Government / Politics Essays

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American Citizenry Elects a Democrat as President Term Paper Paper Icon

American citizenry elects a Democrat as President in the 2008 elections, then what will be some of the changes evidenced shortly thereafter, due to those results?" Understanding the fact that politicians make promises during their campaign(s) and that they will, for the most part, at least attempt to keep some of those promises leads to the conclusion that there will… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (372 words) Sources: 3 Style: Harvard

History of the Early National United States 1789-1848 Term Paper Paper Icon

History Of the Early National United States, 1789-1848

The history of the United States has been marked by important factors which determined its evolution into what has come to be known as the most efficient democracy in the world. However, in order to reach this status, the republic had to undergo several changes, both at the level of the political… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1208 words) Sources: 1+ Style: MLA

Government Bureaucracy Term Paper Paper Icon

Government Bureaucracy

Personal Experience with Bureaucracy

When the average person hears the term bureaucracy, the typical image that is conjured up in the mind is probably that of smoke filled backrooms full of politically connected people whose only interest is the advancement of their own goals and objectives, or perhaps the endless backlog of paperwork which keeps progress from occurring.… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (497 words) Sources: 1 Style: MLA

Sociology Urban Crisis and the Government Essay Paper Icon


Urban Crisis and the Government

Dear Editor:

I am the author of "Origins of the Urban Crisis," and my name is Thomas Sugrue, and I would like to bring this book to the attention of your readers. I show in my book that the federal government's cuts in urban spending since the Reagan administration, combined with public-private attempts at… read more

Essay 1 pages (371 words) Sources: 2

Getting Started in Local Politics Term Paper Paper Icon

Local Politics

The political system in America is a rather important issue to be taken into consideration when discussing the definition and content of the notion of democracy. Although its structure is of British, it is through the struggle of people such as George Washington, Thomas Paine, but also Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy that its full content was expanded.… read more

Term Paper 16 pages (5791 words) Sources: 5 Style: MLA

Africa Government Term Paper Paper Icon

Africa Governments

In the majority of African countries, the economic and social conditions are critical, with the poverty levels high, translated with extremely low purchasing power, explosion of deadly diseases and lack of access to potable water unfortunately an integrant part of the current reality. According to several authors, "the process of economic development must be viewed as the means… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (393 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA

Law Making Process of the United States Government Term Paper Paper Icon

Law making Process of the U.S. Government

The Law Making Process of the United States Government

The law making process in the United States government is carried out by the Congress, which consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate. In fact, law-making is the chief function of the Congress, and the legislative powers have been provided to it… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (2496 words) Sources: 5 Style: MLA

Affairs of Honor National Politics in the New Republic Term Paper Paper Icon

American History

Affairs of Honor

The purpose of this paper is to introduce and analyze the book "Affairs of Honor: National Politics in the New Republic" by Joanne B. Freeman. Specifically, it will contain a book review of the book. This American history volume discusses the early American Republic and its stability. It describes a fledging nation not united under… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1351 words) Sources: 0

New Jersey Political Campaigns Term Paper Paper Icon

New Jersey Political Campaigns

Politics in the United States spurs rather hated debates, especially among the two main forces of the political system, the Republicans and the Democrats. Democrat Congressman Frank Pallone has been strongly involved in the issues affecting his constituency in New Jersey and his political activity focused deeply on problems related to the community such as health… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (2363 words) Sources: 5 Style: MLA

Machiavelli and Hobbes Term Paper Paper Icon

Machiavelli and Thomas Hobbes influenced the entire direction of political thought within their respective generations. Their influence resulted from political documents that changed the way we view the nature of humanity and political science. They brought a scientific understanding to the perception of politics, rather than a humanistic and rhetorical understanding. The profound difference in the ways in which they… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1373 words) Sources: 0 Style: MLA

George Washington's Farewell Term Paper Paper Icon


George Washington's Farewell Address

Washington's Farewell Address 1796 Major Points:

Washington's main point to this address comes in the first two paragraphs, when he notes he will not seek reelection and why he has made that choice. He asserts he cares about the country and the government, but he really hopes to retire and lead a quiet life, and… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (676 words) Sources: 1 Style: MLA

Political Science: Argentina Democracy Term Paper Paper Icon

Political Science: Argentina

Democracy in Argentina

How well has democracy been consolidated in Argentina? Things are certainly much better than they were between 1976 and 1983, when "as many as 30,000 people disappeared, thousands were imprisoned for political reasons, and thousands more were killed" (Bonner 2005) during the last military dictatorship (when democracy was only a distant dream of the… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1163 words) Sources: 6 Style: Harvard

Erin Brockovich Movie Term Paper Paper Icon

Erin Brocovich

Movie Review: "Erin Brockovich" How did the movie contribute to your understanding of American politics?

It can't happen here.' No American will say this after seeing the movie "Erin Brockovich" (2000). The film suggests that massive government cover-ups that endanger ordinary citizen's lives are possible, even in a representative democracy with a free press. Thus, Americans cannot trust… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (352 words) Sources: 1 Style: APA

Comparison in Comparative Politics Term Paper Paper Icon

Comparison in Comparative Politics

Comparative politics seek to find the similarities and differences
between different countries in order to help explain the cause and effects
of political actions. In this way, even studies of comparisons covering
vastly different topics can have much in common. Peter Uvin, in his 1999
article "Ethnicity and Power in Burundi and Rwanda: Different Paths to… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1751 words) Sources: 2 Style: MLA

Florida Government in the Sunshine Act Term Paper Paper Icon

Sunshine Act

The Government in the Sunshine Act is likened to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in that the former also mandates that meetings be conducted as "open meetings" -- that is, full disclosure of the proceedings of the meetings, specifically applied to "collegial" agencies. These "collegial" agencies are identified if these agencies are composed of more than one… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (319 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

Urban Government Term Paper Paper Icon

Urban Govt

Over a century before the age of industrialization and urbanization in America, the Founding Fathers held conflicting visions of what form localized governments should take. Federalists like James Madison, though they may not have envisioned the sheer size to which American cities would grow, espoused a strong centralized system of government. The Federalist model would be evident in… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1488 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA

New Public Management and Democracy Term Paper Paper Icon

New Public Management Reforms

The Implications of New Public Management for Democracy Today

Among the plethora of issues arising out of the preeminence of New Public Management (NPM) reforms over the past decades is the question of democracy - the changing nature of Public Administration under managerialism is said to be altering the concept of governance and affecting democratic politics.… read more

Term Paper 14 pages (4090 words) Sources: 10 Style: MLA

Max Weber in "Politics as a Vocation Term Paper Paper Icon

Max Weber

In "Politics as a Vocation," Max Weber frames politics as a function of the state, and thereby defines the state as that social organization that has the unique right to use physical force or violence. The first portion of his lecture is devoted to illustrating how and why the state should be defined in terms of its command… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (390 words) Sources: 0

21st Century American 'Democracy Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] What made these early Americans so different from 21st century ones was (1) the relatively tiny size and homogeneity of their group, and (2) their commitment to a single common cause (Tocqueville). Further, John Winthrop's "A Model of Christian Charity" (1630), originally delivered as a sermon onboard the Arbella bound for the New World, suggests how "every man might have… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (642 words) Sources: 1+

American Government Question One (Interest Groups) Term Paper Paper Icon

American Government

QUESTION ONE (Interest Groups): There are a number of political experts and observers who believe interest groups - or, according to Democracy Under Pressure (Cummings, 224-241), also called the "power elite" - in reality are the forces that make public policy at the federal level. And so, with this system entrenched, it will not be easy to change… read more

Term Paper 17 pages (5843 words) Sources: 1+

Three Branches of Government Term Paper Paper Icon

Branches of Government

An Analysis of the Three Branches of U.S. Federal Government Today

According to one observer, considerable debate has lingered within the field of political science as to which of the three branches of American government is the most powerful or influential. To answer this question, this paper provides a review of how the Founding Fathers envisioned the… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1148 words) Sources: 1+

Three Branches of Government Term Paper Paper Icon

Branches of Government

The three branches of government are the Executive, the Legislative and the Judiciary. Considerable debate has lingered in the political and legal circles as well as American history as to which of these branches is assigned the most powers. On the surface, all three appear equally powerful with one dominating the other on some occasions maintaining a… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (747 words) Sources: 1

Liberalism as an Ideology Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] This is largely due to the fact that, in line with the ethos of freedom, liberal thought emphasizes free trade and economic exchange with the minimum of governmental interference.

In an economic context this means that the marketplace should not come under the control of any individual or group, but should be allowed to adjust itself naturally to bring supply… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (2057 words) Sources: 1+

Government Do We Dare Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] She was a burden to him, nothing more, and he was able to convince the state to have her killed by starvation. A Harvard student, who suffers from cerebral palsy, writes that he fears for his own life: "This disrespect is the devaluation of lives of people like Terri Schiavo. In the Schiavo case and others like it, non-disabled decision… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (870 words) Sources: 0

Government and Society Term Paper Paper Icon

Common Sense and Letters From an American Farmer

Thomas Paine was a true revolutionary. In his pamphlet "Common Sense," he repeatedly cried for independence from England. He believes the cause of America is the cause of all mankind. He writes that the king of England has undertaken in his own right, "to support the parliament in what he calls their,… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1056 words) Sources: 1+

How to Survive Organizational Influence Power and Politics Term Paper Paper Icon

Organizational Politics and Power: How to Survive and Even Prosper in the Political Environment of One's Organization

Hardly any employee, when asked about what he or she likes about his or her organization is likely to say, "oh the politics of the organization" unless Machiavelli is that individual's personal hero! However, effectively managing organizational politics and deploying one's personal power… read more

Term Paper 1 pages (405 words) Sources: 1

Locke the Ironies of Philosophy and Politics Term Paper Paper Icon


The ironies of philosophy and politics -- John Locke's definition of tyranny and its applicable to the modern British Commonwealth nation of Zimbabwe

The history of colonialism and the history of political philosophy have given rise to many ironies. One early manifestation of the irony was when the British 17th century philosopher John Locke's Second Treatise on Government gave… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1683 words) Sources: 1+

Benchmarks in Government 1901-1981 Order Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] II. Common Law gets the Axe:

The Supreme Court did the unthinkable in 1938 when 150 years of 'common-law' was overturned. The common-law is that which expresses our 'human rights' and 'civil liberties" As written by one author:

The Common Law is the fountain source of Substantive and Remedial Rights, if not our very Liberties. The members and associates of… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (840 words) Sources: 1+

Socialism Is a Highly Charged Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] "In Great Britain, where orthodox Marxism had never been a powerful force, the Fabian Society, founded in 1884, set forth basic principles of evolutionary socialism that later became the theoretical basis of the British Labour party." ("Socialism ") Though there was conflict from the very beginning the power structure of the parliamentary system was challenged and the results were to… read more

Term Paper 9 pages (2493 words) Sources: 1+

Political Structure and Philosophy Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Perhaps the most substantial change of the 1987 amendment was conducting the presidential elections by direct, and secret ballot. The president is, of course, the chief executive and holds the right to approve or veto all legislation passed by the National Assembly, and to "refer important policy matters to a national referendum, declare war, conclude peace and other treaties, appoint… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1496 words) Sources: 1+

French Government, State, and Regime Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Total government spending, which may be regarded as essentially devoted to these services, accounts for something like 50% of GDP." (Fournier, 2001)

Because of the creation of the European Union, France's adoption of the Euro and eschewing of the Franc, and standardization of business procedures, particularly in agriculture, France has been forced to change with changing political and economic times.… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1364 words) Sources: 1+

Social and Political History Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Although Americans do invest power in the leaders of the government, the "taking" of power by the present administration has become unacceptable to most Americans who want protection "from" terrorists instead of becoming "suspected" terrorist themselves. Americans desire a "just" or "balanced" form of government rule and not the invasive and violating standards of the Patriot and Homeland Security Acts… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (580 words) Sources: 0

Japanese Political History Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Further, there are term limits that apply to the council members as well as the premier consisting of two consecutive five-year terms.

The official heads of state are the president and vice-president who are appointed by the National Peoples Congress, again, limited by two terms of five years. Additionally, there exists a national legislature made up of the Unicameral National… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (1899 words) Sources: 1

Man and the Right Government Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Rousseau referred to a small village or civic community, but the concepts he provided were also applied to great sovereign nation-states, so Rousseau ironically became the forefather of nationalism although he personally wished for a federal Europe, stating that "if we could realize a European republic for one day, it would be enough to make it last for ever" However,… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (2799 words) Sources: 1+

American Citizenry Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Lack of civic involvement allows extreme civil groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and the right-wing militias to pave the way for their end goals. The more people involved in the process, noted Fiorina, the more diluted the far right and far left become. You want a country run by people who have a broader range of beliefs.

Some… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1787 words) Sources: 1+

Hearing the Name of Nobel Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Gradually, they erased recognizable signs of democracy, justice, education and freedom. It is happening here. But it hasn't gone as far as Lewis described in his book.... yet. One test will be how the nation responds to the shame of the Abu Ghraib prison. If the stupid white men who support Bush fail to wake up after this latest slap… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1840 words) Sources: 1

Federalist Paper #10, James Madison Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] S. Constitution, para 1), it is important to maintain the idea of liberty in any argument to ratify it. The paper does this successfully, and in fact not only maintains the idea, but also implies that liberty would be enhanced through ratification. The Constitution also includes the ideas of representation by population (U.S. Constitution, Article I), and the Federalist Paper… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1547 words) Sources: 1+

Politics Notions of Modern Democracy Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] A pure democracy must be small, and often the majority can be just as tyrannical as a minority.

Thus, America has formulated a conception of minority rights. Even members of unpopular minorities have rights cannot be impinged upon by all of the majority's concerns.

Even today, America's own representative system has received criticism from other country's interpreters of the democratic… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (717 words) Sources: 0

Democracy in America: Analysis Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] "

We can thus conclude that while the government may claim to be taking all these actions to protect us, the fact remains that it is not letting us decide how we want to be protected. The government doesn't include the public in major decisions because it has somehow assumed that it can control the public opinion easily with the… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1571 words) Sources: 1+

Stability in Government Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] But in recent years, there have been questions as to whether the U.S. must be having succession problems that less stable countries have faced (Rhodes). If and when this happens, political stability in the Continent will be vastly imperiled. Its economic gains will be affected and so will that of other nations that depend on the economy of the U.S.… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1131 words) Sources: 1+

Politics of Rage: George Wallace Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] For example, he recounts the story of one black man in Greenwood who struggled to register to vote. "The first time he went, the registrar told him he had to know how many seeds were in a watermelon and how many bubbles in a bar of soap, questions of the sort that registrars often asked as a form of teasing… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (1092 words) Sources: 1+

Political Science as Nations Move Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The individuals must be able to govern themselves. At the heart of a responsive government, regardless of this formal structure, is a government which allows individual freedoms and self-interest to motivate the citizens.

For example, the Citizens For Responsive Government is an organization which is designed to unify and give a voice to the individual citizens This organization operates in… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1453 words) Sources: 0

American Government Structure and Foundation Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] A democracy, officially, is a situation in which the people join together to vote on the laws and decisions of the community. However, there have only been a very few cases of true democracies, such as existed in Athens. More common are democratic-like societies, such as existed among many American Indian tribes in which leaders would be commonly chosen. Another… read more

Term Paper 6 pages (1848 words) Sources: 0

Evolution of South Korea's Politics Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] He even declared Martial law in 1972 that proclaimed his indefinite rule. General Chun Doo Hwan who came to power by assassinating Park in 1979 continued to ignore the popular demand for democratization and brutally suppressed all dissent until 1987. Although a measure of reforms was introduced by the adoption of a new democratic constitution in 1987, Korean politics continued… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (749 words) Sources: 1+

Government in the Historic Preservation Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] B. (1998). "Florida's Local Historic Preservation Ordinances: Maintaining Flexibility While Avoiding Vagueness Claims." Florida State Univ. Law Review. 25:1017.

Bardon, D., and Murray D.L. (1998). Florida's Museums and Cultural Attractions. Sarasota, FL: Pineapple Press, Inc.

Bense, J. A Bense, Hernandez, J.L., Barnes, A. Deagan, K.A. Jackson, DH. Jr., Littrell, V., McKeithen, L., Quina, C., Uguccioni, E., Williams, C. (2003). Florida… read more

Term Paper 5 pages (1525 words) Sources: 1+

Political Science Politics Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Democratic socialists of United States of America share a dream of having a humane international social order based on gender and racial equality, hard work, proper apportioning of resources, hygienic milieu and non-oppressive relationships.

20th century liberalism shares the views of classical liberalism put forward by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Classical liberalism appreciated human nature and created a constitution… read more

Term Paper 8 pages (2597 words) Sources: 1+

Conservative Intellectual Movement Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] This work was "a manifesto, akin in impact to what C. Wright Mill's The Power of Elite was for left-wing students." Buckley, in attacking the "atheism and collectivism" in his religion and economic courses at Yale, drew national attention to the conservative intellectual movement of the 1950's.

William Rusher played a similar role in the development of the conservative intellectual… read more

Term Paper 23 pages (6252 words) Sources: 1+

Leisure May Be the Death Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The most obvious, as pointed out by Muller, is a common commitment to a free market economy and to political democracy, both of which are dominated by middle class values. However, there are vital differences within these broad areas of agreement, and it is these deviations that place Europe at a disadvantage when dealing with the demise of employment and… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (967 words) Sources: 1+

American Politics, for the Presidential Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The only force that seemed to really disrupt a steady Wall Street climb that the technology and communication sectors had spurred throughout the 1990s was the impeachment proceedings, which most Americans rightfully blamed the republican party for. But there was no denying it, especially by investors, corporate executives and newly affluent Americans everywhere, the economy was working. Growth was unstoppable,… read more

Term Paper 7 pages (1883 words) Sources: 0

Government Welfare Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] ..this led to increases in welfare caseloads and the number of single-parent families" (New B7). The results of the Cato study and Murray's arguments show that "states with low benefits enjoyed larger caseload reductions than states with high benefits" (New B7).

According to the Government Accounting Office, although, there have been studies conducted to understand the role of welfare benefits… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (681 words) Sources: 1+

Resistance to Civil Government Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] We even have laws in congress to protect "whistle-blowers," those who speak out against excesses or abuses in our government bureaucracy.

Thoreau noted that government (state and federal) quickly becomes entrenched and tradition-bound, and that the best government encourages enterprise best by just getting out of the way. Anyone looking at the IRS tax forms and the tax laws we… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (642 words) Sources: 1

Division of Political Power Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] 20-26).

Koch revitalized the city with his personal style, optimism, and common sense. He rode the subways. He talked to New Yorkers in the streets. He extolled the virtues of the city. Koch also put the city back on firm financial footing. His optimism and enthusiasm were contagious. Koch was also outspoken and often abrasive. but, as the city's economy… read more

Term Paper 9 pages (2776 words) Sources: 1+

Voting to Violence, Jack Snyder Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Thus it becomes problematic to include the Russian minority that dwells within the nation's borders in the process of Latvian nation formation. Also, the nation becomes much more inclined to enter into ethnic conflicts around its borders, because enabling members of its ethnic identity to survive in other lands is linked to the nation's democratic identity and survival.

Snyder correctly… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1359 words) Sources: 0

America, Without Doubt Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] America in the Eyes of Some Philosophers

It would be interesting to speculate on how today's America would have looked like to some of yesteryear's philosophers. Plato, for example, who elaborates his political theory in the Republic, discussing questions such as "what is a just state" and "who is a just individual

The ideal state, according to Plato, is composed… read more

Term Paper 4 pages (1349 words) Sources: 1+

PC's, Central-System Computing, and Government Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] For example, the authors defined the scope of the study as using two sets of cities, but later in the study they refer to responses given from 10 different cities. "When central-system cities rated their experiences with minicomputers and/or mainframes, more than 8 in 10 (83.4%) indicated that these systems had met or exceeded their expectations" (page 9, paragraph 2,… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (889 words) Sources: 0

Zambia vs. Zimbabwe: Political & Social Developments Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .]

Comparing Political and Social Developments in Zambia and Zimbabwe


Zambia came into being in 1964, after which the name was soon changed (One World Nation Online, 2021). It was done so when a South African company took over Northern Rhodesia from 1891 until the taking over of the United Kingdom in 1923. The period between the 1920s and 30s… read more

Essay 13 pages (4015 words) Sources: 20

Timeline: American Government, Society, and Religion Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Timeline: American Government, Society, and Religion


The United States has always been an unusual nation in the sense that it is a relatively young nation not founded with a particular, official religious tradition. This does not mean that religion has not had a significant impact upon the history of the United States, however. It also does not… read more

Essay 4 pages (1280 words) Sources: 15

Analyze Survey Research Government Surveillance and Privacy Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Running head: Analyze Survey Research

Analyze Survey Research 7

Analyze Survey Research
1. How Americans Have Viewed Government Surveillance and Privacy Since Snowden Leaks
To ascertain whether or not Americans held divided opinions on the effect of Snowdens leaks in the immediate aftermath of the disclosures.
To ascertain whether or not citizens have been increasingly objecting to the governmental… read more

Research Paper 5 pages (1687 words) Sources: 5

Local Government Annotated Bib Annotated Bibliography Paper Icon

[. . . .] WENTZVILLE 5
Baker, E. S. (2015). The role of industry clusters in economic development in some Midwest
cities.Monthly Labor Review, 1-2.
This report stresses the importance of having clusters of economic industries and sectors that are both diversified and related at the same time.
Bartholomaeus, C., Gregoric, C., & Krieg, S. (2016). Young Children as Active Citizens in… read more

Annotated Bibliography 3 pages (1070 words) Sources: 25

Local Government Forms Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Local Government

Forms of Government

In delineation, local government can be deemed a public organization ratified for decision-making and administration of a restricted variety of public policies within a comparatively small region, which is a unit of a regional or national government. In particular, local government is the bottommost governmental institution whereas the topmost ranked institutions are the national government… read more

Essay 3 pages (1030 words) Sources: 4

Psychology Morality Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The minimum wage issue and the environment are points of divergence between conservatives and liberals for this reason.

Unlike liberals, who by definition rally for a strong separation of church and state, most conservatives that espouse the point-of-view that government should serve as moral guardian impose a Christian moral code onto a secular society. The desire for a theocracy is… read more

Essay 3 pages (939 words) Sources: 3

Constitutional Government and Governmental Branches Essay Paper Icon

A budget deficit exists when expenditures exceed revenue. The term commonly refers to the financial health of governmental budgets and spending. A condition of accrued deficits of the federal government is typically referred to as the "national debt." During prosperous economic times, budget deficits may decrease as a percentage of the gross domestic product (GDP). Consider that higher employment generates… read more

Essay 2 pages (587 words) Sources: 0

American Dream Income disparity Essay Paper Icon

As Simon puts it, "tight now capital has effectively purchased the government" so that "the popular will never actually emerged in any of that legislative process," (Simon, 7). Elections are close to being fraudulent, due to the fact that elected officials listen more to their corporate sponsors than to their constituents.

Moreover, profitability has become the gauge for the nation's… read more

Essay 3 pages (935 words) Sources: 1

Third Parties in the US National Presidential Elections Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The third party candidates also reduce the ultimate votes of closely competing candidates. Consequently, this distraction becomes a game changer in the determination of the ultimate winner

In my opinion, third parties have an overall positive contribution to the election process given that they present a variety of leaders. In addition, third parties enhance the multiparty system of governance, which… read more

Essay 5 pages (1875 words) Sources: 4

Public Admin Problems Case Study Paper Icon

[. . . .] Analysis

The environment of the 21st century requires that novel and creative ideas are implemented within the general framework of society to combat the challenging problems that arise on a constant and consistent basis. When making decisions of this type it is important that all necessary data and information that can be gathered, is used in a refined and purposeful… read more

Case Study 7 pages (2017 words) Sources: 9

Politics and Libertarianism Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Regardless, both documentaries highlight the degree to which morality has become intertwined with economic freedom. For Von Mises, economic capitalism, a monetarist approach to recessions, and classical liberalism were not only economically sound but also moral imperatives. It was right and just that people should accept the moral consequences of their decision-making, and that exchanges of goods and services should… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (624 words) Sources: 2

Unitary State vs. Federal Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Nonetheless, the federal state, when the central authority is not overreaching its mandate (which does happen quite often in the U.S.) does allow for a degree of local responsibility on the communal, grassroots level. For that reason, the federal state should be preferable to a unitary state, as it allows for the growth of personal responsibility in its citizens and… read more

Essay 3 pages (1050 words) Sources: 3

Looking Closely at Local Government Capstone Project Paper Icon

[. . . .] Moreover, a community member that I am close to was in the building for a meeting with the CSD manager, when he passed by a room with an open door and four of the five board members were having a private meeting of some sort. That is a violation of California law; any meeting of a majority of board members… read more

Capstone Project 2 pages (747 words) Sources: 2

Omnibus Bills Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] In many cases, large size and scale of omnibus bills limit the opportunity for scrutiny and debate, which assists in passing a controversial amendment. Thus, omnibus bill is considered anti-democratic.

An Omnibus Bill is unique in Canada because its legislative process is different, government initiates tighter control over its debate. A famous omnibus bill was the Criminal Law Amendment Act,… read more

Essay 2 pages (721 words) Sources: 4

Status of Open Data in Europe Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Openness of the data based on the ten principles of open government data

The ten principles for open government data were developed during a conference held in Sebastopol, California in October 2007 (Wonderlich, 2010). The principles are primacy, completeness, ease of physical and electronic access, timeliness, non-discrimination, machine readability, use of commonly owned standards, permanence, usage costs, and licensing (Wonderlich,… read more

Research Paper 10 pages (3215 words) Sources: 0 Style: APA

Crisis in Ukraine Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] S. are solidly realist, and have responded in line with that, the EU has always been a quintessentially liberal organization. Tang (2008) notes that liberalism falls into a non-realist point-of-view that holds cooperation in high regard, and argues that states cannot assume the worst of each other -- that the world is not a zero-sum competition. This offers an explanation… read more

Essay 4 pages (1346 words) Sources: 1+

Canadian Politics Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The exhibition was to be held in mid-September to October in the year 1995. It overlapped the date of the October crisis itself and was to serve as the 25th anniversary of the event. In addition, a play was also scheduled with the art exhibition in order to reenact the event. (Gessell, 2012)

When the national gallery of Canada expressed… read more

Research Paper 12 pages (3884 words) Sources: 12

In Regards to Modern Politics Application Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Depending on the available information, a goal may be to increase math and science grades and overall enrollment by a predetermined amount. In regards to immigration reform, a goal would be to decrease the overall amount of illegal immigrants entering the country by 3% a year. The goal and policy targets will be structured in a manner that encourages innovation… read more

Application Essay 2 pages (796 words) Sources: 0

Union Each Year in January Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Rodgers noted that the President's policies, while seeming to focus on making the lives of Americans better, were actually making them harder. She focused on healthcare decisions that should be individualized, not mandated by the government. Further, the GOP response noted that there is still a primary gap of "opportunity equality" in the American system that the Republicans wish to… read more

Essay 2 pages (762 words) Sources: 2

Legislative Process in the Upper Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Organizational chart for the Bahraini upper house


Likewise, just as in the Canadian parliament where English and French are the official languages and government documents must be prepared in both languages (Ford & Vachon, 2007), official documents for the Bahraini upper house are usually prepared in Arabic and English and the translations double-checked for accuracy, a process that… read more

Essay 15 pages (4006 words) Sources: 12

Power in the U.S Essay Paper Icon

1% of the voters made it to the polls.

This creates a situation in which a small percentage of the population exercises an increased amount of control politically against the rest of the public. There are disparities in the political participation that generally favor the more advantage among the American people (Donne, 2004). Although many people feel that the government's… read more

Essay 2 pages (458 words) Sources: 1

Two Forces That Resulted A-Level Coursework Paper Icon

2. Several factors contributed to occupational upgrading of black labor during the 1950's and the 1960's. One of these is due to more liberal practices of trade unions, which were willing to extend themselves to black laborers. There was also a fair amount of employment of blacks in "government industries" (p. 127), a fact which was aided by the reality… read more

A-Level Coursework 2 pages (614 words) Sources: 1

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