Essay on "Food Security"

Essay 3 pages (870 words) Sources: 3

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Most of which will undoubtedly occur within the BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India, and China). This does not bode well for countries with rapid growth rates that typically are third world in nature. As we have seen from previous history, most of the increase will come from developing nations with high mortality rates, and poorer living standards. This again brings us to the business and environmental sustainability theory I posed earlier in the document. Commodities such as wheat, corn, sugar, etc. will become more expensive as the world population grows. This increase will be even more profound if environmental sustainable methods of agriculture growth are not endorsed. In some countries for example, the soil will need a rest period in which in can replenish its own nutrients. However, if the population demands more agricultural goods, this rest period will inevitably be shortened in an effort to accommodate this increase demand. The laws of supply and demand dictate such an action. As the population grows, especially those in third world countries, so too will the demand for food. As the demand for these commodities increases, the underlying price of these commodities increases. The price increase in and of itself is not alarming. What is alarming is by how much the increase for these commodities will be. If they rise in accordance with the underlying growth in population, then many individuals will be unable to afford basic food requirements needed simply to stay alive. In history, this has previously occurred with gas and petroleum-based products. As china's population grows, so too has its demand for petroleum-based products such as motor vehicles. This demand has created a corresponding increase in price. This pr
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ice affects consumers in American as they now must pay higher prices as the Chinese consume a higher proportion of fuel-based products. These prices erode an already constrained budget within the American household. As such, many American simply don't use as much gas, cut other discretionary funds, or otherwise live a life with less consumption and more austerity. The same concept applies to the world population and commodities such as food. As food prices increase, like they have previously with petroleum-based products, many people will be forced to go without. This is because many third world country citizens will not be able to afford such inflated prices without a corresponding increase in their wages. As prices increase and more people go without, it is quite conceivable that civil unrest can occur. This civil unrest could potential result in war further inhibited population growth. This, on the surface may seem farfetched; however, once READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Food Security" Assignment:

ENV/100 – Principles of Environmental Science

Environmental Fundamentals Paper

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you discuss the fundamental principles of environment science. In your paper, answer the following questions: •How do you define environmental science? •How does the relationship between science and technology affect environmental problems and solutions in today's society? •Why is the concept of environmental sustainability important, and why should it be studied? What are the historical patterns surrounding sustainable and unsustainable human interactions with the environment? •In general, how do human values affect sustainability given current challenges facing society? •After reviewing the research on the environment, how do environmental hazards affect human health? Provide at least two examples.

How to Reference "Food Security" Essay in a Bibliography

Food Security.”, 2012, Accessed 16 May 2024.

Food Security (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Food Security. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May, 2024].
”Food Security” 2012.
”Food Security”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Food Security”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 16-May-2024].
1. Food Security [Internet]. 2012 [cited 16 May 2024]. Available from:
1. Food Security. Published 2012. Accessed May 16, 2024.

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