Essay on "Harlem Renaissance Was a Noteworthy"

Essay 3 pages (1329 words) Sources: 3

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The greatest credit to Hughes is the uncanny ability to 'Americanize' all his works. In fact he could convert Black lyrical expression into a more socially acceptable language of literature, to try and propagate his messages. Even in this poem, he is converging rivers to denote unity, and show his flexibility towards the more acceptable form of expression. (Shaduri) While Hughes' poetry waves the flag of a certain level of coexistence, there were other contributors to the Harlem renaissance that were a little more mutinous in terms of their stance.

It is a similar connotation that one faces when trying to compare Martin Luther King Jr. And Malcolm X Claude McKay was one such poet, whose notions were blunt despite his beliefs being sharp. His poems urged solidarity, often through rather militant rhymes. He was a realist in the true sense and propagated his acrimony towards ethnic discrimination very lucidly. He himself had undergone racism in his life and so left no stone unturned in expressing his hatred for any form of bigotry. (Poetry Foundation) In his noteworthy poem, "If We Must Die" he rallies support for the Black cause by urging his companions to fight for their rights. In the starting lines of the poem, he tells his compatriots what they must not be. By comparing their prospective deaths to hogs and dogs, he highlights the need to have something worth fighting for, without ever feeling the pressure of trepidation and intolerance. He then preaches about a noble death, a death that would make the fight worthwhile. He speaks of a death which would honor them, and overtake them in martyrdom as opposed to suppression, so that even their scorned enemies would be forced to respect their cause. He
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shows acceptance towards a dark prospect with valor and still finds the voice to tell his community to fight as hard as they can, no matter how futile their effort. In the last two lines, "Like men we'll face the murderous, cowardly pack, pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back" he captures the reader by the collar, and advocates the cause of rebellion.

McKay's way of dealing with his sense of 'double-consciousness' is perhaps characterized by lashing out against it. He expresses deep disapproval of the circumstances and insists the Black community to realize their self-worth, side with their singular identity, and be prepared to wage battle. He pushes his readers to not succumb to their sense of "two-ness' and instead choose their dignity over their confusion.

In conclusion, the Harlem Renaissance was marked by great works of literature that can truly be credited for altering the perception of an America that was marred by racial conflict. These words were the best weapons when fighting the war for self-actualization and indeed the African-American community owes its progress through the times to the likes of Hughes and McKay.

I am borne of Earth, and its vast ground

By hundreds of anchors I may be bound

But the shackle I wish to break the most

Is of what one often tends to boast

I am blood, and flesh and bones, indeed

For Color surely does not define creed

But if still, they throw my notion back

In defense I shall most helplessly attack

I will wear my color with all my might

Brown as the ground, black as the night

For to this Earth I truly belong

I won't stay bound, no not for long


Gifford, Nina. "The Harlem Renaissance." America's History in the Making: Oregon Public Broadcasting (n.d.).

McWhorter, John H. "Double Consciousness in Black America." CATO Policy Report XXV No. 2 (2003).

Poetry Foundation. Claude McKay 1889-1948. . From The Academy of American Poets. Langston Hughes. 2012. .

Shaduri, George. "Double Consciousness and the Poetry of Langston Hughes on the Example of the Weary Blues (1923)." IBSU Scientific Journal (2010): 89-98. READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Harlem Renaissance Was a Noteworthy" Assignment:

The Project Paper focuses on a suggested topic related to art, architecture, history, music, or literature. The project will reflect your views and interpretation of the topic. This project is designed to help you stretch your mind and your abilities to be the creative, innovative, and critical thinker you already are! Choose one (1) of the topics from the list of topic choices below. Read the topic carefully. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper (750-1,000 words) that responds to each of the items described in the topic. For the topic you choose: Support your ideas with specific, illustrative examples. If there are questions or points associated with your chosen topic, be sure to answer all of the listed questions and address all of the items in that topic. If your topic asks you to do several things related to the topic, be sure to do each of the things listed. While some of the topics tend to lend themselves toward particular writing genres, you are not restricted to the specific format suggested for the individual topic. For example, you may do an “interview,” a “proposal,” a “letter,” a “short story,” a “blog,” an “essay,” an “article,” or any other written genre for almost any of the topics. The project is intended to be fun as well as informative, so feel free to be creative with the delivery of your information. 3. Use at least two (2) sources besides the textbook, which counts as one (1) source. Topic choices (pick 1): • Office Art Memo. Memorandum. Your boss, who knows you’ve been taking a humanities class since he pays for your tuition reimbursement, has tasked you with managing the art budget for your company, expecting you to choose various pieces of art for the new corporate offices. (Note: Replicas of the works are acceptable since they are more cost-efficient and you are working on a budget.) Include the following: 1. Identify three examples of 19th century Impressionist painting or sculpture and three Post-Impressionist works. Explain how the six pieces of art fall into these two styles. 2. In a memo, describe the appearance of your six choices to your CEO so he or she will know what the art looks like and where it would be placed in the corporate offices. 3. Explain why each piece is considered to be historically significant. 4. Explain how each piece “fits” your company’s overall (or desired) corporate image. Keep in mind that a piece of art is supposed to “say” something about the owner, so describe what would these pieces of art say about your company. • New Composition. Speech. Your uncle’s birthday is in two months, and everyone knows that he loves almost all kinds of music. As a birthday gift for him, you want to have a special piece of music composed in his honor which will be played at a family birthday celebration. Write a speech that you will make to the composer’s agent. Include the following: 1. Narrow your choices down to three composers you’ve studied in this course. Choose one of the composers and explain why you want him to write the “ birthday present” music. 2. Explain why the other two composers were ultimately not selected. 3. Specifically identify the musical elements in the composer’s style that you would like to be included in the new music written for your uncle. 4. Describe what sort of emotion is generated by listening to the works of your selected composer; in other words, what do you want your uncle to “feel” as he hears the music, and why is this composer so perfect for this composition? • Harlem Renaissance Poets. Essay & Poem. Choose two poems by different authors from the Harlem Renaissance. Write an essay that: 1. Describes each author’ ? s role and importance within the Harlem Renaissance. 2. Identify the elements in each of their poems in which you see evidence of the “ double-consciousness” being expressed by each author. 3. Describe the primary themes you see in the poetry written during this time period, referring to specific lines in each of the poems. 4. Write your own poem that expresses these identified themes of the Harlem Renaissance. • Women’s Roles Then & Now. Script. Script a conversation between two notable women from the 18th and/or 19th century on the roles women should play in society. Within the dialogue, include: 1. Biographical information for each woman, 2. The historical status for women in general during the time period in which each woman lived. 3. What opinions each of the women might have on the role the women should play in society during their lifetimes. 4. What each of the women might think about women’s current roles.

How to Reference "Harlem Renaissance Was a Noteworthy" Essay in a Bibliography

Harlem Renaissance Was a Noteworthy.”, 2012, Accessed 14 May 2024.

Harlem Renaissance Was a Noteworthy (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Harlem Renaissance Was a Noteworthy. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 May, 2024].
”Harlem Renaissance Was a Noteworthy” 2012.
”Harlem Renaissance Was a Noteworthy”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Harlem Renaissance Was a Noteworthy”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 14-May-2024].
1. Harlem Renaissance Was a Noteworthy [Internet]. 2012 [cited 14 May 2024]. Available from:
1. Harlem Renaissance Was a Noteworthy. Published 2012. Accessed May 14, 2024.

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