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Genetic Structure of Indigenous African Hunter-Gatherers Research Paper Paper Icon


Following their abstract/introduction of their study, the authors described their selection of participants for their study of the genetic structure of the indigenous hunter-gatherer people of southern Africa. They based these choices for genome testing on the subject's linguistic group, the geographical location, and the Y-chromosome haplogroup representation. All the men were about 80 years old, from arid desert… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1366 words) Sources: 0

Pre-Natal Development Research Paper Paper Icon

Prenatal development involves not only the physiologic processes which occur to produce life, it also requires an understanding of the various influences that shape the developing life and the consequences those influences have the potential to bear. The issue of nature vs. nurture is brought to bear in prenatal development. With a focus on the inherent 'tabula rasa' character of… read more

Research Paper 5 pages (1901 words) Sources: 6

Electronic Health Records (EHR) -- Pharmacy Hemophilia Term Paper Paper Icon

Electronic Health Records (EHR) -- Pharmacy


Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder in which a person's blood will not clot normally. This may cause a person with the disease to bleed longer than normal following an injury, or can also result in internal bleeding. Prolonged bleeding can be life threatening. (NHLBI, 2009) Hemophilia is caused by a genetic defect of… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1068 words) Sources: 2

Exchange of Genetic Material Between Cells in Plant Tissue Grafts Research Paper Paper Icon

Exchange of Genetic Material Between Cells in Plant Tissue Grafts

In genetic recombination, a strand of DNA or RNA molecule is broken and the joined to a different DNA molecule. The occurring chromosomal crossover results on the next generation have a combination of the two parent's strands donating the DNA. Gregor Mendel first discovered the bases for genetics with his… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (585 words) Sources: 3

Mutation Breeding of in Vitro Grown Begonia Rex and Analysis of Morphological Data Research Proposal Paper Icon

Mutation Breeding of in Vitro Grown Begonia Rex and Analysis of Morphological Data

The purpose of this study is to examine: (1) the wide spectrum of morphological variations induced by mutation breeding; (2) the effect of mutagenic agents (chemical mutagens) such as colchicine on mutation frequency; (3) the effect of the physiological state of explants material on mutation frequency; (4)… read more

Research Proposal 10 pages (3499 words) Sources: 13 Style: Harvard

Nature and Nurture in the Current Developmental Research Proposal Paper Icon

Nature and Nurture in the Current Developmental Psychology Research Literature

Developmental Psychology

The "nature vs. nurture" debate has resided at the heart of developmental psychology for the past several decades. From the moment that Crick and Watson discovered that genetic information is passed along through cellular structures and that this information has a role in determining who we become, scientists… read more

Research Proposal 3 pages (1132 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

Genetic Influences on Behavior While the Debate Essay Paper Icon

Genetic Influences on Behavior

While the debate continues over nature vs. nurture, the science of the genetics of behavior has gained tremendous momentum with the advancements in the refinement of DNA analysis and genetic sequencing. Beginning with the human genome project in the 1990 and onto even more fine tuned efforts such as the "Hap Map" for discovering genetic related… read more

Essay 1 pages (425 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

Nature and Nurture the Relatively Recent Development Thesis Paper Icon

Nature and Nurture

The relatively recent development of DNA sciences have contributed greatly to our understanding human behavior, physiology, and heredity. Genetic sequencing and the myriad offshoots of the earlier-than-expected Human Genome Project shortly after the turn of the century have already revolutionized many forms of medical treatments and generated forensic techniques capable of identifying specific individuals with unprecedented accuracy… read more

Thesis 5 pages (1287 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA

Thomas Kuhn's Theory of Scientific Revolutions Research Proposal Paper Icon

Thomas Kuhn's Theory Of Scientific Revolutions

Thomas Kuhn's philosophy of scientific revolutions has become a natural part of today's scientific jargon. Although many are familiar with its basic tenets, many do not realize that they are part of the formal theory proposed by Thomas Kuhn. Unlike theorists before him, he did not believe that scientific progress occurred in a linear… read more

Research Proposal 8 pages (2630 words) Sources: 6 Style: MLA

Anti-Social Behavior Essay Paper Icon

Anti Social Behavior

Personality is something that relates to one's predisposition to think, feel, and act in certain ways. Consequent to the formation of one's personality, his features will most probably remain the same across the respective individual's life. When concerning anti-social behavior, personality is a strong factor of influence. If one were to have a criminal-inclined personality, there is… read more

Essay 1 pages (328 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

Future of Human Evolution Thesis Paper Icon

Genetic Load in Modern Humans

Especially given the concerns of over-population, the issue of saving human beings with genetically inherited (and therefore genetically passed on) diseases that untreated would be lethal appears to be growing in complexity. The issue has never been completely straightforward from a scientific viewpoint. Though medicine's primary goal is to improve the longevity and quality of… read more

Thesis 2 pages (647 words) Sources: 0

Dangers of Cloning Life Is Precious Thesis Paper Icon

Dangers of Cloning

Life is precious. This is what proponents of human cloning fail to accept. While cloning holds promise in theory, the idea fails in practice -- almost every single time it is attempted. While many see the experiment as a great challenge, they overlook the implications that cloning will have on society and the cloned individual. The dangers… read more

Thesis 8 pages (2445 words) Sources: 6 Style: MLA

Future of DNA Testing Research Proposal Paper Icon

Future of DNA Testing

The Beginnings of Genetic Identity Testing

DNA fingerprinting

Genetic identity testing establishes the patterns of genetic material, which is specific and unique for almost every human being.1 The sequence differences between individuals are used as basis for identity testing. The techniques applied are DNA fingerprinting, DNA profiling, and DNA typing. Identity testing in crime investigation began… read more

Research Proposal 7 pages (2054 words) Sources: 10

Metaphysics Are We Free Thesis Paper Icon


The problem of freedom and determinism, or the problem of free will refers to a logical conundrum: if "all events are caused" then "how can any human actions…be free?" (p. 395). Determinism does not presuppose the existence of a God or some personal force that arbitrarily creates a fate. Rather, determinism implies that human beings might not be aware… read more

Thesis 2 pages (628 words) Sources: 0

Biology Dunne, Vanessa and Maselli, Ricardo Thesis Paper Icon


Dunne, Vanessa and Maselli, Ricardo a. (2004). Common founder effect of rapsyn N88K studied using intragenic markers. The Japan Society of Human Genetics and Springer-Verlag. 8 June 2004.

Many researchers believe that the rapsyn N88K gene, which has links to the preponderance of congenital myasthenic syndrome, is derived from a common founder effect, much as many other singularly associated… read more

Thesis 2 pages (741 words) Sources: 1+

How Does Genes Affect the Way We Look and Act? Thesis Paper Icon


The last two decades have brought an amazing amount of gene research to the forefront of the scientific world. The possibilities presented by such research are complex, yet exciting to ponder. Scientists can now manipulate genes in manners previously unthinkable, yet with the discovery of DNA and how genes affect humans, animals, and the world in which they interact… read more

Thesis 6 pages (1751 words) Sources: 3

Human Genome Project Thesis Paper Icon

Human Genome Project may be the most controversial research project in modern medical or scientific history.

The project began in 1990 at the National Institutes of Health and was headed by James Watson. However, the project was not only a U.S. project, nor was it only a government project. The National Institutes of Health worked with other governmental and private… read more

Thesis 8 pages (2793 words) Sources: 8 Style: MLA

Polydactylism Polydactyly Is a Relatively Common Condition Essay Paper Icon


Polydactyly is a relatively common condition in which extra digits on the foot or hand develop during growth of the fetus. This essay presents a discussion of the organs and cells which are affected, along with a discussion of the genetic basis of the condition. Finally, there is a brief discussion of the treatments which are available for the… read more

Essay 6 pages (2143 words) Sources: 6 Style: APA

DNA or Deoxyribonucleic Acid Thesis Paper Icon

DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid is the only commonly found molecule that can dictate its own syntheses through reproduction, for this reason the DNA is the cell structure that dictates genetic material to a new organism. (Carter, 2004, NP) the shape and form of DNA create the ability of it to regenerate in patterned sequences, that are limitedly predictable and there… read more

Thesis 3 pages (1004 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA

Human Cloning Is a Controversial Subject Research Proposal Paper Icon

Human cloning is a controversial subject in today's world and for good reason. In a UNESCO report published in 2005 it is related that cloning" may seem to be a relatively recent laboratory phenomenon, but the word itself derives from antiquity: the Greek word klwn for 'twig'." In fact, the use of the term in the beginning was applicable to… read more

Research Proposal 9 pages (2456 words) Sources: 10 Style: MLA

Biomedical Technology Term Paper Paper Icon

Biomedical Technology

The field of Biomedical Technology has been growing by leaps and over the past half-century. At the beginning of that time many research scientists and their funding corporations were starting to realize the amazing potential of this field for both for humanitarian and commercial use. The advances alone in the use of recombinant DNA techniques as well as… read more

Term Paper 9 pages (3146 words) Sources: 10

Histone H2AX Term Paper Paper Icon

Histone H2AX

In the study of biology, histones are the main, large and organic compounds made of amino acids that are considered as among the most important elements of chromatin. Chromatin is the compound and compact form of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in the nucleus that makes up chromosomes. Let us focus our study to one of the major and core… read more

Term Paper 15 pages (5478 words) Sources: 30

Nothing Specific Term Paper Paper Icon


What is cloning? The simple explanation: Cloning or nuclear transplantation or somatic cell nuclear transfer involves removing the nucleus (containing a cell's DNA) from an egg cell, and transplanting the DNA from an adult cell into the enucleated egg. The egg is shocked into simulating of fertilization. When the fertilized egg is implanted into the uterus, it has the… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (389 words) Sources: 1+ Style: MLA

Biology - Genetic Engineering: Applications Term Paper Paper Icon

Biology - Genetic Engineering


Genetic engineering is the process of deliberately changing the genetic material of an organism by manipulating its deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecular structure for the purpose of transmitting those specifically designed changes to successive generations via genetic inheritance. The first documented (albeit unintentional) experimental demonstration of genetic engineering actually preceded the identification… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1413 words) Sources: 5 Style: MLA

Nf-Kb Akirin Term Paper Paper Icon

NF-kB: Akirin

NF-kB Akirin: A "Novel Nuclear Factor"

Statement of Topic Significance

Genetic engineering and experimentation hold enormous promise for eradicating many of the diseases that currently plague mankind, and researchers may even be able extend the human lifespan to unprecedented levels in the future. More importantly, perhaps, ongoing research into the human innate immune systems also suggests that such… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1972 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA

Survival Theory Richard Dawkins' the Selfish Gene Term Paper Paper Icon

Survival Theory

Richard Dawkins' the Selfish Gene and Jonathan Kozol's Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools

Sociobiology uses the Darwinian theory of evolution to understand human social behavior. To do so, sociobiologists make several key assumptions. First, sociobiologists assume that "traits less adapted to particular conditions of life will not persist in a population, because organisms with those traits will… read more

Term Paper 9 pages (3529 words) Sources: 10 Style: APA

Nurture vs. Nature Term Paper Paper Icon


Human beings and other so-called "higher" forms of biological life are products of their environments in many respects. Exposure to certain environmental factors and being reared under certain circumstances can influence the direction of many types of behavior. At the same time, the field of genetics demonstrates conclusively that inheritance also determines much of the development… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1329 words) Sources: 4 Style: APA

Astrocytic Tumors Brain Term Paper Paper Icon

Astrocytic Tumors

Brain tumor is one of the most lethal forms of cancers with more than 13,000 deaths every year in the United States. Though we are still a long way from developing medical interventions that promise total recovery, advancements in the diagnostic methods such as MRS, ultrasonic aspiration and in surgical procedures such as intraoperative neuronavigation, Gamma Knife radiosurgery,… read more

Term Paper 10 pages (2607 words) Sources: 1+

Eugenics Refers to the Social Philosophy Research Paper Paper Icon

Eugenics refers to the social philosophy that advocates an artificial improvement to the human hereditary traits through various mechanisms of intervention. In the modern, medical sense, eugenics refers to the use of such things as prenatal testing, screening, genetic counseling, birth control, genetic engineering and in vitro fertilization as mechanisms of preventing the passing on of various problematic genetic traits.… read more

Research Paper 3 pages (901 words) Sources: 4 Style: APA

Co-Evolution Term Paper Paper Icon


The objective of this work is to research and examine co-evolution, what it is, how it works and the biological principle of this theory and the basis of this theory to include three different community interactions.

According to the work of Jones (2000) entitled: "Reductionism: Analysis and the Fullness of Reality" the work of Richard Dawkins makes the claim… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1213 words) Sources: 1+

Philosophy of Psychology in the Selfish Gene Term Paper Paper Icon


Dawkins' Selfish Gene and the History of Psychology

In the Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins argues passionately and clearly for a challenging new approach to the study of biology and evolution. Of course, after thirty years, Dawkins' selfish gene hypothesis, which was a popularization of work being conducted in biology at the time, has become entrenched orthodoxy in some circles.… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (1827 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

Extracting DNA From Strawberries in My Experiment Lab Report Paper Icon

Extracting DNA from strawberries

In my experiment, I attempted to extract the DNA from strawberries; in order to fulfill my purpose, I have followed the stages presented in the example: I blended the strawberries together with salt and cold water, I put the mixture through a strainer into a cup, then I added liquid detergent and then I moved the… read more

Lab Report 4 pages (1113 words) Sources: 2 Style: MLA

Cloning Benefits Term Paper Paper Icon


History and Background of Cloning.

Possible Negative Consequences and their Consequences.

Alternative Solutions.

Rebuttals of Opponents.


An Analysis of the Potential Benefits of Cloning

The ongoing heated debates concerning the ethical aspects of using human stem-cells, a therapeutic form of cloning, to advance medicine highlight the need for better oversight of science when real people are involved. In… read more

Term Paper 13 pages (5061 words) Sources: 15 Style: APA

Heredity and Hormones Term Paper Paper Icon

Hormones and Heredity


Human behavior has been an interesting subject of discussion and research. It is commonly believed that genes and environment determine human behavior. We need to not forget that genes are precisely what we call hereditary in ordinary language. When we are that someone is hereditarily prone to doing a certain thing, what… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (876 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA

Human Genome Project and Its Impact Implications Term Paper Paper Icon

Human Genome Project and its impact implications on the ethics of genetic engineering. The writer examines the project, the genetic engineering question and provides personal beliefs to the overall picture.


Recent advances in the field of medical science have taken mankind to heights never before imagined. Today, the life span of… read more

Term Paper 10 pages (2561 words) Sources: 8 Style: APA

Cloning, and Especially Human Term Paper Paper Icon

Cloning, and especially human cloning, is a hot political topic. Raising a litany of legal and ethnical questions, cloning is also an issue that has become shrouded in fallacy, myth, and misunderstanding. Media attention to cloning has in many cases distorted the issues, making it seem as if science labs are manufacturing monsters and mutants. Moreover, cloning is a broad… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (2068 words) Sources: 3

Patent Law and Genetic Medicine Term Paper Paper Icon

Human Stem Cell Medical - Legal Implications

How Do Legal Issues in Patent Law Shape Ethical Decision in Human Stem Cell Research?

Patent Law & Genetic Medicine

This work examines the issue of human stem cell research from the view of the medical profession with an eye on funding, the public perspective and legislation historically affecting and futuristically possible in… read more

Term Paper 17 pages (4660 words) Sources: 6 Style: Chicago

DNA Term Paper Paper Icon

DNA, which to some of you probably sounds like some kind of esoteric scientific research; or maybe others of you understand DNA as part of the basic human building blocks of biology; and surely all of us are aware of DNA in the context of crime lab stories we see on TV and read about in the newspapers. Prisoners are… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1164 words) Sources: 1+

Cloning Is the Production of Identical Genetic Term Paper Paper Icon

Cloning is the production of identical genetic copies of cells or an individual. The process occurs naturally when a cell or organism reproduces asexually, through processes such as mitosis, binary fission, budding, sporulation, or parthenogenesis, or when genetically identical twins are produced naturally.

Even the process of horticultural grafting and cuttings are technically cloning as the resultant plant is a… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1554 words) Sources: 1+

Genomics and Implications Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Conclusion

The research showed that genomics is the field of automated sequencing and analysis of genes. The research also showed that with the results of the Human Genome Project in hand, genomics research is well situated to make enormous contributions to improving the human condition in the years to come; however, all of this progress has some observers suggesting that… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1778 words) Sources: 1+

Do the Dangers of Genetic Engineering as Applied to Humans Outweigh Its Benefits? Term Paper Paper Icon

Genetic engineering (GE) has been presented to the public as a way to improve the quality of our lives, enhance agriculture and advance our ability to fight genetic illnesses. The possibilities seem endless, but raise worries as well as optimism (Fricker, 2002). The Human Genome Project, conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Department of Health and Human… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (2006 words) Sources: 0

Nature Verses Nurture One of the Arguments Term Paper Paper Icon

Nature Verses Nurture

One of the arguments that have now been raised by the discovery of genes is the question whether our behavior in future life is determined by the genes that we are born with, or the way that we are brought up with. This can be summed up as "Nature vs. Nurture" which is also the title of… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1792 words) Sources: 1+

Is Prostitution a Job Like Any Other? Term Paper Paper Icon

Dangers outweigh Benefits of Genetic

Do Dangers of genetic engineering Outweigh Benefits?

Perhaps no other subject in recent years has caused such a myriad of debates and controversy than genetic engineering. Not only is the general public divided in opinions concerning the benefits and risks, but there is division among academics as well. At issue is the potential for life-saving… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1111 words) Sources: 0

Nature and Nurture a Study Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Studies including identical and fraternal twins as well as siblings will therefore be revealing with regard to the nature/nurture debate. The groups can then be compared to determine to which degree the environment influenced their differences and genetics their similarities.

3. Current studies regarding this issue are inconclusive. However, it appears that it is impossible to disregard the effect of… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (360 words) Sources: 1+

Cloning Our Group Is a Morally Committed Term Paper Paper Icon


Our group is a morally committed organization that has had many successes in preventing various actions and activities when those activities raise moral objections. Among these would be our efforts to lobby for increased recognition of family rights so parents would have to be notified before an underage girl could get certain medical procedures, worked to prevent discrimination against… read more

Term Paper 11 pages (3829 words) Sources: 1+

Cloning the Term Cloning Is Commonly Construed Term Paper Paper Icon


The term cloning is commonly construed as reproductive cloning or the asexual genetic replication of a living organism (Cloning, 2005). However, in reality, scientists use the term cloning to describe all the different processes that are involved in the duplication of biological material. While there is virtually universal agreement that human cloning is neither safe nor ethically desirable, the… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1578 words) Sources: 1+

Human Genome Project (Hgp) Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] al., 1998). In both the cases of clear-cut genetic causation, such as with Huntington's Chorea, and in cases where genetics may play a role, such as in some types of breast cancer, medical professionals as well as patients have to make some difficult decisions (Collins et. al., 1998). Would most people want to know if they were destined to develop… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 0

DNA an Investigators Silent Partner Term Paper Paper Icon

DNA- An Investigator's Silent Partner

This essay is about DNA fingerprinting and how it has become a silent partner in the war on crime. The ever popular O.J. Simpson murder trial in the early 90's made DNA evidence another household concept. Since that trial, DNA evidence has become a common feature throughout American criminal trials and jurisprudence. "As a forensic… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (948 words) Sources: 1+

Sickle Cell Term Paper Paper Icon

Sickle cell anemia is an inherited blood disorder in which hemoglobin is defective (Genetic disease profile: Sickle cell anemia). After hemoglobin molecules give up their oxygen, some cluster together and form long, rod-like structures. These structures cause red blood cells to become stiff and assume a sickle shape that makes it difficult for them to squeeze through small blood vessels.… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1267 words) Sources: 1+

Human DNA Sequence Composed Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] These two databases are available for search. To search a sequence against eBLOCKs, please enter your protein sequence in FASTA format and choose either eMOTIF or eMATRIX as your Search Method." (, 2005)

DNA Sequence

The results of the internet search for this specific DNA sequence came back with a great deal of information which then required additional research. The… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1160 words) Sources: 0

Cyborgs Transgenic Designer Kids Term Paper Paper Icon

Cogito Ergo Sum

As stated centuries ago by Rene Descartes, the statement "I think, therefore I am," no longer holds true for the dawn of the twenty first century. Due to emerging monumental technological advances in virtual reality since Descartes first coined the phrase in the seventeenth century "My computer thinks, therefore I am" has become the contemporary version of… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1796 words) Sources: 1+

History of Embryology Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] These mutant genes, however, were considered to be alleles at the same locus. The answer to this genetic quandary was to be found in the embryology of the mouse (Burian et al.).

The effect of the two alleles T. And to on notochord and mesoderm might suggest that the two alleles act on two different structures. However, if considered from… read more

Term Paper 10 pages (3099 words) Sources: 1+

Cloning Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] ." We worry that the market for women's eggs that would be created by this research will provide unethical incentives for women to undergo health-threatening hormone treatment and surgery. We are also concerned about the increasing bio-industrialization of life by the scientific community and life science companies; we are shocked and dismayed that clonal human embryos have been patented and… read more

Term Paper 11 pages (3743 words) Sources: 1+

DNA Is the Abbreviation Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Through the years, scientists have learned that the normally fragile DNA molecule can exist for hundreds, thousands and even millions of years in "certain extraordinary preserved specimens" (Poinar Pp). The sophisticated tools of molecular biology, used most often to foretell an organism's genetic future, can also be used to decipher an organism's past (Poinar Pp). Today, scientists are "exploiting the… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1041 words) Sources: 1+

Cloning Is No Longer Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] However, for this to proceed, therapeutic cloning must distance itself further from reproductive cloning (Butler Pp). Robin Lovell-Badge, head of developmental genetics at the National Institute for Medical Research in London, feels that this should not be a problem, "You can get to the blastocyst stage without stringent reprogramming, but to go on to the stem-cell line stage is harder,… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1314 words) Sources: 1+

Chronic Wasting Disease in Nebraska Term Paper Paper Icon

Human Gene Therapy - the Molecular Band-Aid

What is gene therapy?

How does it work?

Clinical Trials

Recent Developments

Concern for the Future.

The key to Gene Therapy, according to Kay Crabtree, is in targeting the right cells. The areas that science has discovered gene therapy a possibility in science for are in the area of genetic disorders, cancer, peripheral… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 0

Human Cloning: The Ethical Debate Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] That would end abortion, in vitro fertilization, and many types of prenatal genetic testing in the United States.

There are many reasons why human cloning is unethical, but, in my opinion, the greatest reason is that it would destroy the way that families and children are created and built. However, looking at the issue from a scientific perspective, the possibilities… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1183 words) Sources: 1+

Evolution & Genetic Drift Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] " (Lewis, 244).

The Old Order Amish of Pennsylvania mate within their own community, and seldom involve the outside community. This loss of genetic diversity has led to a higher incidence of certain inherited diseases within Amish communities. For example, the founder effect in the Amish settlement has caused a variety of conditions, such as dwarfism and Crigler-Najjar syndrome, where… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1209 words) Sources: 1+

Cystic Fibrosis. There Are Eleven Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] On the cellular level, cystic fibrosis patients find a "particular cell protein can not do its job and fight off bacterial infection. A genetic error deletes a single amino acid, which is just one of 15-hundred that make up the protein, causing the protein to become misshapen and preventing it from traveling to the cell's surface to begin its infection… read more

Term Paper 10 pages (3014 words) Sources: 1+

Buck vs. Bell Lee M Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] It was with the emergence of INF, argues Silver, that human beings grasped their reproductive destiny.

Silver tackles the implications of reproductive engineering by assessing the right of parents to genetically enhance their children. A society that allows rich parents to choose private education for their offspring, argues Silver, cannot justifiably argue that it is 'unfair' for wealthy parents to… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1498 words) Sources: 1+

Genetic Screening Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] In forensic testing, individuals are screened in order to determine a genetic link between suspects and evidence that comes from police investigations. Results of these tests are admissible in courts, and have been used to conclusively establish guilt or innocence (McCarrick).

Susceptibility testing is used to help identify individuals that are the most at risk (or susceptible) to certain disorders.… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (2160 words) Sources: 1+

Bombing of Hiroshima Studies Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] This leads to the conclusion that the exposure of the parents before conception and birth may have been a contributing factor to genetic defects resulting in infant death as well.

Studies concentrating on the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl have also indicated that exposure to radiation, even years after the fact, have negative implications when it comes to birth defects (Stone,… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1650 words) Sources: 1+

Eugenics Matt Ridley's Opinions Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] But, unfortunately, policies turned into a human-rights catastrophe: the rejection of many immigrants, the sterilization of many people whose only crime was to have below-average intelligence, and eventually, in Germany, the extermination of millions of people. Societal genetics are impossible to prevent because of the social norms and harsh governments that exist in many countries. Ridley appears to be too… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (303 words) Sources: 0

Human Genetic Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] These attempts require regulators to consider only the risks of bioengineered crops and not their benefits, and they hold gene-splicing to a standard of safety that could not possibly be met by non-biotech products and practices (Conko)."

These opponents therefore illustrate they are basing their reasons on politics instead of sound science.


Gene therapy research has the potential to… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (417 words) Sources: 1+

Alcoholism and Disorders Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] [Genome.Org 2002].

Gene Disorder

Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT;

116790) is an enzyme that plays a crucial role in the production of dopamine. It has been suggested in research that a functional genetic polymorphism or genetic disorder in the COMT gene results in 3- to 4- fold change in the enzyme activity and may contribute to mental disorders and alcoholism. [NCBI. 2003].

Researchers… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1191 words) Sources: 1+

Therapeutic Cloning Recent Years Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Another counter to therapeutic cloning is the possibility of alternative methods to reaching the same goal, methods such as the use of adult stem cells or even the use of stem cells from umbilical cord blood have no moral stigma attached to them. Secondly, there is promising research work being done in these areas. So why experiment with human embryos… read more

Term Paper 10 pages (2537 words) Sources: 1+

Genetic Engineering Is a Tool Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Today there are more than 300 restriction enzymes and the list ever continues to grow. Each of these restriction enzymes precisely identify and target particular DNA bases. When treated with DNA the restriction enzymes scan through the DNA strands and identify the specific sequence bases and cut through them. This opening makes possible the insertion of the human gene. This… read more

Term Paper 10 pages (2752 words) Sources: 1+

Human Cloning Should Be Allowed Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] " These images then, are based in fear and as long as these images remain associated with cloning, it is difficult to consider the real issues. It becomes a reflex for people and the media to reject cloning, despite the fact that the arguments against it are unfounded.

Another author further shows how the argument is not based on reality,… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (2215 words) Sources: 1+

Galton's Prediction Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Eugenicists looked at the IQ test as an "objective and quantitative tool for measuring innate mental ability (Garland, 1996)."

When the tests were administered to new immigrants at Ellis Island, eugencists found that "more than 80% of the Jewish, Hungarian, Polish, Italian and Russian immigrants were mentally defective, or feebleminded (Garland, 1996)."

This lead eugenicists to theorize the defects were… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (507 words) Sources: 1+

Medical Advancements in Medicine Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] All diseases have a genetic component, whether inherited or resulting from the body's response to environmental stresses. The successes of the Human Genome Project (HGP) have even enabled researchers to pinpoint errors in genes -- the smallest units of heredity -- that cause or contribute to disease.2

The real news is that in the right hands, genetic engineering can be… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (989 words) Sources: 1+

Ethics of Genetic Engineering Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] They were all later accredited with the Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine in 1962 (Hawley 1998).

The new science of genetic engineering aims to take a dramatic short cut in the slow process of evolution" (Stableford 1996). In essence, scientists aim to remove one gene from an organism's DNA, and place it into the DNA of another organism. This… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (870 words) Sources: 0

Personality: Permanent? Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Both causes play the same role controlling people's loathsome behavior.

The therapy includes giving space to the subject to openness of experience, reducing tension of threatening environment and fearsome force, or even introducing gradual learning process in a comfort zone where the subject feels safe to express him/herself.

There is an extra note; Azar also gives an interesting part in… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (969 words) Sources: 1+

Mitosis vs. Meiosis Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Because't is an X-linked trait, t will be expressed, so the phenotype is 4/4 t.


A heterozygous has a pair of nonidentical alleles, Tt.

The genotypes for the offspring are shown below:

t T

- t tt

- T Tt

Result is 1/4 tt, 2/4 Tt and 1/4 TT genotypes.

Result is 1/4 T. phenotype (TT) and 3/4 t… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1155 words) Sources: 0

Market Rates and Solar Research Paper Paper Icon

Most of the solar projects that have been implemented thus far have been based on some broader metric than simply considering the market prices alone; with the rare exception that infrastructure requirements and prohibitions that can actually make solar power cheaper than the alternatives in remote locations and specific applications. There have also been many research efforts that attempt to… read more

Research Paper 6 pages (4218 words) Sources: 3

Case for Hydroelectric Power Research Paper Paper Icon

But energy is also important. It is necessary that the country looks towards the future, towards more sustainable sources of energy. There are many renewable energy sources, and they should all be taken into consideration. There is evidence to support the idea that hydroelectric energy can be generated efficiently at the local scale all over the country, and that this… read more

Research Paper 6 pages (1857 words) Sources: 5

How a Systems View Helps the Environment Research Paper Paper Icon

The Oberlin Project is a joint project of efforts combined among the City of Oberlin, Oberlin College and private and institutional investors seeking "to improve the resilience, prosperity and sustainability" of the local community in Oberlin. This includes vitalizing the economy, controlling carbon emissions, helping local agriculture to develop and grow, support the food chain and forestation, and engage in… read more

Research Paper 3 pages (801 words) Sources: 2

How a City May Lower Energy Costs With Windmills Grant Proposal Paper Icon

Each turbine tower is 120 feet; to the tip of the blade, 154 feet

Two 100 kW wind turbines from Northern Power Systems @ $352,000 each = $704,000 (estimate); Northern Power Systems turbines are gearless, and include a 10-year warrantee and 24x7 monitoring technologies

Installation of two 100 kW turbines - $450,000 (estimate)

Federal grants available from - $800,000… read more

Grant Proposal 2 pages (666 words) Sources: 1 Style: Let the writer choose

Article Review on Greenhouse Gases Article Critique Paper Icon

Building wind or solar farms takes time and most people cannot afford to implement it now. Tree planting is affordable and can be done through the work of volunteers, which is another point the author made. Volunteering to plant trees makes people feel good and feel like they are doing something to help the earth. It is something one person… read more

Article Critique 3 pages (934 words) Sources: 1

Energy Utilization in Wireless Sensor Networks Term Paper Paper Icon

The main advantage of this protocol is that it facilitates the adaptation of nodes, which have failed in a dynamic manner. In addition, this particular protocol has an inferior link maintenance cost in comparison to its predecessor, that is MECN. This implies that it can be able to attain considerable saving in terms of energy usage (Hara et al., 2010).… read more

Term Paper 8 pages (2374 words) Sources: 5

Acas X Technology and the Next Generation of Flying Research Paper Paper Icon

The safety system effectively reduces the level of human error involved in the process by providing better analysis of the situation and coordinating a maneuver only when needed, adjusting for various probabilities.

Testing the ACAS X

Currently the ACAS X is still in test mode, though in 2014 the FAA ran tests using the ACAS X with the assistance of… read more

Research Paper 11 pages (3502 words) Sources: 10

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