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Paul Tough the Book Book Report Paper Icon

[. . . .] Clearly starting any new program, especially one that involves poverty in a community, evolves over time. For Canada, he was always willing to cut his losses and change his plan. But the big picture for Canada -- his mission -- and this is one of the most impressive points of the book, is the betterment of not just Harlem, but of Black America. "In a very real way, he is trying to deliver his race as much as he is trying to save a neighborhood," Tough explains on page 99 of the book.

In conclusion, it is informative, enlightening, and educational to read Tough's book because such a powerful story about education and poverty hasn't been told in quite the same way previously. Whether other… read more

Book Report 5 Pages (1705 words) Sources: 1 Topic: Child Development / Youth / Teens

Health Care Reform Policies Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] On the 13th of October the year 2009, the finance committee voted on the America's Healthy Future Act, approving it also in March 2010, the Patients Protection and Affordable Care Act together with the Health Care Reform Improvements Bill was passed by the House of Representatives (Stolberg & Pear, 2010).

Implementation Stage

This stage is materialized when a policy, which is authorized, is overseen and enforced. This is accomplished by the appropriate agency of the government (Howard, 2005). In this stage, the agency charged with administering and enforcing the policy, is in all probability, required to make available the missing elements in addition to providing judgement over the objectives, schedules, program design, goals and reporting structures of the policy. In the case of the United… read more

Essay 6 Pages (1940 words) Sources: 4 Topic: Healthcare / Health / Obamacare

Professor Mead, Whatever Makes Up Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Due to this segregation, boys and girls take part in social interactions and relationships which are different. Boys tend to prefer group activities while girls prefer one-on-one dyadic interaction. Girls tend to like sharing of their secrets as well as forming tight intimate bonds between them. While boys forms relationships which are large in terms of shared activities and interest, Shavelson, R.J., Hubner, J.J., & Stanton, G.C. (1976).


It is a term used by psychologists to reflect overall evaluation about a person or his own worth appraisal. What makes up self-esteem are beliefs like I can know myself to be competent or worthy, as well as emotion like shame, pride and triumph. Application of self-esteem can be specifically to a given dimension like the… read more

Essay 4 Pages (1310 words) Sources: 3 Topic: Psychology / Behavior / Psychiatry

Business Ethics a Contradiction in Terms? Case Study Paper Icon

Business Ethics" a Contradiction in Terms?

"Business Ethics" is not at all a contradiction in terms. Sometimes it may seem that way, but that is only because business dealings often present opportunities to pursue profit in ways that are unethical. The term "loop hole" describes situations in which the applicable laws are not fully capable of ensuring against every conceivable form of business strategy that might be unethical in principle. However, that is not to suggest that business in general is necessarily an unethical process; rather, it only illustrates that business law is an ever-evolving set of complex concepts that are imperfect. In principle, business is governed by ethical assumptions and, in modern times, those ethical assumptions are codified in law. Sometimes, laws designed in… read more

Case Study 5 Pages (1820 words) Sources: 0 Topic: Ethics / Morality

Person Goes or Whatever a Person Sees Essay Paper Icon

person goes or whatever a person sees, reads or hears, whether from billboards on the streets or subways to advertisements on the Internet, television, radio, newspapers and magazines, the images that are always apparent are mostly scantily clad men and women with physiques and looks that are "to die for." The media seem to be projecting the message that people should and must have body images that are sculpted and resembling top athletes and international fashion models. This kind of advertising is so prominent even if the products or services being promoted have nothing to do with a person's looks or physical -- you want to buy a house, check out the real estate ad with a couple who are in the best of shape!… read more

Essay 5 Pages (1614 words) Sources: 3 Topic: Advertising / Marketing / Sales

Dakos, Kalli. Don't Read This Book Annotated Bibliography Paper Icon

Dakos, Kalli. Don't Read This Book Whatever You Do!: More Poems about School

This book would be most appropriate for students aged eight through ten, who have had some elementary school experience. The book contains both poems and mini plays, all of which are centered on the funny moments that can happen in the classroom. This book can be useful in teaching some early elements of drama because the plays are short and fun.

Foxworthy, Jeff. Dirt on my Shirt

This book is for children aged four to seven years. It is a collection of poems about a neighborhood filled with fun and silly characters intended to make the reader laugh. The use of imagination is also important for reading this book because Foxworthy includes… read more

Annotated Bibliography 4 Pages (1077 words) Sources: 0 Topic: Literature / Poetry

Assassination of President Mckinley Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Rugged and confident in his schemes, Roosevelt was tiles in his fight for the underdog pushing the nation to become one of the forefront empires of its day and righting its wrongs. Averse to corruption and invincible to enemies, Roosevelt waged a mighty war against enemies of the people on both a domestic and foreign field.

He was also the nations' first modern president. He advocated for women's rights. His undergraduate thesis at Harvard, for instance, was on this topic.

Said Roosevelt:

"Much can be done by law towards putting women on a footing of complete and entire equal rights with man - including the right to vote, the right to hold and use property, and the right to enter any profession she desires on… read more

Term Paper 5 Pages (2002 words) Sources: 5 Topic: American History / United States

Multivariate Analysis of Parametric Data Essay Paper Icon

Maddox's research design involved a qualitative analysis of consumer behavior in regard to their usage of Web sites for the purpose of gathering prescription drug information as well as product requests. The research design involved the use of a questionnaire to measure the research questions. The questionnaire was placed online on a website belonging to one of the major pharmaceutical firms for a 2-week period., the responses were rated on a five-point (Likert) scale that ranged from 1 for very unimportant or unlikely to 5 for very important or likely.

Do you agree with the following statement?

Maddox (1999) should have used a Repeated Measure ANOVA to test for differences (based on AGE and GENDER) in the set of responses.

No.It would have been better… read more

Essay 5 Pages (1612 words) Sources: 1+ Style: APA Topic: Advertising / Marketing / Sales

Hacktivism and How it Reflects a Particular Tension in American Culture Research Paper Paper Icon


One Expression of the Haves vs. The Have-Notes

Once upon a time, not very long ago and in our very own galaxy, hackers just wanted to have fun. Hacking -- breaking into someone else's computer system -- began primarily as a way for computer geeks to show off their talents. Hacking into another system was a puzzle, an intellectual challenge, akin to a mathematical problem with the additional appeal of breaking social rules of a world that generally rejected the type of individual most inclined to become a hacker.

Teenage boys -- the primary demographic of the first generation of hackers -- had very little power in terms of overall social structures. Hacking provided them a higher status within a community of their own… read more

Research Paper 9 Pages (2323 words) Sources: 6 Topic: Government / Politics

Real America? Interestingly Enough Book Review Paper Icon

[. . . .] Sexual laxness is not simply relaxing one's morality, but it is replacing the idea of oneself with the "selling of the sexuality of the person," as opposed to the myriad of other factors that make up that person's ability to actualize. This gap, then, causes a sense of cognitive dissonance that, like a cancer from within, eats away at American society.

Chapter 6- In "Pundits, Social Scientists, and the Flaming Liberals," Gosine attacks those pundits who believe they have the answers to all of America's problems. Gosine does not discriminate as to conservative or liberal -- he is equally as critical of the far right of Rush Limbaugh as he is of the hyper-religious of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. Equally of concern are those… read more

Book Review 13 Pages (4206 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA Topic: Sexuality / Gender

Interview Family Member of Someone With a Disabled Child Term Paper Paper Icon

interviewed two parents at my church who have a son who has had a challenging childhood so far. "Bobby" is ten and in fifth grade. His parents, Judy and Dave, have been struggling for years to get an accurate diagnosis so they could find the kind of help that would benefit most.

I asked them to describe Bobby to me. They told me that they finally got a solid diagnosis on Bobby, and that they feel the diagnosis explains a great deal. In the past they said Bobby had been diagnosed as having AD/HD, and put on medications for that. While the medication helped some, they felt that more was going on. Bobby had social problems. Many children with AD/HD have social problems, they pointed… read more

Term Paper 5 Pages (1602 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Child Development / Youth / Teens

Winter Dreams the Tension Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The themes of "Winter Dreams" are relevant today because striving and social climbing remains part of American life. The contradictions between the values of being a 'self-made person' on one hand, and desiring to mimic the lifestyle of old money can be seen on every college campus today. Many wealthier students who do not have to take out student loans have the luxury of studying subjects that do not automatically prepare them for a career. Poorer students must worry about employment after college, and getting a marketable degree. Many of them study similar subjects as their richer friends, such as English and Art History, and find themselves upon graduating with little hope of a job in an anemic market.

The idea of being able to… read more

Essay 2 Pages (914 words) Sources: 2 Topic: Education / Teaching / Learning

Popular Song Lyrics Poetry Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] At the same time, the use of the word seems designed to invoke the idea of being a "loser." All of these associations cling to the word, and all seem to work towards the establishment of meaning in the lyrics -- since the next line moves on to describe a girl in the third person, it is entirely possible that all three of these associations with "lose" are intended. The girl is described in poetic language of pun and paradox: the pun occurs in "overbored," which -- to a listener -- is indistinguishable from its homonym "overboard." Either way, though, the effect is paradoxical: a girl who is in over her head is unlikely to seem self-assured, although a girl who finds the party tedious… read more

Essay 4 Pages (1160 words) Sources: 2 Topic: Music / Musicians / Instruments

Tibet Buddhism Essay Paper Icon

diversity of landscape in Tibet and the diversity of the Tibetan people.

Why do the Tibetans have such a strong and enduring relationship with Buddhism?

Geography impacts the character of a society, affecting settlement patterns and hence social and political structures. Thus, Tibetan regions conducive to farming gave rise to stable settlements and stratified societies whereas nomads also thrived in the region's diverse landscape. Geographic diversity would impact the relations between ethnic groups with greater or lesser access to resources. Relative isolation could also inhibit communication and trade with external cultures such as the Chinese. However, even within a specific ethnic group such as the Amdo, both nomads and farmers coexist and enhance Tibetan diversity.

Abundant natural resources in some parts of Tibet allowed a… read more

Essay 3 Pages (912 words) Sources: 0 Style: MLA Topic: Religion / God / Theology

Price Beauty? Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] These ideas provide an excellent overview of that Age's understanding of the subject. In the second edition of his Enquiry (1759),

Burke addressed the idea of Beauty, by which he meant "that quality or those qualities in bodies by which they cause love, or some passion similar to it." Burke's goal of identifying the physiological relationship between external objects and their emotional apprehension is most apparent in Part Four [of the Enquiry], where he hoped to "discover what affections of the mind produce certain emotions of the body; and what distinct feelings and qualities of body shall produce certain determinate passions in the mind."

Physical beauty, therefore, was seen as inspiring an emotional response; specifically a feeling of love and affection on the part of… read more

Term Paper 20 Pages (6265 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Fashion / Designers / Beauty

Chattel Slavery and Race Relations Term Paper Paper Icon

Slavery and Race Relations

Slavery was inconsistent with the ideals incorporated in the Constitution and yet it was allowed by the founding fathers because they wanted to preserve the Union at all costs. We must here understand that it is absolutely impossible for a country or any institution to operate with conflicting values. Slavery was an abominable practice, which should have been abolished immediately after the formation of United States Constitution because it clashed with the ideals of freedom and liberty for all. However while North had some reasons to oppose it, South had numerous others to maintain this oppressive institution.

It is important to bear in mind the arguments that were given against and in favor of slave trade and this will help us… read more

Term Paper 6 Pages (1838 words) Sources: 0 Topic: American History / United States

Media Review the Black Swan Research Paper Paper Icon

Media Review

The Black Swan is a movie full of psychosis, adolescence and ballet. It has the aspects of a girls struggle to become an adult and her confusion between choosing between the right and the wrong. Even though the psychological disorder is not specified in the movie, it is quite obvious that Nina does have psychological issues. Even before the movie and the actual story start, the main character is seen to dance on glass in order to attain perfection in her ballet dancing. Apart from dancing on glass, Nina is also shown to have self-mutilitative behavior. This is visible when she is seen with multiple scratches and injuries on her back. This might hint at obsessive compulsive disorder. Nina's main problem isn't to… read more

Research Paper 5 Pages (1689 words) Sources: 3 Topic: Child Development / Youth / Teens

Stress Management in the Caregiver Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] A study published by the Nuffield Trust (Williams et al. 1998) highlighted what had long been a subject of interest in the caregiver media: the levels of stress, sickness, absenteeism and burnout among professional caregivers. This report, from an authoritative and reputable organisation, brought together much of the prevailing evidence about the alarming state of the government funded workforce, which, despite a growing independent sector, is still responsible for giving over 90% of health caregiver. The report states that 'for the sake of good management and from simple compassion, both we and the Government should view these findings with due alarm, and accept shared responsibility for working quickly together to develop a program for action.

Studies highlighting stress and burnout in professional caregivers continue to… read more

Research Paper 13 Pages (4668 words) Sources: 8 Topic: Healthcare / Health / Obamacare

Holistic Relationship Marketing Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] In doing and creating all these systems to better support customer relations and external relationship marketing these same businesses began to notice a missing link in the process, which was that employees who were not happy and invested found it far more difficult than those who were to be positive in every customer relations encounter. From this recognition came a new urgency of customer relations quality development and also a new demand for relationship marketing that turned inward to build employee and even supplier relationships to greater levels, hence internal RM (Lee & Trim, 2007; Herington, Johnson & Scott, 2006, p. 364).

Relationship Marketing Internal

The natural outgrowth of this new recognition that relationships are important for external (customer) based RM and internal (employee/supplier) RM… read more

Essay 10 Pages (3594 words) Sources: 7 Topic: Advertising / Marketing / Sales

Morality Then and Now the Technological Era Essay Paper Icon

Morality Then and Now

The technological era that we as a society have entered has completely altered the way that morality and proper behavior is viewed and expressed. Before the Internet was as freely used as it is now, there was more control as to what children and teenagers had access to. Now, because of the rapid advancement in the exposure of the Internet, everyone has access to just about anything -- both appropriate and inappropriate. It is this unregulated exposure that has tainted morality. Cultures who are more open about such things as sexuality or who are not so religiously guided, can now influence and expose people who are a bit more conservative. Parents have a harder time explaining to their children what is… read more

Essay 17 Pages (7400 words) Sources: 0 Topic: Music / Musicians / Instruments

Rome One Could Be Important Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] I picture myself being led on into vaster...depths with every forward step. The task undertaken seemed to grow less with the completion of the early stages; now, in anticipation, it seems almost to increase as I proceed (ibid., 288)"

Foreign affairs (Rome's expansion) shaped the social order at home (the struggle of the orders), and vice versa. For instance, in Mellor, Livy, ambassadors were sent out from Rome to Athens to study their laws, a situation that led directly to the formation of a law code in Rome which helped to quell domestic disturbances (ibid., 215-217). Livy's thesis of a struggle of the orders is an over- simplification of a highly complex series of events that had no single cause. This can be seen as… read more

Essay 12 Pages (5688 words) Sources: 5 Topic: Government / Politics

Long-Term Implications of Current Conditions Thesis Paper Icon

Education Politics

Factors that Mitigate Risk and Protect Children from negative Life OUtcomes

One of the unfortunate consequences of the human condition is that some children will not enjoy the same level of support and resources as their peers because of various socioeconomic and family situational factors. Nevertheless, history has demonstrated time and again that some children are able to overcome whatever adversities life throws at them to emerge as well adjusted and intelligent members of society who go on to achieve their personal and professional goals irrespective of these challenges and obstacles. These children, though, appear to be the exception rather than the rule, and it is reasonable to suggest that children who are at risk will suffer from these experiences rather than benefit… read more

Thesis 3 Pages (870 words) Sources: 10 Topic: Child Development / Youth / Teens

Ethical Issues in Business the Duty Thesis Paper Icon

Ethical Issues in Business

The Duty to Report Legal Violations:

There is no question as to whether one has an affirmative duty to report the situation if, and to whatever extent, one believes in good faith that the accounting practices are illegal. In fact, the belief that they violate statutory law specifically intended to regulate the industry makes this scenario considerably easier to analyze from an ethical perspective than a similar scenario but involving apparent ethical violations that you knew or believed were completely legal.

The illegal fraudulent manipulation of corporate balance sheets to misrepresent financial information and to conceal the truth from industry regulators violates multiple lines of ethical thought. General principles of utilitarianism would require that you report your belief for the benefit… read more

Thesis 6 Pages (1748 words) Sources: 10 Style: APA Topic: Ethics / Morality

Social Welfare in the Social World Term Paper Paper Icon

Social Welfare

In the Social world we inhabit, how unique, or individualistic, can we be? Can we "be whatever we want to be and do whatever we want to do"? "NO"

In the world that we inhabit, we are free to choose how we live our lives and where we go with it, but at the same time, we are also chained by certain restrictions. These restrictions place a limit on the extent to which we have control over our lives as well as our behavior. It is not possible to exercise complete control over our individualism. There are some invisible and visible forces that affect our sense of individualism. It is also more sensible and realistic to heed these forces and acknowledge their presence… read more

Term Paper 3 Pages (983 words) Sources: 1 Style: APA Topic: Child Development / Youth / Teens

Atlantis or Any Lost Worlds Term Paper Paper Icon

catalog of earthly wonders, only a few exist in that realm of unsubstantiated rumor upheld by the broadest variety of source. The Lost Continent is, truly, one of these wonders - a city made of both earth and sea, created by Triton, Poseidon, Atlas, or whatever other ancient God created it as a point of union between the earthly and the divine, the surface and the underneath. What is striking, is that within Western culture, Plato is one of the first known mentions of Atlantis in a theoretical discourse - completely fictional account - used to explain the nature of the physical universe. but, the concept of the Lost Continent, whatever the name assigned, is one that has been shared by scientific exploration, philosophical discourse,… read more

Term Paper 10 Pages (3036 words) Sources: 8 Topic: Philosophy / Logic / Reason

Style of Writing and Teaching Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Bunyan also employs the technique of alternatives. He presents a problem and then gives some alternative solutions which help the reader learn more about such concepts as faith, logic and decision making. For example when Mistrust and Timorous threaten Christian, he thinks of the alternative escape routes present to him and employs logic to choose the safer route. (36) On another occasion, when he encounters danger in the shape of Fiends, he uses faith as declares "I will walk in the strength of the Lord God" (52). Stanley Fish observes: "Christian is released (or releases himself) from his impasse when he reaches a decision that has nothing to do with the rational process that has preceded it. His action is not taken because of his… read more

Term Paper 8 Pages (2220 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Literature / Poetry

Existentialism 'I Should Seek Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] If it's raining, the teacher might bring in a movie to teach a unit on cinematography or on a specific theme. The existentialist classroom also incorporates current events as a means to expand the students' awareness of their universe. Furthermore, the teacher imparts knowledge regarding psychological and social coping skills; the existentialist class is not about rote memorization of specific materials but rather on the big picture: the meaning of life and the life purpose behind education.

The existentialist views humanity as integral in the perception of reality. Rather than see a physical universe "out there" that exists independently of the person as a realist would, the existentialist knows that human consciousness alters reality. Human beings are therefore active creators and participants in the universe.… read more

Term Paper 3 Pages (921 words) Sources: 0 Topic: Education / Teaching / Learning

Great Gatsby the Old Rich Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] By living in excess and behaving lavishly, he hopes to draw her to himself again, especially taken by her vow to wait for his return from the War. He pins that expectation not only on the power of money and material possessions but also on the very real power of these over Daisy. Jay Gatsby and Daisy have a materialistic attitude in common but their individual motives deviate and prevent them from ending up with each other. Although Daisy occasionally feels she loves Jay Gatsby, she is much more in love with her material self-interests and luxuries, which are secure in her husband Tom, whom her family well approves of (Fitzgerald).

As a child, Jay Gatsby was a poor nobody. He was a drop-out from… read more

Term Paper 14 Pages (4499 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Religion / God / Theology

Death and Dying Capstone Project Paper Icon

[. . . .] Taking life for granted has some benefits I suppose. Not thinking about death allows one to focus more on the present. For example, you can stress out about school, work, friends, or loved ones and what they are doing. However, to live a virtuous life you must embrace the entire range of living and the development process that people must go through; including death. Without the consideration of death and an understanding of its eventuality, you are not really living a life that encompasses the full range of experiences and the experience is really what life is all about.

Journal Entries

1) Choose someone you love - write them a letter - about your love for them.


I know your last years were hard… read more

Capstone Project 8 Pages (2263 words) Sources: 5 Topic: Family / Dating / Marriage

Watch the Super Bowl Yes Essay Paper Icon

Companies that advertised their products during the game thus consider their ads to be more than simple commercial strategies, as they have directed their efforts at creating works of art -- advertisements that would stay in the minds of viewers long after the actual game ends.

Super Bowl advertisers have obviously acknowledged the importance of promoting their products during the show. As a consequence, most commercials shown during the event are aimed at inducing strong feelings in audiences. Particular advertisements such as the Coca Cola ad have generated much controversy. The ad's producers have focused on providing audiences with the opportunity to think about the product as being an essential concept in U.S. culture. Alongside with the diversity present across the country, Coca Cola is… read more

Essay 5 Pages (1467 words) Sources: 0 Topic: Sports / Exercise / Fitness

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