and Equal Protection stipulates clearly that no state shall deprive any person life, liberty or property without due cause of law followed (FindLaw, 2011).

It is this liberty that enables all Americans to freely live and operate their income generating activities without fear of intimidation. This is seen in the daily lives of Americans where trespass into private property is an offence that can end in a court sermon. Even the police need to have a search warrant if they are to use private property for the accomplishment of their job.


Ronald Reagan: He was born in February 11, 1911 in Tampico, Illinois where he grew up (in Lee County) up to his schooling years in Eureka College where he graduated with a Bachelors degree in Economics and Sociology. Reagan's fancy for media saw him become a broadcaster in one of the radio stations in Iowa but later moved to California to pursue acting as a career. In the film industry, Reagan appeared in more than 50 films and television series as well as holding numerous positions like being the spokesperson for General Electric.

It was during his tenure as the spokesperson for General Electric that his interest in politics struck. He was originally a member of the Democratic party but later switched sides to the Republican party in 1962. It was after giving Barry Goldwater unwavering support in his quest for presidency in 1964 that Reagan thought of running for office as a governor of California, which he won in 1966 and again in 1970. He gave a shot at presidential nomination in 1968 and 1976 but lost the nominations, only to win both nominations and presidency in 1980. This made him the 40th president of the U.S.A. from 1981 to 1989.

At home, Reagan helped beat a new path, politically for the Republican party. He spear headed the modern conservative movement and completely turned around with gusto the political dynamics of the U.S.A. He saw the vast increase in the Republican voters by massively tapping into the religious voters, indeed, it was during this time that the term "Reagan Democrats" was coined.

Reagan represented the American optimism for a better America; he kept pushing on despite the criticism and even assassination attempt. He was seen as positive and optimistic president like never before in America and it was his personality that welcomed his popularity. He had a very strong and radical stand against the labor unions at home and never feared to say so.

His foreign policy came to play pretty much in his second term in office which he had reclaimed in a landslide victory. He was preoccupied with foreign matters which included striving to end the cold war that had seen the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "American Government Course" Assignment:

Lesson 1 Journal Activity

This activity is your Lesson 1 Journal Activity. Please refer to the Journal Activity Instructions to review how to submit these assignments in ONE Rich Text Format file (.rtf).

You must submit this assignment with completely developed paragraphs and thoughts. Please refer to the Writing Guide in the Course Information section of the course for guidance in writing these paragraphs.

Perhaps the three most renowned words in United States history are the words *****"We the people...*****" These three words begin the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution. In its entirety, the Preamble looks like this:

*****"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.*****"

The Preamble to the U.S. Constitution explains the purposes of the U.S. government. They are to:

* form a more perfect union

* establish justice

* insure domestic tranquility

* provide for the common defense

* promote the general welfare

* secure the blessings of liberty

In this assignment, you are to take each one of the purposes of government listed above and answer the following questions. Your answers should be at least one paragraph per purpose. So your total assignment should be a minimum of six well-developed paragraphs.

1. Why did the framers of the Constitutions include this purpose in the Preamble?

2. What provisions (discuss a minimum of two) in the Constitution ensure that this purpose

is achieved?

3. What examples can you provide (minimum of two) in the present that show our

government is still fulfilling this purpose today?

How your Journal Activity will be evaluated:



Student provides answers to three questions listed in assignment for purpose #1: *****"Form a more perfect union.*****"


Student provides answers to three questions listed in assignment for purpose #2: *****"Establish justice.*****"


Student provides answers to three questions listed in assignment for purpose #3: *****"Insure domestic tranquility.*****"


Student provides answers to three questions listed in assignment for purpose #4: *****"Provide for the common defense.*****"


Student provides answers to three questions listed in assignment for purpose #5: *****"Promote the general welfare.*****"


Student provides answers to three questions listed in assignment for purpose #6: *****"Secure the blessings of liberty.*****"




Sentence construction


Essay construction

Opening/closing sentence

Paragraphs well organized



>> View/Complete Assignment: Lesson 1 Journal Activity

Item Lesson 2 Journal Activity

Lesson 2 Journal Activity

This activity is your Lesson 2 Journal Activity. Please refer to the Journal Activity Instructions to review how to submit these assignments in ONE Rich Text Format file (.rtf).

You must submit this assignment with completely developed paragraphs and thoughts. Please refer to the Writing Guide in the Course Information section of the course for guidance in writing these paragraphs.

As mentioned earlier in this lesson, the lives of many American Presidents have been glamorized. Presidents are some of the most photographed and widely publicized figures in the world. They also fill a pivotal role in our nation*****'s government. In this journal activity, you are going to choose an American President and compose an essay that profiles this President*****'s life and Presidency. This activity should be at least five paragraphs (one page) in length, and you must document your sources (refer to the Writing Guide for information on documenting sources). Use at least three outside sources to find information for this activity. Guidelines for the information that must be covered in your essay are listed below.

Information to be covered in this essay:

1. Biographical information: birthplace, date of birth, family information, schooling, and

dates they served as President, etc. Should be at least two paragraphs.

2. Domestic issues: discuss issues on U.S. soil that this President dealt with in the course of

his Presidency. Be sure to discuss this completely. Should be at least two paragraphs.

3. International issues: discuss the President*****'s foreign policies and issues that they dealt with

in the course of their Presidency. Should be at least two paragraphs.

4. Economic issues: discuss the President*****'s economic policies. Should be at least one


How your Journal Activity will be evaluated:



Student provides biographical information about the president: birthplace, date of birth, family information, schooling, dates he served as president, etc. Should be at least two paragraphs.


Student provides discussion of domestic issues on U.S. soil that this president dealt with in the course of his presidency. Be sure to discuss this completely. Should be at least two paragraphs.


Student provides discussion of international issues: discuss president*****'s foreign policies and issues that he dealt with in the course of his presidency. Should be at least two paragraphs.


Student provides discussion of economic issues: discuss the president*****'s economic policies. Should be at least one paragraph.


Student uses at least three resources and provides appropriately cited MLA format.




Sentence construction


Essay construction

Opening/closing sentence

Paragraphs well organized



>> View/Complete Assignment: Lesson 2 Journal Activity

Item Lesson 3 Journal Activity

Lesson 3 Journal Activity

This activity is your Lesson 3 Journal Activity. Please refer to the Journal Activity Instructions to review how to submit these assignments in ONE Rich Text Format file (.rtf).

You must submit this assignment with completely developed paragraphs and thoughts. Please refer to the Writing Guide in the Course Information section of the course for guidance in writing these paragraphs.

Under civil law, one party (individual or group) can file a lawsuit against another party for causing him or her harm. For instance, John Smith throws his baseball into the street and Sara Andrews drives by at that very moment and the ball hits her windshield, causing her to swerve and hit a tree. Sara decides to file a lawsuit against John for the damages to her car, as well as physical problems she has had since the accident.

Answer the following questions based on your knowledge of civil law and the above scenario. The answer for each question should be at least one well-developed paragraph.

1. How does the right to file a lawsuit protect people?

2. How might this right be abused?

3. There is now a great controversy over the amount of monetary awards that are granted

to plaintiffs in malpractice lawsuits brought against doctors and other medical personnel

by patients. For instance, James Nelson dies of cancer and his widow feels that he did

not receive proper medical treatment. If he had, he would have survived. She files a lawsuit against the hospital and doctors. The jury awards her $40,000,000 in damages.

Do you feel such awards are excessive? Why or why not?

Should there be a limit on the amount that can be awarded for medical malpractice suits? Why or why not?

Be sure to provide logical reasons that support your opinion.

4. After answering question three, ask three adults the same questions and record their

answers. Then write a summary of the reasons they give to support their opinions and

explain whether or not you agree with their arguments.

How your Journal Activity will be evaluated:



Student answers question #1 from assignment in at least one well-developed paragraph and provides at least two logical reasons that support his answer.


Student answers question #2 from assignment in at least one well-developed paragraph and provides at least two ways that the right to file a lawsuit can be abused.


Student answers question #3 regarding excessive awards and limits to awards and provides at least two reasons to support his opinion on these issues. Answer should be at least one well-developed paragraph.


Student asks three adults the same questions from part 3 of the assignment and records their answers. He then provides a summary of the reasons they give to support their opinions and explains whether or not he agrees with their arguments.


Logical progression of ideas




Sentence construction


Essay construction

Opening/closing sentence

Paragraphs well organized



>> View/Complete Assignment: Lesson 3 Journal Activity

Item Lesson 4 Journal Activity

Lesson 4 Journal Activity

This activity is your Lesson 4 Journal Activity. Please refer to the Journal Activity Instructions to review how to submit these assignments in ONE Rich Text Format file (.rtf).

You must submit this assignment with completely developed paragraphs and thoughts. Please refer to the Writing Guide in the Course Information section of the course for guidance in writing these paragraphs.

The issue of illegal immigration in the United States is an extremely controversial one. It is estimated that there are over 6 million illegal immigrants in this country today. Read the article titled *****"Both Sides of the Border*****" located on page 357 in your textbook and complete the activities and questions listed below.

1. What are the positive benefits of immigration for the United States and Latin American countries?

2. What are the harmful effects of immigration for the United States and Latin American countries?

3. In at least one fully developed paragraph (five sentences or more) explain your opinion on whether illegal immigrants who hold jobs should be given legal status. Be sure to provide at least two reasons that support your opinion.

4. In at least one fully developed paragraph, explain what the government has done in its efforts to keep illegal immigrants from entering the country.

5. Find a recent article regarding this topic (either on the Internet or at your local library) and summarize the article. Be sure to cover the following aspects of the article: who, what, where, why, and how. Your summary should be at least two fully developed paragraphs in length.

How your Journal Activity will be evaluated:



Student provides answer to question #1 in the assignment, explaining at least two positive benefits of immigration.


Student provides answer to question #2 in the assignment, explaining at least two harmful effects of immigration.


Student provides an answer (in at least five sentences) for question #3, explaining his opinion on whether illegal immigrants who hold jobs should be given legal status. Student provides at least two reasons to support his opinion.


Student provides an answer (in at least one well-developed paragraph) explaining what the government has done to keep out illegal immigrants.


Student summarizes an article on this topic explaining (in at least two well-developed paragraphs) the who, what, where, why and how aspects of the article.


Logical progression of ideas


References listed and appropriately cited MLA format




Sentence construction


Essay construction



>> View/Complete Assignment: Lesson 4 Journal Activity

Item Lesson 5 Journal Activity

Lesson 5 Journal Activity

This activity is your Lesson 5 Journal Activity. Please refer to the Journal Activity Instructions to review how to submit these assignments in ONE Rich Text Format file (.rtf).

You must submit this assignment with completely developed paragraphs and thoughts. Please refer to the Writing Guide in the Course Information section of the course for guidance in writing these paragraphs.

In just a few short years, you will be eligible to register to vote. When you register to vote, you will probably choose to register with a political party affiliation rather than as an independent. (Most Americans usually do.) This journal activity is designed to help you begin to think about which party affiliation you will choose and why.

In this assignment, answer the following questions in a four to five paragraph essay. Make sure you address each question completely.

1. Research the current party platform of the National Republican Party. Where does it stand on the major issues such as homeland security, the economy, and Social Security? Be sure to discuss the party*****'s position on these and other major issues.

2. Research the current party platform of the Democratic Party. Where does it stand on the major issues such as homeland security, the economy, and Social Security? Be sure to discuss the party*****'s position on these and other major issues.

3. Which party will you most likely affiliate yourself with when you register to vote? Explain in at least two paragraphs which political party you would choose. What factors most influence your decision? Why would you NOT want to join the other party?

4. Write at least one paragraph stating your thoughts on what the political system would be like if there were NO political parties. How might this affect the way people vote? How might this affect the way legislation is passed? How would primaries be conducted? How might politicians campaign differently and how might this affect the work of lobbyists? There is no right or wrong answer, but you must state your opinion and then give good reasons to support why you would make your choice.

How your Journal Activity will be evaluated:



Student provides discussion of the National Republican Party and where it stands on the issues of homeland security, economy and Social Security as well as at least one other major issue.


Student provides discussion of the Democratic Party and where it stands on the issues of homeland security, the economy, and Social Security as well as at least one other major issue.


Student provides discussion (in at least two paragraphs) which party he/she will most likely choose to join and provides at least two reasons why he/she will probably join this party.


Student provides discussion citing at least two reasons why he/she will probably not join the other political party.


Student provides discussion on what he/she thinks the political system would be like if there were no political parties.




Sentence construction


Essay construction



>> View/Complete Assignment: Lesson 5 Journal Activity

Item Lesson 6 Journal Activity

Lesson 6 Journal Activity

This activity is your Lesson 6 Journal Activity. Please refer to the Journal Activity Instructions to review how to submit these assignments in ONE Rich Text Format file (.rtf).

You must submit this assignment with completely developed paragraphs and thoughts. Please refer to the Writing Guide in the Course Information section of the course for guidance in writing these paragraphs.

Imagine that you have been chosen to develop a United Student World Assembly (USWA). Among the assembly*****'s goals are promoting cooperation and understanding among students around the world. You must prepare a draft charter of the USWA. The charter should include the following:

* Preamble explaining the goals of the USWA (at least one fully developed paragraph in length)

* Structure of the organization (at least one fully developed paragraph in length)

* Location for assembly meetings

* Rules for making decisions (at least two fully developed paragraphs in length)

* Discussion of at least one major issue facing students today and possible solutions to this problem (at least two fully developed paragraphs in length)

How your Journal Activity will be evaluated:



Student provides at least a one paragraph preamble to the charter explaining the goals of the USWA.


Student provides discussion in at least one fully developed paragraph as to the structure of the organization.


Student provides discussion of location of assembly meetings.


Student provides discussion of rules of making decisions that is at least two fully developed paragraphs in length.


Student provides discussion of at least one major issue facing students today and possible solutions to this problem (at least two fully developed paragraphs in length).


Logical progression of ideas




Sentence construction


Essay construction



How to Reference "American Government Course" Journal in a Bibliography

American Government Course.”, 2011, Accessed 18 May 2024.

American Government Course (2011). Retrieved from (2011). American Government Course. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 May, 2024].
”American Government Course” 2011.
”American Government Course”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”American Government Course”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 18-May-2024].
1. American Government Course [Internet]. 2011 [cited 18 May 2024]. Available from:
1. American Government Course. Published 2011. Accessed May 18, 2024.

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