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Comparison in Comparative Politics Term Paper Paper Icon

Comparison in Comparative Politics

Comparative politics seek to find the similarities and differences
between different countries in order to help explain the cause and effects
of political actions. In this way, even studies of comparisons covering
vastly different topics can have much in common. Peter Uvin, in his 1999
article "Ethnicity and Power in Burundi and Rwanda: Different Paths to Mass
Violence" seeks an explanation to ethnic violence in Burundi and Rwanda and
how Burundi and Rwanda reached their level of violence resulting from
politics. On an entirely different subject, in 2005, Michael McFaul in
"Transitions from Postcommunism," looks for the common factors that will
lead to a transition from authoritarianism to democracy. In comparing the
post communist regimes, he uses Serbia, Ukraine, and Georgia… read more

Term Paper 5 Pages (1751 words) Sources: 2 Style: MLA Topic: Government / Politics

Politics Has Never Reached Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] [3: (Adamson)]

For example, much of the activity in the Middle East that is ongoing is Western ideas intervening in various forms. The human race faces two challenges that have the potential to wipe the human species from the face of the planet. One deals with the planets finite amount of natural resources and ecological balance and the other deals with international relations and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. It was said a few years ago that if the human race is wiped out in the next 50 years it will not be because of disease or an asteroid hitting the earth, but because of foreign policy and international relations[footnoteRef:4]. [4: (Sheehan and Brocklehurst)]

If history is a lesson, then we can expect… read more

Essay 3 Pages (799 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Government / Politics

Politics Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] References

Marsh, David and Stoker, Gerry (eds), Theory and Methods in Political

Science (London, Macmillan, 2002). Introduction and Chapter 1.

Schwarzmantel, J., The State in Contemporary Society (Harvester, 1994). Chapter 1.


This paper examines the political philosophies of elitism and Marxism. The concepts associated with both philosophies are explored in-depth. The applications of both theories are also explored in-depth. Finally, the differences in the idea of political dominion that exist within these two philosophies are explored in-depth.

Elitism and Marxism: The Differences in their Explanations of Political Dominion

Elitism and Marxism are two political philosophies that are diametrically opposed to one another. While Marxism promotes the rule and control of the people at large, elitism focuses on how real political authority is only held… read more

Essay 15 Pages (4665 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Government / Politics

Comparative Politics and Government Term Paper Paper Icon

Political Science

Government in Canada and the United States

The purpose of this paper is to introduce and analyze the topic of political science in America. Specifically, it will compare and contrast three major branches of government and politics in the United States with Canada's government and politics. Both democracies, Canada and the United States have many governmental branches and policies in common. However, there are key differences, including Canada's legislative branch, their prime minister, and their social services. The United States government could learn some important lessons from Canadian practices, including their health insurance and role in world politics. Government has grown from the three main branches, executive, judicial, and legislative in this country, to become a complex and convoluted morass of agencies, public… read more

Term Paper 9 Pages (3059 words) Sources: 6 Style: MLA Topic: Government / Politics

Government & Policy the Joyan Islands Creative Writing Paper Icon

Government & Policy

The Joyan Islands

As provisional Prime Minister of the newly independent Joyan Islands, it is my duty to set the example for the future course of the Joyan people. This means forming the island's priorities based on its goals, and following the examples of other island nations before it. A lot of what happens in a country depends on the cultural values embedded in history, but every new country feels it must shape its path in a fresh way from its colonial past. It is important for the Joyan Islands to maintain their unique cultural identity, yet at the same time to modernize and develop strong economy ties around the world as well as any industrial nation can do so.

The Joyan… read more

Creative Writing 4 Pages (1138 words) Sources: 3 Topic: Government / Politics

American Government and Politics Today Essay Paper Icon


Why did the Framers of the Constitution create a bicameral legislature? Was part of the reason for a two-house legislature the idea that it would be more difficult to pass legislation, therefore serving as a check on a runaway legislature? What impact does this have today? Is it easy for Congress to agree on legislation?

There are three main reasons.

The primary reason was an issue of chronological precedent. At the same time as the American colonists had revolted against British regulation in the Revolutionary War, they silently drew a lot of their ideas about government from their colonial understanding as British citizens. In addition, the British Parliament had two houses -- an upper chamber, the House of Lords, packed with representatives of the… read more

Essay 18 Pages (5873 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Government / Politics

Politics Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] From 1979 through 1988, Ecuador staggered through a succession of executive-legislative confrontations that created a near permanent crisis atmosphere in the polity. In 1984, President Leon Febres-Cordero tried to physically bar new Congressionally-appointed Supreme Court appointees from taking their seats. "Parliamentary government avoids the problems associated with presidentialism since it mandates a degree of cooperation between the executive and legislature if either are to remain in office, and it also allows for a change in leadership without precipitating a crisis of state."

Presidential systems are said by critics not to offer voters the kind of accountability seen in parliamentary systems. It is easy for either the president or Congress to escape blame by blaming the other. Describing the United States, former Treasury Secretary C. Douglas… read more

Term Paper 12 Pages (4306 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Government / Politics

Why Are Typologies Useful in Comparative Politics? Term Paper Paper Icon

typologies useful in comparative politics?

Typologies are an essential part in the study of comparative politics. They are used on a constant basis for expressing the wide range of differences that only comparative studies can identify. Typologies represent the fundament of the political analysis because they offer reference for the theoretical approach.

There are different typologies; they can refer to particular types of leaders, such as the dictatorial type or the democratic one. One of the most significant areas of analysis in which typologies are the basis for interpretation is the study of different forms of government. In this sense, for instance the discussion over the best means of government is placed on the analysis of different typologies: monarchy, republicanism. Also, there are taken into… read more

Term Paper 1 Page (433 words) Sources: 1 Topic: Government / Politics

Politics Notions of Modern Democracy Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] A pure democracy must be small, and often the majority can be just as tyrannical as a minority.

Thus, America has formulated a conception of minority rights. Even members of unpopular minorities have rights cannot be impinged upon by all of the majority's concerns.

Even today, America's own representative system has received criticism from other country's interpreters of the democratic political concept. America's political environment takes the form, by and large, of a two-party structure. Within European Parliamentary systems in Italy, Germany and France, and also in nations such as Israel, diverse political interests are represented by the voices many political parties. This creates an unstable political environment, but conceptually allows a greater influx of ideas into the political public discourse. Is this more democratic?… read more

Term Paper 2 Pages (717 words) Sources: 0 Topic: Government / Politics

Politics of the Common Good Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Since the Republican version of capitalist economics has been dominant since the 1970s and 1980s, inequality has certainly increased greatly in the United States, far more so than in any other Western nation. In this, the U.S. is exceptional compared to Canada, France, Germany or other nations in that its social and economic structure has more in common with Mexico, Brazil, Pakistan and other developing countries. Given the weakness of organized labor and the Republican's skill at exploiting race and religion to attract voters, the situation has become absolutely disastrous for the working class and even the shrinking middle class. These less favored groups have only a very weak and timid Democratic Party to defend their interests, and it often takes money from the very… read more

Essay 6 Pages (1886 words) Sources: 2 Topic: Government / Politics

Comparison of the Executive Factors Among France Germany and the United States Research Paper Paper Icon

executive factors among France, Germany and the United States


France is one of the most important republics of the European Union and Europe as a continent. Given its historical background, it represented a true inspiration to other European countries and outside Europe regimes, such as for instance Iraq after the fall of the Saddam Hussein administration.

The reason for which the executive organization of the French state represents such an important model is largely connected to the relation between the president, the government, and the parliament.

In this sense, the major issue with the decision to adopt one executive system or another laid in the need for a political balance between "accountability to citizens and protection of their basic rights against the need for… read more

Research Paper 8 Pages (2356 words) Sources: 4 Topic: Government / Politics

Politics of Information Management Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The CIO in our case also failed to realize that he should have worked from the business client's perspective as Finney, R. (2006) recommends. Before one moves to another level of politics of information, he should identify the existing political state and play by the rules, written or otherwise before changing the game. This way he could have known that making such confessions and publicly so would be detrimental to the organization's integrity.

Schuman, E., (2005) postulates that the clients, partners or general public who don't have the technical orientation would not like to hear unvarnished truth, especially when it comes to technology projects. All they want to know is that their problems are being sorted out and someone responsible is handling their problems. The… read more

Essay 2 Pages (954 words) Sources: 2 Topic: Government / Politics

Politics on War Research Proposal Paper Icon

Politics of War - Kennedy and Nixon Administrations

The Kennedy administration decided in 1961 not to assist the Laotian government through military intervention, though President Eisenhower had advised him that Laos, and not Vietnam, was the hotspot in Southeast Asia. Kennedy backed a diplomatic settlement that brought to power a neutral regime. For a candidate who had cast a hard line during the campaign against the communists, this seemed like a pretty soft touch.

Then, in April 1961, Kennedy approved and was humiliated by one of the most disastrous military defeats in American history -- the failed attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro in the Bay of Pigs invasion. Several months after that, he was bullied by the Soviet premier, Nikita Khrushchev at their Vienna, Austria… read more

Research Proposal 6 Pages (1888 words) Sources: 3 Style: MLA Topic: Government / Politics

Politics of Estonia Foreign and Domestic Term Paper Paper Icon

Politics of Estonia: Foreign and Domestic

Brief Introduction/Overview.

Estonia is a small Baltic state with an area of roughly 45,228 sq km and a population of 1.3 million people. It is bordered on the south by Latvia, and to the East by the Russian Federation. It is a coastal country, with a Western shore to the Baltic Sea and a Northern shore to the Gulf of Finland. The country gained its independence in 1918, and became a representative democratic republic, with an official constitution adopted in 1920. In 1940 however, the country was occupied by the Soviet Union, and despite a subsequent Nazi occupation during the war, and a brief period of renewed sovereignty, the country was forcibly incorporated into the Soviet Union until 1991… read more

Term Paper 5 Pages (1718 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Government / Politics

Government Bureaucracy Term Paper Paper Icon

Government Bureaucracy

Personal Experience with Bureaucracy

When the average person hears the term bureaucracy, the typical image that is conjured up in the mind is probably that of smoke filled backrooms full of politically connected people whose only interest is the advancement of their own goals and objectives, or perhaps the endless backlog of paperwork which keeps progress from occurring. Whatever the case, by looking at a personal situation that resulted in a brush with bureaucracy, and comparing that experience with classic views of bureaucracy is quite interesting.

The personal experience with bureaucracy involves the payment of a personal income tax for the municipality in which I live. Where the complication came in was that surprisingly enough, I one day received a delinquent tax notice… read more

Term Paper 2 Pages (497 words) Sources: 1 Style: MLA Topic: Government / Politics

Political Parties and Democracy Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Each of the major parties has a significant opportunity that it will become the ruling party or the loyal opposition in parliament. There is no need for nor the possibility of formal/informal grand coalitions to dominate the system.

Once the party is in office, there are very few political and institutional hurdles to impede it. There are no institutional constraints on its power of the being the majority in parliament.

Interest groups therefore can exert pressure in a stable manner in parliament, government. Their influence is thus moderated by the pluralistic competition and also by the fact that the public policy is performed solely by compromise in public administration. There is no incorporation of interest. However, the presidential system has not been without its critics.… read more

Essay 7 Pages (2285 words) Sources: 20 Topic: Government / Politics

Comparing and Evaluating Chinese Politics in the Mao and Post Mao Era Research Proposal Paper Icon

Mao & Post-Mao Era

Chinese Politics in Mao and Post Mao Era

Chinese politics has been heavily dependent on ideology and the prevailing ideology is clearly manifested in the political leadership and subsequently in the economic and social policies implemented by the government. The rise of Mao as China Chief Executive during the post World War II and at the height of the Cold War reflects the leader's firm adherence to communist ideals. Said ideals are seen in the manner in which he shaped China's economy and society along the lines and character of communism.

Sodaro (2001) argued that China's political system is ruled by the communist party. The party is organized along Leninist lines similar to the Soviet's Bolshevik Party; the CCP resembles a… read more

Research Proposal 5 Pages (1400 words) Sources: 4 Style: MLA Topic: Government / Politics

Japanese Politics Term Paper Paper Icon

Japanese Politics Float

Under the Occupation (led by the United States), Japan underwent legislative changes that aimed to provide a more representative political system in the society. Through the Occupation Japanese political system was centered in the executive and legislative branches. Created in 1947, the previously known Imperial Diet became the National Diet; it was composed of two legislative bodies, which are the House of Representatives (Shugi-in) and House of Councillors (Sangi-in).

The National Diet became the sole holder of political power in Japan. The Emperor, like the monarchy in Britain, was retained but has little function and influence over the country's political affairs. As replacement to the Emperor, the Prime Minister assumed the premiere ruler's functions. Nevertheless, being a representative political system, the National… read more

Term Paper 6 Pages (1575 words) Sources: 0 Topic: Government / Politics

Politics of Rage: George Wallace Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] For example, he recounts the story of one black man in Greenwood who struggled to register to vote. "The first time he went, the registrar told him he had to know how many seeds were in a watermelon and how many bubbles in a bar of soap, questions of the sort that registrars often asked as a form of teasing Black applicants" (Payne 136). Payne eloquently shows the struggles of Black Americans for their freedom, and how difficult the struggle really was.

Each author uses complete and compelling evidence to illustrate his thesis and viewpoint. It is clear they both did meticulous research, and interviewed countless witnesses to the events as they happened in both books. They present both sides of their arguments decently, and… read more

Term Paper 3 Pages (1092 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Government / Politics

Nations and Nationalism Exist: Comparison Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] This is true most clearly in nations located in the Middle East. Language is held in the work of Laitin and Geertz to be of primary importance in the determination of a nation however, the national language is reported in the work of Hobsbawn to be a "pragmatic matter and still less a dispassionate one, as is show by the reluctance to recognize them as constructs, by historicizing, and inventing traditions for them." (1990) It is noted however, that language for some is viewed as the nation's soul and in some cases is a prerequisite for nationality.

Geertz writes that in new nation states that the new states

"are abnormally susceptible to serious disaffection based on primordial attachments. By a primordial attachment is meant one… read more

Essay 4 Pages (1187 words) Sources: 5 Topic: Government / Politics

New Media and Politics Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Access to internet is limited to rich and wealthy people in this part of the world but this scenario seems to be improving with the passage of time and with more awareness is being created amongst the people who have stood up for their rights (Trent, Friedenberg, Denton, & Jr., 2011). The presidential elections in Ghana mostly revolved around the two major parties and this is where surprising use of new and digital media was seen. Both the parties launched their websites to gain support of the people and to promote their agenda. This mode of communication was also used for the gathering of funds. This election campaign was not only limited to internet but it was also managed and monitored with the help of… read more

Essay 4 Pages (1314 words) Sources: 4 Topic: Government / Politics

Political Systems and Business Politics Play Term Paper Paper Icon

Political Systems and Business

Politics play an important role in providing an environment that is conducive for business to both foreign and domestic investors and the politically stable countries are more attractive to foreign investors. The governments of different countries employ different political systems which therefore becomes a major concern for any company or organization to consider before investing. Any international company that intends to venture into business should asses the political situation of the host country to verify whether the political climate is suitable for their operations.

Various aspects of politics such as the political unrest, government policies, corruption, change of regulation and other government actions should be considered. These factors have a direct impact on the operations of the foreign investors as they… read more

Term Paper 3 Pages (1014 words) Sources: 4 Topic: Government / Politics

Local Government Around the World Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] The judicial branch of the New York City is a bit more complicated as compared to most other judicial branches function in the United States of America. The head of the judicial system, like in all other regions of the country, is the state Supreme Court where all the Supreme Court judges are elected. Under the supreme court, there are separate civil courts, criminal courts and family courts, with each one of the three existing in each of the city's boroughs. The civil court handles the claim cases, the criminal courts handle cases they are of criminal nature such as felonies, and the family courts handles cases pertaining to family and children (Mauro & Benjamin, 1989).

The New York City government despite of being more… read more

Essay 8 Pages (2654 words) Sources: 6 Topic: Government / Politics

Majority and Minority Governments Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Francois and Hoyland stated, "Minority governments usually rely on the support of at least one other party to sustain the confidence of the legislature" (Francois and Hoyland 2009, 01).

One main reason behind this responsive attitude of minority governments is that they do not have any other option. As stated above, they also need approval of other parties for passing legislation. Therefore, whether they like it or not they have to take the views of MPS. Their case is very different from that of a majority government in which the elected members follow the rules of the party. Opposite to this case, minority governments are dependent on other parties and their votes.


The Mandate of the Auditor General of Canada defined accountability in the… read more

Research Paper 9 Pages (2376 words) Sources: 8 Topic: Government / Politics

Politics in India Essay Paper Icon

India's bureaucracy is considered one of the most corrupt and confusing of all developed countries.

The term 'civil service' first came into effect with Britain's designation of employees of the East India Company who were initially engaged in trading. In 1858 the British occupiers gave these civil servants full administrative authority under the Indian Civil Services.

When the 'Rule of the Crown' replaced that of the "Rule of Company Bahadur," a bureaucratic hierarchical structure was established in India with the secretary of State for India ruling from Britain. Beneath him was the Viceroy and Governor General of India, and just below him the Provincial governors. Just below them came the Governors / Chief Commissioners, and then the Collectors / magistrates (or Deputy Commissioners) followed by… read more

Essay 2 Pages (641 words) Sources: 1 Topic: Government / Politics

Citizen Trust in Local Government Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Piotrowski & Van Ryzin (2007) underscored that issues pertaining to governmental secrecy and open government have been subject of public debate. Citizen's interest in and demand for government vary in degree. They developed several indices to measure citizens' demand for transparency at the local level and explore its correlates. The study suggests that there are several dimensions to the public's demand for transparency including fiscal, safety, government concerns, and principled openness. They adduced that age, political ideology, confidence in government leaders, frequency of contacting government and the perception that that there is not enough access to government drives the publics demand for transparency. However, determinants differ for each dimension. The above named factors predict citizen's actual requests for government information.

Christensen and Laegreid (2005) focused… read more

Essay 3 Pages (1091 words) Sources: 10 Topic: Government / Politics

Outsourcing of Government Functions a US Study Term Paper Paper Icon

Government Outsourcing

The Outsourcing of Government Functions: a U.S. Study

Outsourcing of government functions is one of the most highly controversial practices of the 21st century. There are several prevailing positions regarding the outsourcing of government contracts to private companies. Valid arguments exist for increasing government outsourcing and for limiting future outsourcing as well. Regardless of which side one happens to be one, once thing is certain, outsourcing is a trend that is likely to continue in the future, particularly in the face of the global economy and advances in communication that make it easier than it was in the past.

By March of 2007, the number of government contractors rose to 7.5 million, which is currently four times the size of the federal workforce… read more

Term Paper 35 Pages (10988 words) Sources: 25 Style: MLA Topic: Government / Politics

Government That Have Been Employed Essay Paper Icon

[. . . .] Elections are a principle aspect of this type of government, as is the notion that the majority of the people will dictate what policies are set in a country. Groups that comprise the minority of a population will not have their needs met in a democracy.

A third type of government that has existed throughout history is that which is known as an aristocracy. There are some similarities between an aristocracy and a monarchy. The principle difference between these two forms of government is that an aristocracy consists of multiple persons, generally the politically elite in a society or its nobility, that have the power to set and implement decisions that influence public policy. In one respect an aristocracy addresses one of the central deficiencies… read more

Essay 2 Pages (666 words) Sources: 2 Topic: Government / Politics

Albert Einstein and Winston Churchill Research Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] In the 1920's, Einstein also took upon the construction of the unified field of theories, although he continued to work on the probabilistic interpretation of quantum theory, and he persevered with this work in America. He contributed to statistical mechanics by his development of the quantum theory of a monatomic gas and he has also accomplished valuable work in connection with atomic transition probabilities and relativistic cosmology (Paul. 1996).

Albert Einstein was a receiver of many honorary doctorate degrees in science, medicine and philosophy, from many recognized universities of Europe and America. The 1920's and 30's he gave many lectures in Europe, America and the Far East and was awarded fellowship and membership is almost all the universities he visited. He received awards for his… read more

Research Paper 13 Pages (3678 words) Sources: 12 Topic: Government / Politics

New Leaders of Iraq Term Paper Paper Icon

[. . . .] Question 2

What are the most important forces promoting and hindering democracy in the contemporary world? Choose 2-3 in both categories (aids and obstacles) and explain how they affect democracy. Focus on the causal mechanisms. Then tell me what the U.S. government and U.S. citizens can do to promote democracy around the world. Again, give 2-3 specific recommendations. Your recommendations should be related to the theories you discuss. In your conclusion tell me whether you think democracy will continue to spread or that more history awaits us. What factors do you think will prevail in the future?

The book The Global Resurgence of Democracy, by Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner was published in 1993 and thus focuses on the then-new Post-Cold War era's challenges… read more

Term Paper 4 Pages (1493 words) Sources: 1+ Topic: Government / Politics

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