Healthcare Essays

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Healthcare Costs Which Are Causing Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] 3 trillion field. But this industry is riddled with numerous problems which often lead to protests from patients and other groups as people complain about high medical bills and failure of insurance coverage etc. But the issue is that healthcare is expensive not on purpose but because the industry actually needs a lot of investment to keep running smoothly. However… read more

Essay 2 pages (638 words) Sources: 1

Human Resources Health Care Personnel and the Changing Practice of Medicine Essay Paper Icon

complexities of modern medicine have resulted in higher demand for specialized services. This demand has caused the different disciplines involved in the delivery of health care to develop their own approach in the education of their personnel. For example, physicians are educated in their own institutions, as are nurses, medical technologists, and pharmacists. All of these programs are administrated individually… read more

Essay 3 pages (951 words) Sources: 3

Financing Health Care Essay Paper Icon

Financial Management

Criticisms of medical 'gate-keeping' highlight the inherent inequities within the American healthcare system. Gate-keeping by HMOs (health management organizations) was instituted when actuarial data indicated that consumers would tend to 'over-consume' medical procedures and care when given carte blanche insurance privileges. "In the 1970s, the RAND Corporation conducted a major study of the effect of different health insurance… read more

Essay 3 pages (1240 words) Sources: 3

U.S. Health Care and Benchmark Developments Essay Paper Icon

Commonwealth Fund, a New York-based foundation, released survey results from a number of physicians in eleven countries. That survey found that the United States lags far behind other developed nations on quality and use of information, health care access, and a general view of overall care. In fact, sixty percent of U.S. doctors said that quite a large number of… read more

Essay 2 pages (750 words) Sources: 2

Healthcare Like Many Countries Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] According to a published report on the policies that govern performance reviews,

"The Level 2 process involves the VMO completing a Level 1 performance review form and forwarding it to the nominated person in accordance with the process set out above. The public organization must then nominate at least two reviewers to undertake the Level 2 review. They should include… read more

Essay 9 pages (2763 words) Sources: 10 Style: Harvard

Emtala Violations in the Healthcare Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The statute imposes a legally enforceable duty of care on all Medicare-participating hospitals, entitling all individuals who seek care at hospital emergency departments to a nondiscriminatory examination and to either stabilizing treatment or a medically appropriate transfer if the individual has an emergency medical condition" (Kamoie, 2004). Absent this law, it is highly unlikely that indigent patients would have access… read more

Research Paper 5 pages (1850 words) Sources: 1+

Universal Healthcare Universal Health Care Thesis Paper Icon

[. . . .] In other words, this country cannot provide for its citizens, but has no problem providing for strangers across the world who are also helped by non-governmental organizations. [10: Glow, J. "What countries have universal health care?" (2007). AOL. Retrieved July 4, 2011, .]

To further cement the necessity for universal health care in the United States, one only needs to… read more

Thesis 10 pages (3288 words) Sources: 10

Economic Evaluation Research Paper Paper Icon


Economic evaluation

When would it be appropriate to use a cost-minimization analysis?

Cost-minimization analysis is only used when researchers are comparing drugs that are equally effective and are equally well-tolerated in the population being studied. This means that cost-minimization analysis is never the first study used when evaluating the costs and the benefits of two different drug treatments. Preliminary… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (489 words) Sources: 2

Sleeping Under a Rock Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Traditionally, health care data was kept by written and typed records but the increased need for the sharing of information and the need for efficiently doing so has led to the development of sophisticated, computer based, record-keeping systems. Pressure is being applied to the information technology industry to develop a uniform system that is universally accessible while still maintaining the… read more

Research Paper 6 pages (2136 words) Sources: 6

Health Care Systems and Administration Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Another issue that is raised about U.S. healthcare is the soaring price of drugs. Pharmaceutical companies put billions of dollars into research and development of drugs every year, and they expect to get those costs back when a treatment is introduced on the market. European healthcare systems have found an ingenious way around paying the exorbitant drug prices that are… read more

Essay 6 pages (1950 words) Sources: 9

Problematic for a Variety of Health Care Case Study Paper Icon

problematic for a variety of health care organizations. One reason why this is occurring is because, many facilities have become overwhelmed with patients and are starting to face various ethical / legal challenges. A good example of this can be seen at Massachusetts General Hospital. Despite, being ranked as one of the top health care facilities by U.S. News and… read more

Case Study 3 pages (1019 words) Sources: 3

Compares Anderson's Market Minimized Market Maximized Continuum and Roemer's Model Essay Paper Icon

Healthcare: Cultural Influences on Provision of Healthcare

America vs. The Rest of the World

Perhaps no issue divides the industrial world more than healthcare. Nations such as the United Kingdom and the United States that share many similarities in terms of how they view individual liberties and constitutional rights of citizens manifest notable differences in terms of how medicine is… read more

Essay 5 pages (1692 words) Sources: 10

Technology Integration Poses New Ethical Thesis Paper Icon

[. . . .] , 2006). This is also similar to that of nurses due to a shortage. They are having to recruit those from foreign countries in order to fill the current vacancies. "A small suppply of foreign physicians and nurses willing to work in the U.S. could strain the U.S. health care system by rasising labor costs" (Herrick, 2007).

Because of state… read more

Thesis 4 pages (1379 words) Sources: 4

Community Mental Health Care Service Provision Conclusion Paper Icon

community mental health care service provision is often less effective than is necessary due to a breakdown in the communication between counselors and patient. I conducted research using an interview/questionnaire as my primary means of data collection, supplemented by a literature review. My research uncovered three significant findings. The first is that the most important factor in patient outcomes is… read more

Conclusion 5 pages (1450 words) Sources: 0 Style: APA

Data Analysis of Statistical Essay Paper Icon


Final Project Part III

The implications for this project are worth noting. In regards to the significant predictors from the slope, these are important. They consist of staff beds, Medicare days, and RN FTE_05. The number of beds determines how long one will stay in the Virginia Hospital or if he or she is admitted. The regression analysis indicates… read more

Essay 2 pages (613 words) Sources: 2

Charity Patients When Healthcare Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Applicants are required to provide financial information, particularly of income and assets. The participating hospital or health facility makes an assessment according to thee patient's family size and income. A social worker conducts and interview and reviews the information provided. Emergency rooms were created by the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, a federal law passed in 1986. It requires… read more

Essay 8 pages (2440 words) Sources: 5

Nursing Communication Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Schroyen notes that for the RN in particular, this process is frequently marked by the demand to collaborate with other health professional in creating a single document or report. Such collaboration demands a particular compositional skill level and the ability to understand, respond to and synthesize with the composition work of other contributing professionals.

Schroyen goes on to indicate that… read more

Essay 4 pages (1106 words) Sources: 3

Healthcare Management Explaining the Differences Between For-Profit Capstone Project Paper Icon

Healthcare Management

Explaining the Differences between for-Profit and Non-Profit Hospitals

Of the many differences between for-profit and non-profit hospitals, the greatest can be found in the regulations and requirements of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Over the last five years the IRS has been vigorously enforcing and auditing all healthcare providers that claim to be in compliance to section 501(c)(3)… read more

Capstone Project 3 pages (842 words) Sources: 3

Health Care Providers Case Study Paper Icon

health care providers have been facing tremendous financial challenges. Part of the reason for this, is because the underlying costs have risen dramatically. as, these facilities are forced to pass on these increases to: consumers and insurance companies. This is problematic, because these rising costs mean that their profit margins are declining, which is causing a variety of hospitals to… read more

Case Study 2 pages (690 words) Sources: 2

Need for Health Care Reform in the United States Research Paper Paper Icon

Healthcare Reform in the United States

Why did President Barack Obama push so hard in 2009 to pass legislation -- a bill that was signed into law in March 2010 as the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" -- that offers some reforms for America's healthcare system? What is wrong with the system that needs fixing? This paper looks into… read more

Research Paper 3 pages (1021 words) Sources: 4

Healthcare Reform and Economics Research Paper Paper Icon

Health Care Reform and Economics

Over the last several years, the underlying costs for health care have been rising dramatically. Part of the reason for this, is due to the fact that 70 million Baby Boomers (largest population demographic) are becoming older. ("The Boomer Stats ") for the health care system, this means that there are increasing amounts of stress… read more

Research Paper 3 pages (1091 words) Sources: 3

U.S. Residents Want a Society Research Proposal Paper Icon

[. . . .] During this period, the U.S. median household income fluctuated but experienced an overall increasing trend. A Gini index of 0.46 in 2007 is half of the average relative difference (0.92) in average income between any two U.S. households chosen at random. The relative difference in average income is the absolute difference in average income ($64,590) between any two households divided… read more

Research Proposal 15 pages (4592 words) Sources: 10

Public Policy Healthcare Issue -- the Influence Term Paper Paper Icon

Public Policy Healthcare Issue -- the Influence of Lobbyists

Introduction to the Topic and Factual Background

Healthcare costs are one of the most important concerns in American society today. Currently, they amount to more than $2 trillion annually and at their present rate of growth, will absorb fully forty percent of the national economy before the end of the decade… read more

Term Paper 2 pages (636 words) Sources: 3

Lessons for Public Policy Essay Paper Icon

Healthcare Public Policy

Lessons in public policy

Two economic principles in healthcare organizations

Healthcare organizations, like all economic entities, are subject to the principles of economics in terms of the way they operate. However, the degree to which classical economic theory is reflected in the real world can be controversial, as manifest in the application of two, basic economic ideas,… read more

Essay 4 pages (1557 words) Sources: 4

Health Care Leading People Research Paper Paper Icon

Health Care

Leading people in a health care organization means to provide an environment where skilled professionals are empowered and motivated to provide the best care that they can. The industry employs a mix of highly-skilled professionals (physicians, nurses) and support staff, and it is imperative for patient outcomes that all of these employees are able to work to the… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (647 words) Sources: 4

National Healthcare Systems Research Paper Paper Icon

National Healthcare Systems Decision-Making

Justification for the Research


Theory employed

Personal opinion

Means of Gathering Information

The National healthcare systems form one of the most important systems in the lives of all citizens. This is because it deals with issues related to the diagnosis right through to the treatment of most ailments. In the course of providing these services,… read more

Research Paper 8 pages (2143 words) Sources: 16

Risk Management in Nursing and Healthcare Organizations Research Paper Paper Icon

Risk Management in Nursing and Healthcare Organizations

Briefly explain the impact of two to three special standards and regulations that apply to healthcare organizations.

Since the full implementation of the Privacy Rule of the Health Insurance Portability (HIPAA) Act of 1996 as of 2006, all healthcare organizations are expressly required to safeguard and maintain the confidentiality of protected health information… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (641 words) Sources: 2

Systems Financial Future Research Paper Paper Icon

U.S. Healthcare Policy

Few issues have drawn more contentious debate and more virulent commentary from both sides of the political fence than has the recent legislation that serves as an overhaul of sorts to the United States' healthcare system. The legislation, which was pushed for quite strongly by the current White House administration and passed largely along partisan lines, purports… read more

Research Paper 2 pages (662 words) Sources: 2

Federal Public Budget Problem Research Paper Paper Icon

Budget Problem

Health care is viewed by some as the biggest point of crisis in the federal budget. Americans currently spends $2.2 trillion on health care every year and this cost is expected to rise to over $4 trillion by 2017 at current estimated rates of growth. The federal government is responsible for part of this, through the Medicare and… read more

Research Paper 6 pages (1819 words) Sources: 3

Third Party Patient the Doctrine Case Study Paper Icon

[. . . .] Professional duty to care, including informed consent, is the axis from which all deviations from accepted standards of practice in the medical community are judged.

Informed consent for treatment may only be permissible where all parties involved in the agreement have the mens rea, or mental capacity to participate in a bi-lateral agreement through mutual assent. A contract law matter… read more

Case Study 5 pages (1774 words) Sources: 1+

Health Care Improvements Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The first thing Medicare can do to change their image is to promote wellness and patient health as their number one priority. Medicare can provide more free seminars in local communities addressing healthcare needs. Medicare is a health insurance that deals with the elderly; therefore they should provide healthcare fairs about issues such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and other… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1294 words) Sources: 3

Uninsured | Healthcare Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] These healthcare facilities need to review the number of uninsured in the community and create a definition of the problems for the uninsured. The healthcare facilities will need to conduct and examination to find a way to approach the problems the uninsured are facing. These healthcare facilities must create their approach to be reflective of their mission as well as… read more

Term Paper 3 pages (993 words) Sources: 4

Access to Health Care in the United States Research Paper Paper Icon

2002, more than 43 million Americans were without adequate health care. In the Coverage That Matters, 2001, et. al study, (as cited in Un-insurance Facts and Figures: The Institute of Medicine of the National Academes, year unknown). Furthermore, the U.S. was, at that time, the only developed country, other than South Africa, that did not provide health care for all… read more

Research Paper 4 pages (1436 words) Sources: 8

Healthcare Issues Essay Paper Icon

for-profit structure like the HMO in consideration has a duty to make a profit for its shareholders. By giving the non-profit Marcus Welby Hospital (MWH) a 30% ownership stake in a for-profit structure, MWH potentially takes on an obligation of profitability for its new shareholders. This could mean, theoretically, turning away patients which are not strictly profitable for the institution.… read more

Essay 2 pages (786 words) Sources: 2

2010, October 12 Governmental Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Lovins (2010) states that of all the provisions that have been included in the health care bill "the most important element may be the Independent Payment Advisory Board, which will have the ability to set policy for Medicare based on the success of the pilot programs." (p. 1) The legislation is stated to "...ultimately make payment contingent on quality for… read more

Research Paper 3 pages (951 words) Sources: 8

Economic Costs of Health Care Reform in the U.S Essay Paper Icon

Economic Costs of Health Care Reform in the United States

Over the last several years, health care costs in the United States have been rising dramatically. Where, they have been increasing faster than in most developed and developing nations. Evidence of this can be seen by looking no further than, than information compiled by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and… read more

Essay 2 pages (720 words) Sources: 3

Healthcare Cost Trends White Paper Paper Icon

Health Care Cost Trends

Health Cost Trends

Over the last several years, the issue of rising health care costs has been increasingly brought to the forefront. Where, the consistent price increases have begun to eat into the pockets of many consumers. Evidence of this can be seen by looking no further than a study conducted by the Kaiser Foundation. Where,… read more

White Paper 7 pages (2445 words) Sources: 6

Managing Quality Safety and Risk in Health Care Systems Essay Paper Icon

Managing Quality, Safety, And Risk in Health Care Systems

Quality healthcare has been the subject of various political, humanitarian and academic debates. In this pare we present an analysis of quality health care with specific focus on its components as well as a discussion of the relative benefits and drawbacks of the checking and trusting system in healthcare. This is… read more

Essay 10 pages (2671 words) Sources: 10

Importance of Change Management in Private Healthcare Organizations Multiple Chapters Paper Icon

Change Management in Healthcare Organizations

Summary of argument, Hypothesis

Literature Review/Survey/Requirements

182.2 Development of theories/current status

222.3 Assessing Change Management Models and Frameworks

342.4 Redefining Business Processes Using Change Management

402.5 How Does This Project Fit In With the Literature Review

423.1 Introduction: Hypothesis

494.1 Presentation and Description of Results

664.2 Discussion and interpretation of the results

705.0 Conclusion

725.2… read more

Multiple Chapters 42 pages (16366 words) Sources: 50

SWOT Analysis Healthcare Administrator SWOT Paper Icon

Wilberforce National Hospital Profile

The need of coming up with a marketing strategy for any firm is to ensure that the firms capabilities are tailored to match those found within the highly competitive market environment in which it does business. The process of developing the strategy is in order to ensure that both the current and the future needs of… read more

SWOT 6 pages (1624 words) Sources: 3

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