Annotated Bibliography on "Diversity of the Different Cultures"

Annotated Bibliography 4 pages (1467 words) Sources: 15

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Ages 8 and up


Chapter book

Lin, G. (2003). Dim Sum for Everyone.

This book is about culture of food. The girl in the book interprets the word dim sum as delicious. The story revolves around the whole aren't and culture of eating. There is nothing which brings together the whole of the nation or family, like eating together. Overall this book is a wonderful story of family spending time with each other.

Ages 5 and up


Chapter book

Lin, G. Where the Moon meets the Mountain.

This is a tale of a girl who is out to find good fortune for her family. She sets out on a quest to meet the Old Man of the Moon. It is believed that the man knows the future. He can also help find the fortune for the family. Theis story is all about the adventures she faces on the journey. Along with this the story is a culmination of different Asian beliefs. The authoer has intertwined them together to make it into a wonderful read for young children.

Ages 4 and up


Picture book

Louie, A.-L. (1996). Yen-Shen: a cinderella story from china.

This story is an amazing book for young children. It is a version of the time less story Cinderella. However, instead of a fairy godmother, the main character is saved by an old man. This old man materializes when the step mother eats Yen-Shen's fish. He tells her to wish on the bones of the fish. She wishes for food, till the last bone is left. She wishes for a dress on th
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e last bone. This is how she meets the prince who marries her.

Ages 4 and up


Picture book

Prelutsky, J. The Random House Book of Poetry for Children.

This is a book which is compiled of around 500 poems. They are divided into different sections each with a theme. The title may sound boring and professional, however, the poems inside are highly fun to read. They are compiled keeping in mind the range of age it will be catering to.

Ages 5 and up



Seeger, P. (2005). Abiyoyo.

This is a story of a father and son who were kicked out of the town. This was because the father did magic tricks which were annoying to the town. While the son made a lot of noise, which again was a problem for the people of the town. Due to this reason they were kicked out of town. This all changed, when the town was attacked by a giant by the name of Abiyoyo. Both the father and the son became the heroes of the town, after they were able to destroy the town.

Age 3 and above


Chapter book

Sisulu, E.B. (1999). The Day Gogo Went to Vote .

This is a heartwarming story about the first time elections were held for the country. A girl recounts the tale of how her grandmother, gogo, made sure she went to vote. This she did despite her ill health. Due to her health, the whole of the town helped her get to the election. It is the story of the whole journey of her grandmother.

Ages 8 and up


Chapter book

Smith, A.M. Akimbo and the Elephants.

This book is the story of a boy who lives on an animal reserve, where his father is the ranger. A problem with the elephant comes up. The whole of the town tries to find the poachers. These poachers are present there and killing the elephant, for their tusks. So Akimbo tries to pretend as the poachers, to get close to them, from then on Akimbo tries to take them down.

Ages 3 and above


Chapter book

Smith, A.M. (2007). Harriet Bean and the League of Cheats.

Harriet is a small girl and she loves her mysteries. It is during one of the days with her father, that she realizes that all her aunts are alive. So she decides to find them. It a finny tale of how she gets to them one at a time.

Ages 8 and up


Chapter book

Yep, L. Child of the Owl: Golden Moutain Chronicles.

This is the story of a child, who has to accept her heritage as a Chinese-American. She is shifted to live with her grandmother, since her… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Diversity of the Different Cultures" Assignment:

) Create an annotated bibliography containing 15 children's books appropriate for any grade level between K-8. Refer to "Examples of Assignment Formats."

2) Use library or online resources to locate books representing the daily lives of children or families from as many different cultures as possible. These books may be suitable for read-alouds or for independent reading or study, and they may be fiction or informational. Even if you are not be able to find (or read) copies of some books, you may be able to access summaries in order to paraphrase them.

3) Alphabetize the entries by author's last name. Do not number the entries. Include the following information for each entry:

a) APA formatted reference (author, title, etc.)

b) Single space except after reference and between entries.

c) Indent the: i) grade-level or Lexile number; ii) ethnicity/culture; iii) genre

(fiction, informational, poetry) and format (picture book, chapter book); iv)

summary that includes two to five sentences, brief character description(s),

brief plot description, and time-period.

4) Include a cover page and abstract. A reference page is not necessary.

How to Reference "Diversity of the Different Cultures" Annotated Bibliography in a Bibliography

Diversity of the Different Cultures.”, 2012, Accessed 13 May 2024.

Diversity of the Different Cultures (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Diversity of the Different Cultures. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 May, 2024].
”Diversity of the Different Cultures” 2012.
”Diversity of the Different Cultures”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Diversity of the Different Cultures”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 13-May-2024].
1. Diversity of the Different Cultures [Internet]. 2012 [cited 13 May 2024]. Available from:
1. Diversity of the Different Cultures. Published 2012. Accessed May 13, 2024.

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