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Is Democracy the Most Viable Form of Government? Essay Paper Icon

Democracy the Most Viable Form of Government?

There are numerous forms of government, especially when we consider our global population. There are dictatorships, socialists, communists, and then, those who follow the political bearing of democracy. The prosperity and of some governments are begging the question of whether or not democracy is the most viable form of government in today's world. In this analysis, the first section will argue that democracy is in fact the most viable form of government, attempting to reveal the key indicators that support this theory. It will then discuss the opposing view. In summary, the goal is to leave the reader processing, and pondering upon both perspectives. As democracy can vary within different contexts, for the purpose of this paper, we… read more

Essay 3 Pages (1106 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Government / Politics

21st Century American 'Democracy Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] What made these early Americans so different from 21st century ones was (1) the relatively tiny size and homogeneity of their group, and (2) their commitment to a single common cause (Tocqueville). Further, John Winthrop's "A Model of Christian Charity" (1630), originally delivered as a sermon onboard the Arbella bound for the New World, suggests how "every man might have need of the other, and from hence they might all be knit more nearly together in the bonds of brotherly affection" (p. 215). However, as America has expanded over time and space, individual citizens have become more distant from and indifferent toward one another; more spread out geographically, and perhaps too autonomous, to the point of near total self-interest.

Moreover, all of that was accurately… read more

Term Paper 2 Pages (642 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Government / Politics

Globalization and the Impact to Democracy Essay Paper Icon

Globalization and Democracy

"Some argue that [democracy and globalization] go hand in hand -- that unrestricted international transactions encourage political accountability and transparency and that politically free societies are least likely to restrict the mobility of goods and services. Others argue that democracies, in which special interests that suffer from foreign competition have voice, are more likely to have closed markets and vice versa" (Eichengreen, et al., 2007, p. 289).

The concept of globalization is seen by some as a new phenomenon, a concept that emerged due to the digital revolution, and due to the remarkable advances in communication and information that link states and companies with a surprising immediacy though they be in far-flung parts of the world. Globalization has been called a curse… read more

Essay 7 Pages (2251 words) Sources: 10 Style: Harvard Topic: Government / Politics

International Studies Political Conflict and Oppressive Term Paper Paper Icon

International Studies

Political conflict and oppressive political power are most often associated with the desires and in some cases even the whim of the ruling body, be it authoritarian or otherwise. In some cases there is even the simple human tendency to believe that the oppressive autocratic and/or authoritarian leader is simply insane, and it seems that the more offensive the acts of oppression to the human condition the more easily those who have been oppressed and their sympathizers find it to lay blame on the personal emotional psychological flaws of the oppressors. A rather simplistic idea but one that is often used as a motivating factor for eventual vilification of the oppressors, as it is a simpler act to simply vilify the oppressor than… read more

Term Paper 9 Pages (2244 words) Sources: 0 Topic: Government / Politics

American Democracy American Political Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Human beings according to Dewey are organize into a public by means of communication and cooperation, by communication Dewey means the communication between individuals and communities in the form of debates, discussions. Th public is disorganized because it is uninformed. While Barber argues similarly that civil society requires a clear idea of the issues, he suggests that creating a civil society means that Americans engage themselves in politics and in commerce. Barber wants to create a realm of civil society a space in which democratic attitudes are cultivated and promoted by voluntary association of individuals. If human beings do not consciously determine social ends or values other forces will take over. Dewey makes the individual responsible and says that it is up to the people… read more

Term Paper 3 Pages (852 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Government / Politics

Chinese Village Democracy Essay Paper Icon

Chinese Village Democracy

The Organic law on Village Elections was passed by the national People's Congress in China in December 1987. Western and Chinese observers and specialists in political science or sociology still debate over the reasons the Chinese government had when adopting such a solution that was supposed to sustain democracy in the rural life in China as an established fact. A closer look at the various aspects of life in the villages throughout the country previous to the implementation of the Organic law will show some of the reasons that might have determined the regime to adopt such measures against its deepest convictions, according the socialist ideology. According to some observers, like Anne F. Thurston the process of reducing the collective farming till… read more

Essay 20 Pages (5941 words) Sources: 20 Style: MLA Topic: Government / Politics

United States a Democracy the Philosophical Essay Paper Icon

United States a Democracy

The philosophical and political system known as democracy, at least as it is typically used, came from an Ancient Greek concept of popular government (not a true democracy at the time, because only free men could vote). The idea politically means a government in which the population as a whole as a greater say in government, concepts of civil liberties, legislation and action of law, separation of the various powers of the state, and certain individual or group rights that are guaranteed by some sort of governmental document. The key to the idea of democracy, though, is legislated rights -- and a way to equalize the power of the individual; one group not having more or less power than the other… read more

Essay 3 Pages (1069 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Government / Politics

John Locke's Political Theories Term Paper Paper Icon


One of the single most influential characters in the history of nation building is John Locke. His theories and writings demonstrate a basis for support of actions that had already been taken to eliminate monarchical rule as well as in the development of doctrine for new nations that came from such changes. This work will be a summation of the three foundational principles associated with Locke and his works; social contract theory, natural rights theory and Locke's express concerns regarding the need for the separation of religion and state. Most of the concepts regarding these three theoretical motivations can be found in Locke's seminal work, the Second Treatise of Government though the First Treatise on Government, (in which he discusses the falsehood of divine… read more

Term Paper 19 Pages (5073 words) Sources: 12 Style: Chicago Topic: Government / Politics

Urban Government Term Paper Paper Icon

Urban Govt

Over a century before the age of industrialization and urbanization in America, the Founding Fathers held conflicting visions of what form localized governments should take. Federalists like James Madison, though they may not have envisioned the sheer size to which American cities would grow, espoused a strong centralized system of government. The Federalist model would be evident in the urban machine model that characterized the city governments of almost all major American centers during the Industrial Age. The urban machine and its head of state the "Boss" consisted of a strong singular leader, with minimal public participation in local political affairs. At the same time, Federalists opposed strong state governments, implying ultimately weak powers offered to county and city governments. At the opposite… read more

Term Paper 5 Pages (1488 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA Topic: Government / Politics

Singapore's Politics Term Paper Paper Icon

Singapore's government is best described as a Socialist Democracy, which makes it somewhat similar to the governments of Northern Europe ("Introduction to Singapore's Political System"). The People's Action Party (PAP) has been the central governing force in Singapore since the nation gained sovereignty in 1965. The political culture of Singapore and the PAP has been described as "authoritarian, pragmatic, rational and legalistic," ("Introduction to Singapore's Political System"). Although pragmatism, rationality, and legalism are familiar to Western investors, many have been put off by the authoritarian philosophies underlying the now-famous rules against certain types of public behavior like gum-chewing ("Why Singapore?").

Similarly, many foreigners and especially Americans might find the "highly centralized," and "top-down style" of political leadership counterintuitive ("Introduction to Singapore's Political System"). Singapore is… read more

Term Paper 3 Pages (879 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Government / Politics

Inter-Parliamentary Union and Its Role in Enhancing International Law Term Paper Paper Icon

Inter-Parliamentary Union and Its Role in Enhancing International Law

Legal Status of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

The Development of the International Institutions

The Public International Unions

The Private International Unions

Historical background of the IPU

Brief Overview of the IPU Statutes (Assemblies and Committees, Members,

Functions, Goals and Activities)

The Relationship between the IPU and the United Nations

Beneficial Cooperation between the IPU and the United Nations (Common

Goals, Agenda and Concerns)

The Importance of the Recognition of the IPU Contribution

The Role the IPU Played in Implementing Decisions taken by the Assembly of the United Nations and the Implementation of the Millennium Development


The UN as a Framework of International Machinery for the Peaceful

Settlement of Disputes

What Role can the IPU Play in… read more

Term Paper 59 Pages (16130 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Government / Politics

Moral Legal Political and Practical Dimensions of Assassination Term Paper Paper Icon

Moral, Legal, Political, And Practical Dimensions of Assassination

Political assassination is a very old and hard to tackle problem, which caused innumerable victims throughout history. Due to the many forms of political violence and murder which exist, it is very hard to define and to categorize as an act. The variety of motives and causes of political assassinations also make classification difficult. It is generally supposed that the most common motive is the struggle for political power between different opponents. In this case, the target of the assassination is usually a very powerful or influential individual, who hold a very important political position: a king in the older times or a president in the more recent periods. However, political assassinations happen for many other reasons… read more

Term Paper 22 Pages (9721 words) Sources: 5 Style: Turabian Topic: Government / Politics

Monkey Wrench Gang, by Edward Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] "Dangerous radicals" have stood up and been counted for hundreds of years in America, it is one of the things which sets up apart as a free nation. That four unique and divergent individuals could come together and join together into a well-oiled desert disaster squad says as much about Americans as it does about love of the land. The desert southwest was on an unalterable path, and the Monkey Wrenchers wanted to stop its headlong voyage toward destruction. In the same way path dependency defines not the best but the most popular, the Monkey Wrench Gang defines the path toward social change by not the best or most popular route, but the route that will make people stand up and take notice. The Monkey… read more

Term Paper 3 Pages (1034 words) Sources: 1 Topic: Government / Politics

Democratization in Eastern Europe Research Paper Paper Icon

fall of the Soviet Union witnessed a wholesale change in governmental styles in Eastern Europe. In an area that had been accustomed to monarchial and authoritarian style governments for several centuries there was a sudden shift toward democracy. This shift is considered by many historians as the most important political trend of the twentieth century (Diamond).

The first wave of democratization occurred in America in the late 18th century and continued through the end of the First World War in 1918. During this time nearly thirty countries adopted democratic ideals and formed governments based on such ideals. This trend came to a standstill with the coming of the Second World War and by the end such War there remained only 12 democracies in the world.… read more

Research Paper 6 Pages (1970 words) Sources: 6 Topic: Government / Politics

Liberal Democracy? Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] "

QUESTION TWO: What is the situation between North Korea and South Korea?

While Fukuyama seems a very idealistic interpretation of the world's situation, it would not be fair to totally reject his ideas, even though events in the world since this article was written are a repudiation of his beliefs. He mentions that there will be "isolated true believers" in communism in places like Pyongyang, North Korea, among other places. But those nations won't cause enough trouble to cause "large-scale conflict" with nations "still caught in the grip of history."

Still, though he makes totalitarian states like North Korea sound like a pesky mosquito on the international political scene, if North Korea were to develop a nuclear weapon - which the newspapers have reported… read more

Term Paper 4 Pages (1166 words) Sources: 0 Topic: Government / Politics

New Governance Application to International Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Due to its multi-purpose nature, it has varying uses as well. Governance can be used as minimal state. In this context, it defines public intrusion which focuses on establishment of market aimed at delivering public services. Another use of it is corporate control or corporate governance which will not control the enterprise but oversee it. Governance also provides mechanism of new public management: managerialism (introduction of managerial practices specific to private sector in public sector) and the institutional economics (introduction of reward structure). Fourth use of governance is good governance which entails using political power to control national matters (Plumptre & Graham, 1999). Other uses are socio-cybernetic systems and governance as self-organizing networks (Rhodes, 1996).

Application of New Governance to International Trade for Free Market… read more

Term Paper 7 Pages (2416 words) Sources: 7 Topic: Government / Politics

Adult Education as it Relates to Democracy Term Paper Paper Icon

Adult Education as it Relates to Democracy

It has been often said that education should be a lifelong process. The Chinese culture provides the history of the civilization with numerous words of wisdom which point out the significance of investing in people rather than in material things. In this sense, one of the most eloquent ones is related to education. Thus, "when planning for a year, plant corn; when planning for a decade, plant trees; when planning for life, train and educate people" (the European Commission, 2001). Education represents an essential instrument a government, a country, and even an individual can posses and must constantly improve on. Therefore, it can be stated that knowledge, information, and skills represent the future of a nation, regardless of… read more

Term Paper 10 Pages (3243 words) Sources: 10 Style: APA Topic: Government / Politics

Political Science Inequality, Voting Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] S. Constitution is, of course, the law of the land. According to Bickel (1962), "The least dangerous branch of the American government is the most extraordinarily powerful court of law the world has ever known. The power which distinguishes the Supreme Court of the United States is that of constitutional review of actions of the other branches of government, federal and state" (1). The concept of judicial review is not enumerated in the Constitution, but can be traced to Justice John Marshall's 1803 seminal decision in Marbury vs. Madison; in an era when the catch-phrase "thinking outside the box" did not yet exist, Marshall managed to turn an otherwise-straightforward decision about a completely different matter into a precedent that has affected American history ever since.… read more

Term Paper 8 Pages (2923 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Government / Politics

Corruption Anti Dissertation Paper Icon

[. . . .] This is used more in a medical sense, but it lends itself to the discussion at hand because the people who become corrupted were not always that way (as would be the case with a genetic predisposition to corruption), but they became corrupted because of the atmosphere in which they lived. This means that the political atmosphere in which Tsang and Tang found themselves allowed the corrupting influence, rather than there being some corrupting gene which they inherited. This is important because the corruption that happens often seems to be a character flaw that is natural to the person. The truth is that many people who might otherwise have been honest and straight forward their entire lives, somehow fall into situations that foster corrupt behavior.… read more

Dissertation 28 Pages (8526 words) Sources: 120 Topic: Government / Politics

Cuban Politics Term Paper Paper Icon

Cuban Politics

Cuba is considered to be one of the most important countries in Latin America and one of the most interesting study cases for global politics. It represents a bastion of communist rule, on the one hand. However, taking into account Fidel Castro's political approach on the rule of the country, it can be said that the regime in Havana implemented throughout the decades a tailored communist approach; more precisely, it used the basic Marxist theories and adapted them to the specificities of the country. However, recent developments in the country have raised the question over the possible future of the state and the direction Cuban politics will adopt.

It is an interesting case study because it entangles various perspectives on international politics such… read more

Term Paper 6 Pages (2232 words) Sources: 8 Style: MLA Topic: Government / Politics

Jurgen Habermas the Public Sphere Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Without freedom from government influence, the people became cattle who forgot that they had a forum. He says this should not have happened despite "exclusivity" and "education" which should have maintained the public sphere as a counter to government intrusion. However, even though the people had this avenue, there was not enough of a voice to counter the strength of the "bread and circuses" attitude of the government. Anderson takes a slightly different view on education, but has the same view of "administrative regulations" (Anderson, 2006). He talks about the "Machiavellian" efforts of the government to promote nationalism, and thus the imagined community, through the educational system. This term denotes the teachings of the book "The Prince" by Machiavelli. The prince in this case, supposedly,… read more

Essay 8 Pages (2623 words) Sources: 6 Topic: Government / Politics

Government Subsidized Student Loans Thesis Paper Icon

[. . . .] Higher education is taken to be a safeguard against unemployment with statistics indicating that unemployment among university graduates was 4.4% whereas for people who had not completed secondary school, unemployment was near 11.5%. (The Economist, 2011)

Although the phenomenon, with the state supporting education may sound ideal, and other emerging countries too might try to emulate the model in an effort to bring their economies up to par, several contrary view points have been voiced by critics that question the economic and political feasibility of the subsidized student loans.

Foremost is the startling figure of $1 trillion worth of outstanding student loans. Secondly there are arguments that this loan is for students who have already completed their studies and hence subsidizing it further will not… read more

Thesis 55 Pages (17149 words) Sources: 55 Topic: Economics / Finance / Banking

Politics Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] From 1979 through 1988, Ecuador staggered through a succession of executive-legislative confrontations that created a near permanent crisis atmosphere in the polity. In 1984, President Leon Febres-Cordero tried to physically bar new Congressionally-appointed Supreme Court appointees from taking their seats. "Parliamentary government avoids the problems associated with presidentialism since it mandates a degree of cooperation between the executive and legislature if either are to remain in office, and it also allows for a change in leadership without precipitating a crisis of state."

Presidential systems are said by critics not to offer voters the kind of accountability seen in parliamentary systems. It is easy for either the president or Congress to escape blame by blaming the other. Describing the United States, former Treasury Secretary C. Douglas… read more

Term Paper 12 Pages (4306 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Government / Politics

Middle East Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] As a final point, Bukay (2007) also notes that language itself serves as an indicator of the inability of Islamic countries to accept the principles of true democracy and equality. With leadership remaining in the hands of the ruling elite, which in turn is patrimonial, coercive, and authoritarian, the language reflects this. There is no word for "citizen" in the traditional versions of Arabic, Persian, and Turkish, for example.

The Ottoman legacy can also have an impact on the basic inability of Middle Eastern countries to, for the immediate future at least, accept democracy as a viable political system in their political systems. Heper (2000), for example, also points to the phenomenon of the ruling elite that was inherent in the Ottoman system. At the… read more

Essay 3 Pages (1013 words) Sources: 2 Topic: Government / Politics

Party System Change in Colombia Term Paper Paper Icon

strength of the Liberals and Conservatives in Colombia, given that none of the parties are able to effectively 'fix' the guerrilla and drug trade problems. The paper looks at the underlying theoretical issue i.e., how best to understand changes in the party system within Colombia. We will first, however, look at the origins of the parties within Colombia, and then move on to a discussion of the other issues.

Bushnell (1993) states that "the divide between Liberals and Conservatives in Colombia began in the second half of the nineteenth century, and that only in the present century [20th] have they existed on a permanent, year-round basis" (Bushnell, 1993; 92). He says that the Civil War of 1839-1842 was a watershed for the formation of political… read more

Term Paper 9 Pages (2584 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Government / Politics

Political Stability & National Security Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Establish the relationship between political stability and national security.

Examine the implications of political stability on national security in Nigeria.

Identify the challenges and prospects associated with political stability and national security in Nigeria.

Proffer strategies that can be adopted to ensure political stability strengthens national security in Nigeria.

Significance of the study

This study will be useful to the political class at federal, state and local government levels in formulating policies that will help in steering the conduct of governance. It will also be useful to various government functionaries in the executive, legislative and judicial arms of government in enacting laws that could promote political stability in order to enhance national security. Furthermore, it will be relevant to Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) like National… read more

Research Paper 20 Pages (6027 words) Sources: 30 Topic: Government / Politics

Democratization, Culture and Underdeveloped Nations Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] A society must be stable and informed for its democratic institutions to function with maximum effectiveness (Swank, 2003).

Democracy also calls for widespread participation in politics by the people; it is believed to be the duty of all adult citizens to vote in local, state or provincial, and national elections (Swank, 2003). Qualified individuals should be willing to run for public office, to serve on juries, and to contribute to the welfare of their country, and citizens should help shape public opinion by speaking out on important issues and by supporting the political party of their choice (Swank, 2003). An active citizenry is thought to be one of the best guarantees against corrupt and inefficient government (Swank, 2003).

Further, faith in the power of education… read more

Term Paper 15 Pages (3884 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Government / Politics

Post-Conflict, Peace / Nation Building in Iraq and Afghanistan Term Paper Paper Icon

Post-Conflict, Peace/Nation Building in Iraq and Afghanistan

Somehow, within a forty year span of time, the United States has found itself ensnared in multiple wars in Asia at the same time. Again, unless we can influence the postwar nation building process, powers that are inimical to United States interests (in the present Iran) will fill the vacuum upon the American withdrawal. In this short essay, this author will list two lessons learned from our wars apply it to the defacto American raj in Afghanistan and Iraq. First is not to become too closely associated with present unpopular regimes as it is doing with the present administrations in the countries in which we are "nation-building." Also, staying engaged in a never ending guerrilla war that has… read more

Term Paper 20 Pages (7605 words) Sources: 20 Topic: Government / Politics

Public Administration With Considerations on the Characteristics Research Paper Paper Icon

public administration with considerations on the characteristics of organization and management in government centering on the impact of political processes and public pressures on administration action, role of regulatory agencies, governmental personnel and budgetary procedures, and unique qualifications of a public administrator. From the past as the paper indicates there has been increased interest in public administration in to whether they fulfill their obligations as expected (Rabin et al., 1998). As government should create the appropriate environment for public administration rather than adapting to them, it shows how politics results from social status and culture limitations (Peters, 2007, p. 92). The paper further illustrates that regulatory authorities are independent institutions, their roles revolving around developing policies, implementation and even judging creates vital political deeds. In… read more

Research Paper 10 Pages (3453 words) Sources: 10 Topic: Government / Politics

Leisure May Be the Death Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] The most obvious, as pointed out by Muller, is a common commitment to a free market economy and to political democracy, both of which are dominated by middle class values. However, there are vital differences within these broad areas of agreement, and it is these deviations that place Europe at a disadvantage when dealing with the demise of employment and the growth of leisure. America is better placed to deal with these social changes, and the subsequent economic and political fallout, because of its emphasis upon individualism, commercialism, and its perception of state assistance only as a last resort. Therefore America, as with Japan, is better able to adapt to changes in labor requirements by capitalizing on the social and economic values of competition, individual… read more

Term Paper 3 Pages (967 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Government / Politics

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