Essay on "Watch the Super Bowl Yes"

Essay 5 pages (1467 words) Sources: 0

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Companies that advertised their products during the game thus consider their ads to be more than simple commercial strategies, as they have directed their efforts at creating works of art -- advertisements that would stay in the minds of viewers long after the actual game ends.

Super Bowl advertisers have obviously acknowledged the importance of promoting their products during the show. As a consequence, most commercials shown during the event are aimed at inducing strong feelings in audiences. Particular advertisements such as the Coca Cola ad have generated much controversy. The ad's producers have focused on providing audiences with the opportunity to think about the product as being an essential concept in U.S. culture. Alongside with the diversity present across the country, Coca Cola is shown as an element that is an integral part of the community. Some are likely to express disproval about how the ad is sung in several languages, but it is exactly this idea that makes it possible for the product to be popularized.

I managed to remember all the advertisers that bought spots during the game. This influenced me to believe that these respective advertisers effectively put across their messages and managed to connect with people to the point where their commercials became almost as important as the game itself.

5. I would be a hypocrite if I were to say that I've never drank Coke or that I will never drink this product again. Even with this, I'm unable to understand the degree to which this particular commercial influenced me to express interest in Coca Cola.

There are numerous products that have been advertised during the game
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and that I think I will be purchasing at some point in the near future. Some of these products have actually interested me even before the game, as I've often bought things like Cheerios, Doritos, and Axe.

While most car ads were impressive, the Jaguar ad was probably the most inspirational of the set. With actors like Ben Kingsley, Mark Strong, and Tom Hiddleston promoting the idea that having a Jaguar is something more than having a means of transport, I actually felt that it would be good to have a car from this particular automaker, as it brings along a sort of elegance and as it would (presumably) make me feel like a Brit because of its somewhat contained and yet powerful attitude.

6. Did you see any pre-game spots being promoted during the week?

While the Super Bowl was previously perceived as an event that was important primarily because of the power that advertisements had during the game itself, advertisers have recently started to provide the masses with teasers and previews meant to cultivate the viewer's need to actually want to see these respective commercials. The social media environment has proved to be a particularly important channel when considering this event, with numerous advertisers promoting their Super Bowl commercials days before the game actually started.

The Youtube Ad Blitz channel was probably one of the most important acts making it possible for the masses to understand the power of Super Bowl commercials. Google used the channel with the purpose of adding a series of teasers of commercials shown during the game. While the Super Bowl and associated advertisements were a one-day event in the past, they have gradually come to spread over several weeks filled with messages of eagerness in viewers.

7. Comment on anything that triggers your mind: design, logos, length of spot, whatever.

The Axe commercial certainly made me think for a while after seeing it. The fact that the advertisement managed to capture ideas like warfare, love, and humor was successful in making me appreciate the company. This type of appreciation is, however, divisive, as I actually feel more supportive toward the commercial's producers rather than for Axe itself.

As I previously mentioned, the Jaguar commercial also made me think about wanting to buy a Jaguar. As fictional as this desire might be, I do, however, feel that the advertisement's storyline and the way that it promotes a Jaguar as being much more than a car are very efficient tools of developing a relationship with the public. Maybe a Jaguar lacks many of the things that Italian cars have, but this advertisement manages to promote the company's image as a community that makes car for people wanting to stand out from the crowd and… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Watch the Super Bowl Yes" Assignment:

5-7 pages/ 250 words per - double spaced/hand-in

Watching the superBowl LIVE is part of the assignment. Not looking at the commercials

on line the next day.

This is a huge cultural event: 111 million viewers last year. $4 for 30 seconds [and

that does not consider costs for production, linking with other media like Social and

the amazing web presence.

Just some thoughts to frame your thinking. No requirement to follow can

create your own.

1. Do you usually watch the Super Bowl?

2. Are you watching on air or on line?

3. Since Media is "a vehicle; a commodity, and an environment , what is the

environment in which are watching [alone, few quiet-ish friends or full blown party.]

And how does that affect your intake of the messaging?

4. If you write down the name of the advertiser when the spot appears; can you recall

what it is about after the show? The next morning?

5. Are they advertising products that are of interest to you...or you may be purchasing?

6. Did you see any pre-game spots being promoted during the week?

7. Comment on anything that triggers your mind: design, logos, length of spot, whatever.

Plus this suggestion for afterward...

Check out the YouTube CBS sports voting for favorite spot post game.

The name of the course is : Media, Messages & the Mind

This extravaganza is hitting all three.

PS. The above are suggestions only. Someone in class asked if they could question

others watching with them. Why not? Analyze how that affects your intake.

How to Reference "Watch the Super Bowl Yes" Essay in a Bibliography

Watch the Super Bowl Yes.”, 2014, Accessed 18 May 2024.

Watch the Super Bowl Yes (2014). Retrieved from (2014). Watch the Super Bowl Yes. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 May, 2024].
”Watch the Super Bowl Yes” 2014.
”Watch the Super Bowl Yes”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Watch the Super Bowl Yes”,, 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 18-May-2024].
1. Watch the Super Bowl Yes [Internet]. 2014 [cited 18 May 2024]. Available from:
1. Watch the Super Bowl Yes. Published 2014. Accessed May 18, 2024.

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