Essay on "Politics of the Common Good"

Essay 6 pages (1886 words) Sources: 2

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Since the Republican version of capitalist economics has been dominant since the 1970s and 1980s, inequality has certainly increased greatly in the United States, far more so than in any other Western nation. In this, the U.S. is exceptional compared to Canada, France, Germany or other nations in that its social and economic structure has more in common with Mexico, Brazil, Pakistan and other developing countries. Given the weakness of organized labor and the Republican's skill at exploiting race and religion to attract voters, the situation has become absolutely disastrous for the working class and even the shrinking middle class. These less favored groups have only a very weak and timid Democratic Party to defend their interests, and it often takes money from the very same corporate interests and wealthy donors as the Republicans.

Sandal is also right that private money has completely corrupted the political system in the U.S., and probably the only way to correct this problem would be by a constitutional amendment that would make all elections publicly financed. No politics of the common good would ever be possible in a system totally controlled by wealthy donors, lobbyists and large corporations. America's most recent presidential election cycle in 2008 cost over $2 billion, the majority of which was provided by wealthy donors and big business interest. Even worse, the recent Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court has opened the door to unlimited amounts of corporate cash and private donations during elections, which can even be given anonymously. At this point, the U.S. political system has come to resemble an oligarchy or aristocracy more than a democracy, in which the wealthy elites c
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an buy politicians and political parties exactly as they did during the Gilded Age of the 19th Century, and only the wealthy or those approved by them can even run for political office. This explains why the federal government was so quick to bail out the large Wall Street banks when their corruption and rampant speculation caused them to collapse in 2008, and also why it does so little to assist the common people even though they are suffering through the worst recession since the 1930s.


Locke, John. Two Treatises on Government, 1690.

Sandal, Michael J. Justice: What's the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Politics of the Common Good" Assignment:

1. examine the 4 principals in Sandel defends ( I will provide in the folder name: Justice, what*****'s the right thing to do),

2. Critically examine 2 of them in the following fashion:( you can choose 2 principals from the 4)

a) explain what two authors, Immanuel Kant, John Locke would say about the 2 principles you have chosen. (You only need to connect one author with one of the principals)

b)You must include a few quotes from both sources to explain their main moral point of view, and to support your claim about what they would most likely say about Sandel*****'s proposals, and explain which of these authors hs the most illuminating view on the topics.

c) Specifically explain why one is clearly not good, or one clearly is

d) explain Your position on Sandel*****'s proposals, and clearly explain what specific policy, law or moral principle you would defend on that topic. This should go beyond the general description given by Sandel, adding specific policy proposals of your own, and providiing a moral defense of your policy proposal. (Regarding the principle, law etc. at the end of the prompt. This is just asking you to support some specific proposal to improve society, where your proposal will be in line with one of the two topics you chose from Sandel. You can imagine that you are a legislator and are proposing a law, or a judge, a manager, an active citizen, a deliberator behind the veil - someone proposing a specific implementation of a call to improve society in a specific way. Your proposal should connect to at least one of the two points from Sandel that you have chosen to discuss.


3, My sources are depending on two books written by Michanel J.Sandel, *****" Justice, what*****'s the right thing to do?*****" *****"Justice a reader*****" *****


How to Reference "Politics of the Common Good" Essay in a Bibliography

Politics of the Common Good.”, 2011, Accessed 18 May 2024.

Politics of the Common Good (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Politics of the Common Good. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 May, 2024].
”Politics of the Common Good” 2011.
”Politics of the Common Good”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Politics of the Common Good”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 18-May-2024].
1. Politics of the Common Good [Internet]. 2011 [cited 18 May 2024]. Available from:
1. Politics of the Common Good. Published 2011. Accessed May 18, 2024.

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